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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I just don’t understand the Riders at all.

    I don’t understand their executives, their coaching staff, their players, their fans. None of it. All of this bullshit is self-inflicted but from listening to the fans, you’d think it’s some kind of league wide conspiracy to keep them from being the juggernaut they’re meant to be.

    Didn’t they voluntarily introduce some code of conduct that they continually fail to abide by? What other team has set themselves up for criticism by saying “we’re going to hold ourselves to a higher standard” then failing to come even close at every opportunity?

    This constant narrative the fan base tries to drive that “this would only happen to a Rider” when it comes to league discipline is also just ridiculous. I felt like wasting a bunch of time, so I looked up the history of fines and suspensions handed out for on-field incidents since 2019. Only did the regular season, since I don’t feel like skewing the stats in weeks where not all the teams play. 

    In 2019, there was one suspension handed out. To Simoni Lawrence. For a play against the Riders. 53 fines, Riders were only fined 4 times. Players were fined for plays made against the Riders a total of 6 times.

    In 2021, there were 46 fines handed out for on-field incidents. Riders were fined a total of 8 times, including Marino twice. Players were fined for plays made against the Riders a total of 6 times.

    In 2022 so far, 6 fines handed out (week 5 stuff comes out tomorrow) and the Riders have yet to be fined but players have been fined twice for plays made against the Riders.

    That’s a total of 105 fines, 12 for plays made against the Riders and 12 against the Riders. One suspension, for a hit laid on a Rider. 

    Where the hell is this league-wide conspiracy? That’s about as down the middle as can be.

    For this franchise to go completely silent other than a defense of an absolute piece of **** in Marino is really a sign of how tone-deaf they are and I’m sure all of their fans are going to lap it up and scream and whine about how the league is against them when Dinosaur Boyd or whatever that pylon’s name is only gets a fine for his hit on Robertson tomorrow. If any Rider fans are reading this right now, here’s what it boils down to: nobody is conspiring against you. There’s no bias, no leniency, no plot to hold you down. You guys are treated fairly by the league, your team and fan base are just hated because you preach this superior moral compass but at the end of the day, you’re all just a bunch of fake, hypocritical crybabies who don’t have a clue.


  2. 10 hours ago, Jesse said:

    Because they split the punishment into different crimes, it is not. He received a two game suspension for the hit.

    The fact that they were unwilling to raise the minimum suspension for a repeat offender (in only 12 games played) is baffling to me.

    Now that they've reinforced the precedent of two-games, are we going to see it again the next time he takes a player out for the season?

    Not to mention the one game suspension for making insults/comments about Masoli's heritage. "Diversity is Strength" my ass. 

    Unless something has changed, two games is the maximum allowable under the CBA. 

    44 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    omg, Craig. Just oblivious. 

    Incredible. Can’t believe he could be that stupid.

  3. I’m just going to say it to make sure it gets said, because he takes a lot of (needless) criticism on here. Props to Duke Williams for stepping up and speaking up about the Marino hit and publicly saying it’s not okay.

    I hate to say it because I’d rather the Riders just be an absolute tire fire, but that’s a good sign of leadership they’ve been missing for a while. Good for him.

  4. 2 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Fair enough Mike, but in a thread that has seen him compared to Doug Flutie, it's pretty safe to say that those trying to reign things in are correct too. The kid is going to have a long career. His arm is too good, and he see the field too well, providing of course that he stays healthy. However, he's going to come down to Earth too. It's his rookie season. He's not going to throw for 400 yards a game, and 4 TDs,  every week. He'll struggle at times. No rookie wouldn't. It is exciting to see him get off to a red hot start and show he has all the makings of a good CFL QB but let's be honest his chances of keeping it up over the course of a season are slim.  Defences will learn about him, and what gets him off his game, and he will have to learn his way through it. It's the same for any rookie QB. 

    Lol I’m the one agreeing with everything you’re saying 

  5. 1 hour ago, TBURGESS said:

    BC's looked crazy good so far. #1 offence and #1 defence.

    Rourke's numbers are off the charts. Teams have film on Rourke from last year, but he looks like a different QB this year. If he keeps this up, he's in Flutie territory.

    BC destroyed Edmonton who looked way better against both Calgary and Regina. BC also destroyed Toronto who barely beat Montreal.

    I'm looking forward to our game against them in a couple of weeks. It'll really show who is the best in the west.


    I think what Rourke is doing is awesome for him, for that team and for the CFL in general but I absolutely LOVE that you posted this because if it was a Bomber doing it, you’d undoubtedly be the only guy here going “whoa whoa whoa wait a minute guys 36% of his completions have come against below average defensive backs and I checked the weather reports for both games and it looks like the D had to play with the sun in their eyes and the other teams haven’t proven that they’re any good against teams that I personally have deemed to be considered proper competition so you’re all idiots for getting on the bandwagon so early, let’s just wait until he’s done it for 64 games in a row without fail and maybe then I’ll buy in”

  6. It really is crazy what lengths the Rider fan base will go to in order to justify their team’s performance. Nothing matters until they realize that they’re being headed by an average level QB playing behind a terrible OL and the team isn’t anywhere near disciplined enough.

    Those are the issues. That’s it. They’ve got solid players at a lot of spots - Duke, Leonard, Robertson, Marino, Sankey, Moncrief, etc etc but Fajardo isn’t a winner and the team around him isn’t going to make up for it by playing hard-nosed and disciplined ball. It’s a bunch of me me me out there and they’re never going to win a ring like that.

  7. Watched on TV tonight because of my work schedule and here’s what I would say:

    Thompson looks like he’s settling in at safety, starting to read the plays as they develop a little better and getting his confidence up

    Houston looked better than Rose and made a big play to set up that Willie TD. Then again he was also fortunate to see a couple drops from Dunbar. Then again (again) they threw Dunbar the ball roughly 37 times so I can understand one or two lost battles

    Rutledge is one of our best players on D, even as a veteran of three entire games

    Mack is going to get vilified for a few penalties but that call against him was borderline and he’s quickly becoming a solid member of our DL rotation

    Gray looked much better today, Dobson looked pretty rough in a few spots too. Kolankowski solid, I thought

    Good to see Bailey and Demski get involved - Bailey such a leader out there, happy to see him get his touches as well. Very well rounded group of receivers

    Liegghio confidence meter: 73% (up from 61%)

  8. 4 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    This ******* quote from Faj..... he is so much like Burris. He really thinks he's just the greatest thing. Reads all his own press clippings and is so proud of himself all the time....


    I’m starting to think Fajardo lives rent free in the minds of some of you guys lol

    that’s an absolutely nothing quote. If Collaros said that, we’d be happy to praise him for it

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