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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 3 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    So who are people looking forward to specifically watching tonight? I want to see how Prokop and Brown function at QB, how Janarion Grant performs as a receiver, how Tyrell Ford looks at DB. Also want to see if Mourtada has corrected his aim with the hash mark change. Other than that just waiting to see what diamonds in the rough the scouts have uncovered. 

    Schoen … also want to see a few under the radar guys like Philyor and Hannibal

    Rutledge seems earmarked to be our SAM so I’ve got some curiosity about him.

    Mourtada is a big one and then I guess I’d like to see the QB battle.

  2. 2 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Absolutely.  But the changes they are proposing hurt American rookies and their opportunity to make it on the roster in the regular season.  They favour teams keeping veteran Americans who then can be utilized in protected roster spots.  

    The leagues stated goal is to improve consistency on rosters they lost by going down to one year contracts and grow revenue by developing the relationship between teams and their fanbases.

    Hence why I don’t really think they’re going about it the right way. At all. Agree completely with what you said.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    You know Booch, you've been taking all off-season how our team is as good or better than last season - hyping up Grey and Dobson, previously on the Eli train and saying we could bring him back, promising that we have cap room if Deslaurias sneaks loose.

    But now suddenly Canadian depth hurts the team and is going to get our QB killed if we have an injury to a Canadian.

    You can't have it both ways, the Canadians can play or they can't.

    The best players go to the US, The next tier that comes to Canada comes here and starts and has success if they have the ability. The guys we are talking about this affecting is on the back half of the roster and Woli vs. McKnight wouldn't move anyone's needle.

    While I generally agree with the premise of what you’re saying, it’s not as simple as Wolitarsky vs McKnight or a comparison such as that one.

    There are players right now in every single training camp who are probably cut out to be stars in this league but are going to get cut because they’re fighting for a spot earmarked for a Canadian and they either don’t get enough reps, can’t afford to sit on a practice roster to develop, just don’t fit the makeup of the roster, etc.

    There are players sitting at home right now in the US who got offered contracts but opted to not come up here because they know there’s (for example) only one American spot available between 20 recruits at receiver and the odds aren’t worth dropping what they’ve got going on in their life.

    Those are the situations the league thinks they can improve by reducing the ratio. Whether or not I agree is one thing, but that’s more in line with their theory.  

  4. 5 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    We will have to agree to disagree. I don't think the players asking for more is a problem. You can say the leverage is in favour of the league, but there are 2 leagues down south that could very much benefit form an influx of CFL players. The owners just as much as the players, can not afford a strike. The players have somewhere else to go. The owners dont.

    Naylor reporting the league wants to reduce the ratio because they believe it will increase the level of play. Which is just an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. 

    How many owners do you think would be happy to walk away from ownership tomorrow 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Too much of what? I agree on the PA mishandling the voting aspect. But without the details none of us can actually say what the players want is dumb, because we don't actually know. And pretending like the league is some how being upfront with the fans on the negotiations is ridiculous. The league will always blame the players for no deal getting done.

    Too much of an ask. I’m not commenting on fair or not fair, I’m just saying the PA has extended their demands too far to be taken seriously at this point.

    Do I think it was a deal they should’ve voted in originally? Absolutely. But I don’t have a vote and that’s not up to me. I’m in a union myself and I do respect everyone’s right to choose based on what they prioritize. But to think they can go back to the bargaining table and ask for MORE when the CFL is just going to turn around and say why should we offer more when you can’t even get a proper voter turnout? It’s just poor bargaining work, which is why I say they’re very clearly out of their depths with this.

    The NFL had poor turnout but the CBA got voted in (barely) and that’s a huge difference. There’s no swing in leverage there. Now that it’s been voted down, the first question the league is going to ask at the bargaining table is “why was the deal good enough then but not good enough now?” and they’ll point to the poor turnout and argue that with a better turnout it would’ve passed. The tough part is that as they do it, they’re also likely right. It’s a huge swing in leverage in favour of the league, especially paired with the fan optics trending in their direction all of a sudden as well.



  6. 5 minutes ago, Blueandgold said:

    20% of NFL players didn’t vote on the last CBA was which very controversial. What % of players do you expect to vote? 70-80% seems to be an average turnout. 

    Then it’s a misread by the bargaining committee. It’s become fairly obvious by all the news being leaked that they needed the American voter turnout to get the deal passed and they didn’t do what they needed to do to get that turnout.

    I’d also argue the NFL and CFL vote is like apples and oranges because the NFL doesn’t have the passport dynamics that we have up here.

  7. Just now, Bigblue204 said:

    You're the one making claims. Calling people stupid. etc etc. You must know what they want

    Yeah. I do know what they want. Too much.

    They “held strong” long enough to get a proposal that ticked off the top six financial items on their wish list, put it to a vote and clearly did not explain the importance of actually bothering to vote to their membership.

    They then turned around and went back to the league after a rejected proposal and said “make it better.”

    You think it was the PA that leaked the poor voter numbers? It absolutely wasn’t, it was 100% the league and they did it because they know there’s absolutely no reason to improve an offer for an uninvested membership. The offer the PA ends up eventually pushing through (if it happens) isn’t going to be the best offer, it’s going to be the offer they accept because the paycheques are going to be missing and the players are going to want to play. 30% of the Americans clearly don’t care about the Canadian labour issues, but they’re going to care about an empty bank account. 

    The PA completely blew this whole thing. They’re out of their league.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Booch said:

    agreed.....they didnt have a ratio reduction in the first tentative agreement, and now they basically seem to be getting one, and the CFL is standing hard on it...and don't blame them either....u cant reject something, and ask for more, or something different and not expect to have to give something back.....I dont blame th CFLPA bargaining committee...I balme it on either a) a total lack of communication or b) a cancerous core of players who felt slighted and orchestrated a "no" vote.....and I lean toward more of option B just from experience and what I know....Simoni Lawrence is a yapper and generally a mouthpiece and overall doucher....but there is a lot of merit to what he tweeted...whether people in media and on teams refute it....maybe they can suck up their pride a re-vote on the original...as it was the best they were gonna get

    They won’t get the original offer again.

  9. That video was going viral in a big way, I saw it multiple times before the news came out that it was a CFL player.


    Honestly though, unless something else comes out, good for Langley. He apparently used a wheelchair to roll his luggage to the drop off instead of a $5 cart which while … weird, is not worth the employee trying to pick a fight over it.

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