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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 57 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    The PA might want to consider having a more representative bargaining committee in the future.  Having a bunch of American players leading the way with the administrators probably led to this.  Don't want to go to members with a deal you expect to be ratified and have it voted down.

    The bargaining committee was majority Canadian 

  2. 3 hours ago, Noeller said:

    The only thing I want in life is to be able to drop my boat in the water every night after supper in the summer. To be within an hour of the greatest walleye fishing on earth 12 months of the year. To be around Jets fans and Bombers fans all the time. To be able to drive into the Canadian Shield any time I want. Some of the best breweries and taprooms in western Canada. (okay AB is pretty good for that too). 

    Sorry for getting on a tangent, but I am insanely passionate about Manitoba (Winnipeg as a byproduct, even though I'm rural MB to the core) and anytime I see/hear people shitting on the province, I get really riled up. 

    My wife, who is born and raised in Calgary, her whole family is from Manitoba. Mom born and raised in Brandon, dad a farmer from Sandy Lake. Her mom is in a care home with MS and she's the only child so we're the caregivers. We sincerely hope she lives forever, obviously, but being realistic, we regularly plan for our future once we're no longer caregivers. And that future is Manitoba.... Eventually. 

    I absolutely love Manitoba so I’m with you on that. Just bought a cabin last fall (in Ontario, but still) because my wife and I have fallen in love with the life that rural MB can offer.


    my gripe is solely with Winnipeg lol 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I could write a thesis on Edmonton vs Winnipeg. I love Edmonton.... Because it is so much like Winnipeg. It's Winnipeg if Winnipeg had oil money. 

    I ******* LOVE Winnipeg and think it's the most underrated city in Canada. The second my life changes to the point where my wife and I are able to leave AB, I'm on my way... 

    I mean I love Winnipeg too, but I don’t think I would if I was from somewhere else. Awful weather, deplorable conditions downtown, a generally filthy city, roads that are typically made up of at least 53% pothole, constant construction ruining any ability (that’s already so incredibly hampered) to get from point A to point B in a reasonable timeframe, an incredibly neglected homeless population, constant murder …

    I love it because it’s our dump, but I would definitely not hesitate to call Winnipeg a dump.

    45 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Is Edmonton really better though? Its not like he's in Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal.

    Commonwealth seems like it’s basically in Edmonton’s version of skid row so I did find his comments surprising 

  4. 35 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Lawler took a shot at Winnipeg saying he likes Edmonton because it's "more scenic" & it's a lot bigger. There's more to do, he says. I'd think that since our teams made him who he is & the fans loved him here that he could have kept his mouth shut & not make going to Edmonton a personal thing. Any outsider who says negative things about My City is fighting words. 

    i mean he's not wrong, Winnipeg is a dump lol

  5. 25 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    I wish you would stop making comments like this... yes he made a selfish decision and some people will never forgive him for it... but don't call the guy an idiot just because he made a different decision than you... you could have made exactly the same point (more effectively, in my opinion) while eliminating your first statement.

    100 percent agree … getting tired of the stuff like this and the “Walmart greeter” commentary as well.

    It’s not 1937 anymore Iso, time to grow up a bit.

  6. 4 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Then he needs to STHU & know his role which seems to be butterflies flying & little birds chirping by a beautiful mountain stream on a warm, sunny day. Singing. "All You Need Is Love" while wearing a great scarf. Cum by ya. 

    No, he wrote the letter. He's the face of the league. People listen to what he says. He deliberately muddied the water to confuse the issue. And to make the offer look a lot better than it is. He's as involved as the BOG's. 

    Are you ever gonna calm down in your old age 😂

  7. Just now, Noeller said:

    quiet you...I'm gonna get DMs because of this!  Ha ha ha ha. I think the biggest thing is that there just isn't much to talk about during mini camp. Ed's had some nice features and his daily run downs. Hopefully once main camp opens, there'll be more to report on. 

    It's nothing against Ed whatsoever, he's great. It's just that I remember the days when he didn't work for the club and we used to get a less "measured" report out of him and then we also had DB, Irving and a couple other guys pitching in with their observations while Paul Friesen sat around suntanning and pretending to look deep in thought under his floppy sun hat.

    The Bombers reports are definitely more of the "this is what we want you to know about" variety and that's great, but I miss the seasons past when we used to hear about everything under the sun minus the playbook coming from our camp reporters.

    Just now, Jesse said:


    I was just baout to say, with such a veteran team, what percentage of these guys practicing today make the roster?

    How much resources should media commit to early cuts?

    I'm going to throw out an early prediction and say 9.

  8. interesting that Hammonds showed up on the suspended list considering we signed him so early before camp.

    Would assume it's more of a passport issue thing and less of a "I got cold feet thirty seconds later" type thing but I guess we'll see.

    Good to see TC coverage has been as miserable as ever again this year.

    1 minute ago, Mike said:

    interesting that Hammonds showed up on the suspended list considering we signed him so early before camp.

    Would assume it's more of a passport issue thing and less of a "I got cold feet thirty seconds later" type thing but I guess we'll see.

    Good to see TC coverage has been as miserable as ever again this year.

    *late* before camp. Whoops.

  9. I'd think somebody like Greg Battle or Joe Poplawski goes in next, probably Cal Murphy too.

    Current Bombers that go in once they're no longer here: Mike O'Shea is at the top of that list without a doubt. Might actually be the only Bomber I'd currently put in there too.

    Bryant would be the other name I'd consider - Willie/Bighill/Collaros haven't been around long enough YET.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I'll never forget his 1st game as a bomber. Looked like an absolute monster out there

    I remember telling my dad on the way to that game, for absolutely no reason at all, that Greg Carr was the next great Bomber receiver. Then he had like 2 catches for 150 yards and 2 touchdowns at half before his leg exploded and he missed the rest of the game and I thought I was a genius.

    I think 21 year old me just kept hoping we were going to find the next Milt Stegall, I even had a Jeffers-Harris jersey. 😆

  11. 42 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Just a bit of a tweener size wise would be my guess. A little bit underweight for DE in the show, and a little bit too big for rush LBer. 

    Willie easily fits in the NFL but when you’re buddies with Josh Gordon and you don’t have the undisputed, undeniable talent that JG has, the NFL looks to the guys with as much talent who aren’t going to give you behavioural issues.

    I think Willie had the talent to make it as a tight end in the NFL but his college attitude problems were just too much to ignore at the time.

  12. 42 minutes ago, wbbfan said:


    Don't agree much with this assessment. I get why he put us at the bottom, though I dont agree. I think this was an excellent draft crop for what was available, what picks we had and worked very well with what we needed. 

    Tors rank is the worst on the list imo. They killed it. 

    JC Abbott writes like a guy who enjoys the smell of his own farts

  13. 54 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I laughed right out loud at such an incredibly dumb tweet. And Derek Dennis says "no Canadians unless it's Drake".... Get lost. Non Canadian and Hip Hop?? Sorry, but you're in Canada.... No part of that flies. 

    What a weird comment lol millions upon millions of Canadians love hip-hop music, we don’t need a bunch of old fogies who like to polka deciding what the theme song for a league trying to build a younger fanbase is

  14. 1 minute ago, Noeller said:

    Two picks and no OL from the Bombers... I'm honestly stunned. Based on the trades and what not I wonder if all the OL are just ****. 

    Legit the only thing that suggested we would take one is history. There’s not a real need and there’s not a deep class whatsoever.

    I can’t say I know this to be true but apparently next year’s class is a lot deeper with OL.

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