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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 4 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I feel like we're witnessing the beginning of the end of our memorable run. Was too good to be true.... Now things start to tumble. 

    This is laughable. Come on man.

    I’m a huge Andrew Harris guy. Turned this whole franchise around for us. Ring of Honour, Hall of Fame, statue out front of IGF, do it all for the guy. He deserves that and so much more.

    He’s also more or less finished. He’s at the end of a great career. Does he have something left in the tank? I don’t doubt it for a second, but there’s a reason the great teams are the teams that are a year early on these decisions instead of a year late. Harris is going to be 35 at the start of camp, he could barely practice last year, he’s becoming progressively more and more beat up and he can’t really be a full time back anymore. Had a hell of a run in the playoffs after taking a huge chunk of the year off and having a year off before that to heal up. How is it going to work for him when he doesn’t have the benefit of those variables?

    I hope we find a way to keep him, but he’s not the pulse of this offence anymore. He didn’t suit up for us for more than 4 games in a row last year. His playoff run was extraordinary, but let’s be honest with what it was. Those are conditions where you have to pound the rock and Hamilton/Saskatchewan were both missing good pieces of their run stopping D. He was coming off a ton of rest. That can’t be a long term solution for us and we have to look to keep this team together in ways where it leads to sustainable success. A 35 year old running back who probably doesn’t want to take the pay cut we’d need him to take may just not be an answer for us.


  2. 2 hours ago, Geebrr said:

    I can see why you would think so but I don't see it that way. 

    JA plays teams very well he isn't just sitting on the sidelines waiting for reps. He got a reasonable pay bump to stay somewhere he loves playing. 

    Brady O will get a pay bump, but he doesn't have the resume just yet to go demanding big starter money. Hometown, he loves it here, he has a lot going on here outside football. Can't see him leaving. I see him signing a 2 year deal

    I think Harris is going to be one of the last signed but he is coming back. 

    There is only one ball, but  they may be looking for ways to get all 3 more involved. They are all on the game day roster anyway. 


    It’s inefficient spending to bring back all three, if you ask me. Unless Harris takes a HUGE shave.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Booch said:

    Maybe Lawler is cut of same cloth as others..stays for less..pads it with playoff money...culture and brotherhood

    That being said...that offer also disappears if he doesn't  accept it before window for it closes... especially if he still waiting on the NFL...and I doubt as free agency really kicks in BC will be holding that money just in case...I have my doubts he leaves to be honest...we won't match...I doubt we even top out at 200k...but we will have options either way....I bet in this environment a Derrel Walker would flourish and be that top 3 in league receiver again...and I bet he on our radar and could be had for Begelton/Burnham money....I'd also take a stab at Marketh Ambles too...be an excellent complimentary piece...same with Josh Huff....we have a lot of cap friendly options if Lawler prices himself out...Sign Bailey...and Woli..Demski...Walker and say and Ambles or Huff wouldn't hurt u one bit..or even Weineke in place of one of those 3....I also curious as to what Jackson and Argula bring to table..

    Who is Argula

    If we don’t keep Lawler (which I don’t expect us to), I hope we get Weineke or Acklin. 

  4. People around the CFL really just have no grasp of the salary cap. At all. 

    Especially when it comes to positions like the OL. “How can the Bombers keep Couture?!”, meanwhile he’s not even being paid like a top 2 center in the league.

    They also seem to think every single guy league wide gets a huge raise, as if every veteran out there played for league minimum last year or something.

  5. 2 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    They want to look at everything. My ideas:

    3 downs.

    Same number of guaranteed Canadian starting spots.

    X Americans, Y Canadians, Z Globals. QB's don't have special rules. Canadian QB's are Canadians, roster as many or as few as you want. QB's can play any position and more than one can be on the field at the same time.

    Eliminate the 3 or 4 year Americans who become pseudo-Canadian backups.

    Minimum 2 year contracts, not guaranteed.

    NFL window from day after GC to January 15th. CFL retains players rights if they come back from the NFL for the contract length.

    SMS goes down to current low limit. No change to bonuses. 

    16 game season. Every team plays every other team twice. (Lower SMS = less games)

    Longer than 4 hour work days.

    More contact practices.

    Single division. No east/west. No cross-over. The top 4 teams get home playoff games.

    No waiting for both teams to make changes before starting the play clock, unless there is an injury, set the ball, whistle time in.

    Eliminate triple headers by playing on Thursday thru Sunday until NFL starts, then Thursday thru Saturday with a double header on Saturday.

    Grey Cup on the same week as Remembrance day every year.

    Saturday playoff games.

    Sunday Grey Cup.

    This all sounds good until you realize there’s absolute nothing gained by the players in this proposal 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Our FA's. Gulp:


    Zach Collaros (A)
    Sean McGuire (A

    Running Back

    Johnny Augustine (N)
    Andrew Harris (N)
    Mike Miller (N)
    Brady Oliveira (N)


    Darvin Adams (A)
    Rasheed Bailey (A)
    Nic Demski (N)
    Janarion Grant (A)
    Kenny Lawler (A)
    Mekale McKay (A)
    Drew Wolitarsky (N)

    Offensive Line

    Stanley Bryant (A)
    Michael Couture (N)
    Drew Desjarlais (N)
    Tui Eli (N)
    Geoff Gray (N)
    Jermarcus Hardrick (A)
    Chris Kolankowski (N)
    Patrick Neufeld (N)

    Defensive Line

    Tobi Antigha (A)
    Connor Griffiths (N)
    Thiadric Hansen (G)
    Jackson Jeffcoat (A)
    Willie Jefferson (A)
    Jonathan Kongbo (N)
    Steven Richardson (A)
    Ezekiel Rose (A)
    Jake Thomas (N)


    Adam Bighill (A)
    Jesse Briggs (N)
    Shayne Gauthier (N)

    Defensive Back

    Brandon Alexander (A)
    Alden Darby (A)
    Nick Hallett (N)
    Josh Johnson (A)
    Mike Jones (A)
    Mercy Maston (A)
    Winston Rose (A)
    Nick Taylor (A)


    Sergio Castillo (A)
    Tyler Crapigna (N)

    Long snapper

    Mike Benson (N)


    That’s it? 

  7. It’s fun to reminisce

    I think I started posting on OB when I was … 13? Crazy to think how it shapes your life.

    I’m 32 now, married to a former Bomber cheerleader I only ever met because of the Bombers. We had mutual friends and were all gathering for a lake weekend 9 years ago. My obsession with the Bombers meant I was the guy not driving out to Kenora until after the Friday night home game, she was the girl who had never been there before and didn’t want to make the drive out after the game alone through the night. We bought a house together less than a year and a half later.

    I made friends with a poster on OB after asking questions about the Labour Day bus tours. 11 years later, we’ve gone to every single one since together. We’ve gone on trips to Florida, Arizona, Minnesota, countless trips to Fargo and I could go on and on. We crashed at our friends house together to be there in the stands to see the Grey Cup win in Calgary. He was one of my groomsmen on my wedding day. We crush beers almost every weekend. Not only that - he’s also married now and met his wife on OB.

    Who knew becoming obsessed with getting into arguments with Morris Bay at the age of 15 would have such an impact on the rest of my life.

    Where the hell is SPuDS


  8. I may be reading the transactions page wrong, but it looks like we don’t have many guys who are under contract next year. Is the option year still a thing? If it is, it looks like we exercised our option on Nichols, Demski, Wilson, Alford, Liegghio and a handful of others today. If it’s not and that’s all we have under contract for 2022 well then my god we are in trouble lol 

    Also worth mentioning because I saw someone mention Mourtada hasn’t been cut yet: he’s not under contract, he ended the year on the PR.

    Also worth mentioning: we apparently signed a DB named Marwin Evans today. 


  9. 9 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    This year's team reminds me of the great teams of the 80's. Expect them to win every time they play no matter if it's at home or not. We kept most of our '19 team while other teams had to re-tool, which helped us get wins early on. Good teams are built from the lines out and we have the best O and D lines. That's where we were better than the rest of the league. Collaros gave us the kind of QB'ing we haven't seen in decades and the defence shut teams down completely and consistently.

    On the other hand, the level of competition this year was really poor compared to the 80's. We didn't play team that made the post season for almost 2 months which juiced our stats. Ottawa, BC, and Edmonton were all free spaces on the bingo card. Calgary, Hamilton and Montreal were too, for the first half of the year. Toronto and Regina were better than the rest and we were better than them.

    Yeah that 0-0 record against Ottawa this year really set the tone for us.


  10. 7 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    I sadly agree on Alford getting an NFL shot. Not sure why @Mikethinks Jeffcoat is gone. Hoping Bryant + Harris+Collaros do another year. Suspect most of the guys want the shot at Back to Back to Back and building a dynasty like the Lakers (as Jefferson said).

    Don’t really think it’s Jeffcoat per se, I just think that’s where we could probably lose a big piece and absorb it the best (with Kongbo) but I just think it’s realistic to expect we lose somebody 

  11. I’ve also started to mentally prepare myself for the remote possibility Collaros walks away from football.

    I don’t expect it but it wouldn’t shock me. The guy looked so beaten and finished when he was in a rough situation, I wouldn’t be surprised if he decides he wants to just go out on top. It may be further in the rear view mirror than it once was, but the reality is he still could be a hit away from a rough life after football. Man do I ever want him back though.

  12. I think our best case scenario is Alford gone, Jeffcoat gone. Don’t think we can avoid a scenario where we don’t lose at least that caliber of talent. Alford, NFL. Jeffcoat, CFL.

    Goveia would be a great fit in Ottawa so maybe he goes too.

    Expecting Harris retires, thinking Big Stan may as well but he’s so durable that maybe he’s got some mileage left on him. I’m more convinced than I was before that Bighill will play next year as well.

    Willie, Alexander, Rose all seem like Bombers for life on D. Same with Darvin (if we want him), Bailey and the boys on the OL. 


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