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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 14 minutes ago, Noeller said:


    Jesus Christ I made one comment about the guy talking about SJ Green and now my Twitter mentions are going insane.

    Bomber Twitter is a scary, scary place. 

    I’ll just say it here for @Zach Schnitzer so my Twitter notifications can stop … your friends are not the reason players drop passes. Your friends are supporters, loyal passionate ones at that. But yikes at this “this individual fan is basically our 13th man” stuff … that’s the kind of glue the Rider fans sniff. 

  2. I don’t personally have a problem with him sharing the content, we wouldn’t care if it was someone like Derek Taylor or Darrin Bauming so not sure why we’d be bothered about this.

    That being said, I tried and I just can’t really get into the fan podcasts or community. I’m just personally not big on the majority of the social media following our fanbase seems to have these days. I read Bomber Twitter sometimes and it’s just really not for me … between the guy who is tweeting about being the reason SJ Green dropped a game winning TD, the dude who thinks he’s Willie Jefferson’s best friend or even the dude who was on this podcast going on and on about his costume … I don’t know man.

  3. 8 hours ago, BBlink said:

    I don't think that's how that works. There's roster makeup rules and there's starting rules. DIs are related to the starting rules in that they can come in for any starting American. If you are starting an extra Canadian then they could theoretically come in for them too (would essentially just mean that the American started in the first place) 

    There is a hard cap of how many Americans can be on the roster period (I think 20). Tho you can have less.

    The DI isn't really an official construct. It just stems from the fact that if you have 23 starting positions (minus the QB) and only 16 can be American then, then there are 4 leftover Americans that aren't starting (DI) 

    Sorry if you already know this and I misinterpreted what you said. This was mostly an exercise for me

    I also apologize if I'm dead set wrong. Can be confusing

    TL;DR Ricky Walker would have to be among the 20 American players on the roster, regardless of who is starting.

    Think of it this way - they could just easily name Ricky Walker the starter at DT and it’s all the same. The roster rules are too convoluted but if we “start” 8 Canadians, that leaves us 5 leftover Americans to substitute.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    With our 48 DB’s dressed for Tuesdays game im confident in Walters and co to atleast find a suitable replacement!

    I’ve heard there’s lots of internal hype about Rutledge

    12 minutes ago, Noeller said:


    Some really great stuff from Our Man Tait in here, including details on the SAM spot, starting Rec corps and more....worth your click, as always! 

    Glad it seems like we are trending away from the Janarion in the starting receivers idea. Excited to see Schoen.

    Wonder who ends up staying between TJ Simmons, the Jackson’s and Tavaris Harrison. Simmons was a guy I was really excited about pre-camp who I haven’t heard much about, Blake/Lucky both seem solid and just stuck behind a deep group and … don’t really know much about Harrison except he can’t handle a little cold but I think it’s great that we seem to have some legit options. I’d personally love to see us move on from a guy like McKnight who has just completely underwhelmed me the entire time he’s been here, but I get he’s also hurt now. Agudosi still in the mix as well and I feel like he’s going to be a problem for defenses if he ever gets in a game.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    Maston is the better player, and it’s tough to say how things were prioritized. Maybe there was no other suitors for Maston because of his injury so it was easier to negotiate a contract. Either way hard to blame Bombers management. Injuries are unfortunately part of the game. 

    Very possible, just seems interesting. If we do end up missing on a replacement, Darby will be missed. 

  6. 4 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Just ignore 17to85. He was all in on Joe Mack’a kool-aid and the whole “IMWT” nonsense so has always blamed LaPo for that regime’s failure to salvage his credibility for backing a loser.  Speed I’m not sure, but seems to be mad at something every now and again. And Booch knows a guy. Brandon always loved the back-up so Nichols was his target. And both had their strong points and their flaws. Love them, hate them, who cares? We will always have the 2019 Grey Cup championship that they were both a part of, whatever credit you want to give them or not. Time to move on to new discussions. 

    Do me next 

  7. 3 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Back-to-back Grey Cups, record breaking defence, top ranked offence, and some here need to re-hash their 90th re-telling of the same tired 4 year old narrative of which of our Cup winning offensive personnel was the most useless and the cause of all of our championship-level misery. How about we just enjoy the rings and start a fresh take on Ambrosie’s scarves?

    I swear, this board some days. 

    Ok but how do you feel about that blown INT in the 2007 Grey Cup? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    I'm stoked to see what our 1s look like in practice next week. Zero concerns about the O, but the D has holes I'm still not sure who fills em.... Rose, BA and Maston... There's options, but I'm really curious who the coaches decide to go with in those spots. 

    Pretty sure it’s going to be Hallett for BA, Rutledge for Maston and one of Rene/Parker for Rose

  9. 1 minute ago, wbbfan said:

    I think grant is under rated in his receiving skills. But not polished or a guy you want in every snap. 
     Similarly though schoen has picked things up at an incredible pace especially with his lacks of games since college it’s best not to expect him to start and play 18 regular season games worth of reps plus post season. I think a platoon between those two would be great. 

    it’s funny our established guys aren’t deep threats but our rooks mostly are. Especially the guys on the bubble right now. 

    starting and extra imp at wr in wolis place wouldn’t help any thing unless they whole sale change that role in the offense. We have the imp depth to go 4 imp though. The imp rbs looked good too. 

    im hoping borsa makes the game day and gets some flex plays like demski. 

    They’re gonna have to expand Woli’s role with the new hashmarks or it’s a real waste.


  10. 2 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    I’m going to be sad to see the Wrs that get cut. I can’t imagine they can keep all the good ones. Despite the lack of starters in the pre season some guys like nunn still didn’t seem to get a good look.

    Id like to see agudosoi Blake Jackson muckelvene whop schoen and Simmons stick around. Even at that nunn lucky and harrison could all be deserving of looks from another team or coming back to next years camp. 

    if the starters break down to Bailey ellingson woli and demski with grant and schoen rotating one starter one di that’s still 5 guys. I can’t see that many on the pr. Maybe some mysterious injuries take place though. As is I’m expecting McKnight to go to the ir. 

    I’m not a big Janarion Grant in the offense supporter, personally. Would rather see us use a guy like Schoen, but I completely understand the concern that it maybe leaves us without a guy who can take the top off a D since between Ellingson, Schoen and Bailey there isn’t really a burner in the bunch.

    If it were up to me, I honestly just think I’d go four American receivers. We already have seven Canadians at RB, 3 OL, SB, DT and S … wouldn’t mind seeing a unit of Nic/Bailey/Ellingson/Schoen/Whop to start the year. Knowing the Bombers though, there’s almost no way that’s their plan so I’m curious to see how their O looks. If the plan is to use Janarion to stretch the field, I don’t love it.


  11. 12 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    What this game showed me is that we really need to consider bringing in a veteran qb who can actually give us a chance to win if Collaros goes down. Not folding our  our tent & going home as the season is finished. With Brown & Prukop the season would be over. 

    Why did you write this and then bring up the idea of finding a rookie when someone questioned you on who these veteran QBs are?

    The CFL is so QB poor right now it’s unbelievable. There are no veteran QB safety nets waiting to be picked up, hell there aren’t any period. Even Streveler, who gets treated like a potential saviour, can’t throw the ball well enough to do anything other than be a change-of-pace look. His value is as a complimentary piece, not a focal point.

    Ottawa, Edmonton, BC, Winnipeg, Saskatchewan, Calgary, Toronto, Hamilton are literally all going with young backups. Trevor Harris is the only guy who fits this criteria you want and he’s not available.

    so again … WHO? And don’t babble on about USFL rookies and such. 

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