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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I’m not sure if the video posted here is the entirety of what’s available online.

    Cant link it off my phone but there’s a video on Twitter that shows the whole thing and Murphy put his hands on a female Ticat fan (no clue what she was doing there), then took a swing at a male fan who said something to him, called him a homophobic slur and exchanged a few more blows with him.

    how to lose your job in 25 seconds

  2. Just now, Bomber_fanaddict said:

    Nor would I. ZC had a better completion rating but the 3 ints were killer. One you can pin on Demski the other two were under thrown (into the wind) and just a bad bad decision. I feel CF played a safe game and didn’t really try to push the ball down field after tossing 4 ints of his own last week.  He did enough to win that game imo but their D couldn’t stop our run game. 

    I don’t think CF played amazing by any stretch and his yardage numbers are definitely inflated by that BS catch ruling at the end but it’s fair to say that if not for our defence, Zach has a large part in playing us out of the game before the first half is even over.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Bomber_fanaddict said:

    I really wish I had! My phone was in my pocket under three layers and I didn’t want to take my gloves off lol. I’m sure someone out there has video of it!!

    Who cares if it’s on video, Rider Nation will just claim deep fakes anyways.

    Haven’t you heard them going on and on about “Android” Harris as if their best D Lineman didn’t just get suspended for literally the exact same thing? I’m surprised they’ve been smart enough to keep Lawler’s name out their mouth. 

    These are literally the same fans that were suggesting they take out Collaros and pay the 15 yard price tag a week ago and now crying into their sister’s cleavage about how Alexander hit Fajardo. 

    These are the same fans that were screaming for an investigation after the Banjo Bowl because there were murmurs of some bottom of the pile cheap shots by the Bombers with nothing on camera to support it.

    They play by their own rules and honestly, whatever. It looks good on them. I feel for the few good ones in that fan base, because they do exist, but dummies like Stronson and Pappcam and RDavidson over at that hellhole make it so easy to hate them. Throw in a bunch of morons like Marshall, Duke, Gainey, Maas, Marino and a sensitive little crybaby like Cody Fajardo and you’ve got all the makings of one easily hateable franchise. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    I dunno if he deserved more... this is a habit with fajardo, goes down to slide really late all the time. Leaves himself open to those shots doing it. 15 yard penalty but I don't think it's a terribly dirty play. Safety coming downhill and qb waits until the last second to bail out. 

    I never like these hits and given the variables, which include our QB having a history with the kind of injuries these hits can cause, I’d genuinely like to see them given a steeper punishment than 15 yards.

    That being said, you’re right. CF is a known late slider. Did you see that Pitt QB fake a slide over the weekend then run it to the house? 

  5. 4 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    If anyone ever say anything bad about Rasheed Bailey again... automatic BAN!  😂

    I was a big time Bailey detractor early on in the year. Thought he was a run of the mill just another guy, but I want him to be a Bomber for life.

    His heart and leadership are incredible and he’s turned into one hell of a tough receiver as well.

  6. I’m glad CF wasn’t hurt either and let’s call it what it is - a dirty play by Alexander. Deserved the 15 yards and maybe then some.

    That being said, the Riders don’t have to look too far to find guys that do the exact same kind of stuff. Makana Henry (and before I say this, I’m just going to shout the guy out because from everything I’ve read about him off the field, he’s turned his life around and seems to have a major impact in his community which is awesome) is still a piece of trash on the field, Garrett Marino is one of the dirtier guys in the league, Nick Marshall is no different and Duke is … Duke.

    The Riders want to whine and cry about all the missteps the Bombers take in a game, cry me a river. That stuff goes both ways.

  7. 7 minutes ago, greenrider55 said:

    It’s unfortunate that Williams does the dumb shite he does as he is extremely talented. 

    Agreed. Not a guy I’d want on my team anymore, personally. Was hoping the NFL experience would have humbled him (especially since he was told more than once to knock that stuff off down there) but obviously it had the opposite effect. 

    Ultra talented, ultra dumb though sadly.

  8. Either way the CFL looks like an absolute joke with this.

    This is a slap in the face to Ja’gared Davis, to Kenny Stafford, to Brendan Labatte, to any other players who have sacrificed because of these rules and to literally every other team in the CFL.

    The rules to begin with were stupid. There’s no disputing that. The idea that MBT can’t go to a Raptors game but Willie Jefferson can do promotional appearances at a car dealership is a bad one. But they’re still the rules. To change them now is embarrassing and honestly, as much as Arash gets annoying sometimes with his constantly negative stance towards Ambrosie, he’s not far off the mark. Ambrosie is an absolute joke of a commissioner, easily the worst professional sports commissioner of my lifetime and the league will be better off once he’s gone. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    He was taken away for "breaching the peace".

    He said it himself. 


    He was detained for breaching the peace. There’s a very important difference.

    Being detained for breaching the peace is legal speak for you’re being a pain in the ass and going to the drunk tank until you relax and we sort everything out.

    Never once said he was detained for “questioning” or whatever, he obviously did something but he was never arrested and never charged.


  10. 6 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    It may be splitting hairs to some, but there are very key legal distinctions between being “arrested” and being “detained”, and also being in”jail” versus being in a “holding cell”. It is possible that a witness or suspect is placed in a holding cell while evidence is being gathered, and is detained without ever being placed under arrest. And the club has not come out and said it is a “nothing incident”, they have acknowledged it is a breach of their personal conduct. One that did not rise to criminal conduct. Was he drunk? No one who knows one way or another has said. By what we do know and what he has admitted, was he foolish? Absolutely. But Mike is correct that we should not assume it is more or less than what we know, and go out of our way to label is a “disgrace” and overstate what it is in an attempt to denigrate the Rider organization or its players with potentially false assumptions just because it is the Riders. If there is more to the story that is newsworthy or actionable by the league or will come out. 

    Was he drunk? I mean … OBVIOUSLY lol 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    Well I am not sure who you talking about in regards to Lawler. I know I said that he deserves everything he got and his troubles are far from over. 

    I am not saying he committed a crime, but if you think he got taken into police custody for being loud or "amped up" as a nothing incident then I think you are nuts.

    He clearly crossed a line to where police thought he was a threat to others or himself.

    I never said he should be suspended and don't rhink he needs to be based on what we know.

    I don't believe he just happened to be around and got taken to jail for zero reason.


    You say clearly he crossed a line, but really it’s not clear at all.

    The story as it’s being presented makes complete sense. Purifoy agitated in public, Purifoy suspected of potentially being involved in an assault, Purifoy detained while they sort out the details, Purifoy cleared of all wrongdoing, Purifoy released.

    This is not like AC Leonard claiming he’s got stage fright, the story makes a world of sense the way it was explained and I really have no reason to not believe it. Hate on the Riders all you want, their current management team handles this stuff properly - public support for the player, private accountability. If Purifoy did anything beyond what is claimed, there’s really no reason to believe he wouldn’t have been held accountable, especially given his prior run-ins with the law before coming to the CFL. 

  12. You guys are nuts lol 

    Lawler got a DUI and the only thing most people wanted to talk about around here was “good on him for being forthcoming about it”

    Purifoy probably didn’t do a damn thing other than land himself in the drunk tank for a night. He wasn’t charged with a crime, he got put in timeout because he was probably amped up about the situation and needed the time to chill out. He was forthcoming to the Riders about it, they addressed it and everyone should move on. I know it’s in style to just automatically hate everything about the Riders no matter what but let’s be honest, this is way way WAY less significant than what Lawler did. 

    Suspend Purifoy a total of 0 games and let’s just heckle him on Sunday instead.

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