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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 28 minutes ago, Booch said:

    What I find interesting is how the media is calling the Riders team this offensive juggernaut, and Fartado being a MOP candidate. (was just "off" vs Winnipeg)..5 games played 7 offensive touchdowns?...how is that a juggernaut?


    I really like Fajardo as a guy, seems like a good guy to have in the league but there’s absolutely no way he’s regarded as a hyped up MOP candidate if he plays for literally any other team in the league.

    Vernon Adams produced an incredibly comparable season to Fajardo last year and all we hear is “can he do it again? Gotta prove it for more than one season” but somehow Fajardo as a one-year wonder is getting the kind of respect VA would be lucky to get after 3 or 4 all-star worthy seasons. 

    I genuinely think it’s a two horse race this year for MOP as of right now. Collaros and VA. 



  2. 13 hours ago, Booch said:

    Know Charlie quite well ..and know a lot about him off the field too.

    On the field ..he gave it his all every play...for a tiny guy he played like a Harris or a Joffrey Reynolds...took on guys head on..fought for yards..could move a pile..rare rare talent and almost cut cause Taman didn't care for him..actually said his hands were too small to play football and would be a fumbling machine...so wrong in that assessment.

    Did he give 100 percent honing his craft and making himself better...sadly nope ..not in the least...smoked...ate crap..never trained...didn't get proper rest..weed...just went with his raw ability cause he knew he could...if he put in even half the effort of a typical football player his numbers would have been insane!! 

    It was all good until his marriage fell apart...and family left Winnipeg...he was a solid family man and his off field life was okay save for lack of training..

    In the last year here..year and a half he became a loner..many a night I had to make sure he got home from a night by himself where I bounced..sat quietly..had his drinks and smokes and looked lost...bummed out...in a bad place...was tough to witness.

    When he was traded it had to be done as some things spiralled bad...and save the organization some very bad press....which is too bad...and too bad people didn't realize what was really going on.

    Fact of matter tho...one of the best most of us will ever see..pound for pound one of the toughest rb's who played in Canada..

    I’m pretty sure you were the one who made sure he got back to my friend’s place more than a couple times. You’re right. Tough stuff to witness.

  3. 4 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    I doubt it. Their cupboards are pretty bare as it is. Even if they gave up no value BLM would be furious and toxic af on that team.

    I think Toronto might be a prime candidate.  They have ample depth at rb, wr, dl and lber to offer immediate value. They can also include about as good a back up qb as it gets in the cfl right now. They pulled mbt then they pulled arbuckle. And of course DW worked with BLM for a good while.

    They could trade shane ray, dexter mccoil, 1 of rogers, braverman, or daniels plus calgarys pick of mbt and arbuckle for BLM and some draft pick / roster filler. Maybe cal wouldnt want mccoil but im not soo keen on sankey for them. But tor has depth at a bunch of positions to deal from. 

     I think if we see a flurry of trades its going to be Tor involved alot because of that depth. 

    The only position I could see us being sellers in is NI ol. Gray makes a lot of money, has as much upside as any ni ol and seems to have been passed by eli. We are deep at DL but I dont see teams wanting our young DTs, or our team parting with any of the DEs. Kongbo might be the closest guy to move, but he rotates in a lot. 

    There’s no way the Bombers trade Kongbo

  4. 23 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    He’s actually fairly spot on if you read the technical requirements. Here is the definition straight from the CFL rule book. I’ve bolded it for your convenience:

    Article 5 — Roughing The Passer

    Because the act of passing puts the passer in a particularly vulnerable position to injury, special rules against roughing the passer apply. Once the ball is released, defensive players must avoid all unnecessary contact with the passer. A player shall be penalized for any act of Unnecessary Roughness to the passer, including but not limited to:

    1. Contacting the passer in an unnecessary manner, including stuffing him to the ground, violently throwing him to the ground, and landing on him with most of the defender's weight,
    2. Any blow above the passer's shoulder,
    3. All rushing defenders must attempt to avoid forcibly hitting a passer in the pocket, at or below the knees, either if their path to the passer was unrestricted, or if they are coming off a blocker,
    4. Attacking the passer who, after releasing the ball, is either standing still or fading backwards and is obviously out of the play and remains out of the play,
    5. When the quarterback slides feet first, all unnecessary contact must be avoided. The slide must be done in a timely manner to allow the defence to avoid such contact.
    6. Contacting the passer if either the initial source of contact, or primary source of contact, is the defender's helmet.

    So nothing about intent, just black and white “blow to the head”. Nothing defining what a “blow” means, no qualifier, so it does not require “in an unnecessarily rough manner” or “an unimpeded view” like other definitions. 


    Is this like a parody account where you purposely don’t get any of the humour in anyone’s posts?

    Is that the joke? 


  5. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    Sincere question: Do we know that it's Nelson and not the blocking in front of him? 

    Yes. It’s pretty obvious (IMO) that he has no sense of where to go or natural instinct. Way too indecisive and not athletic enough to make up for it.

    And honestly as far as a replacement I’m not even sure Grant is the option, he’s dynamic but his ball security is a Q.

    give me a guy somewhere in between the two. I don’t need a return TD every second week but I’d like someone who’s ceiling is a little bit beyond a 4 yard return.

  6. 2 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Can’t cut Miller until Josh Johnson is back or we bring in another suitable replacement. Can’t cut Nelson until Jenarion Grant AND a suitable replacement receiver are back/brought in. Crapigna can go, but I’d still hunt for a placekicker given that Legghio lost the uncontested job in camp. Can’t cut Bailey until Demski back and Wolitarsky decides to make an appearance. Cutting Homer Simpson-style is all fine and dandy after one loss, but we need actual players to replace them. 

    Darby, McKnight, Agudosi .. I don’t see the issue here

    that being said I wouldn’t cut Miller and probably wouldn’t cut Bailey

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