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Posts posted by Mike

  1. One thing I’ll comment on that hasn’t been mentioned yet: the new jumbotron layout is horrible. Way too busy and hard to read. 

    Sitting in the end zone, you have no hope in hell of being able to read what down/yardage it is when it’s crammed in the top left corner like that. Kept having to turn around and read the one behind me, but then you miss the action. 😕

  2. 9 minutes ago, Booch said:

    I thought entry to stadium was fine and a breeze all things considered, and lines for concessions...is what it is suck it up...try going to a 60 to 90k stadium capacity and get back to me...suck it up buttercups.

    On a real good note the one liqour/beer vendor where we came in at Gate 1 had debit down...so drinks were free as free could be!!...not sure how long that lasted but was a bonus...luckily I had some actual cash on me so the servers got a fat tip from us


    Lines for concessions is one thing.

    having 100 people in line because there’s one guy running the register, pouring beers and grabbing the food while his 5 coworkers stand around doing nothing is kind of poop.

  3. On 2021-08-02 at 6:59 PM, Mike said:

    Lawler will be one of 5 receivers in the CFL over 1000 yards this year

    Jefferson leads the league in sacks 

    Oliviera outrushes Harris

    Desjarlais is a CFL divisional all-star, as are Lawler, Jefferson, Bryant, Nichols (Deatrick) and Collaros

    Honestly I am so smart 

  4. 1 minute ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I think you're under rating Nelson. He's produced every time he's been given the chance. Which admittedly hasn't been a lot. But sure is more than any rookie we currently have. By all reports Nelson also had a great training camp and looks explosive.

    I was a huge fan of Nelson when they brought him in, I always cheer for Oregon guys. 

    He’s produced basically nothing as a receiver, 4 catches in 2 years and he’s proven that he’s pretty injury prone which is not exactly what I’m interested in hearing when we’re already going into a game banged up at receiver.

    2 years to make an impact and he’s known more for falling apart than the one big play he’s made for us on a punt return. I’m not blown away at all, not even close.

    Given our total lack of size, I’d much rather see Agudosi in the lineup than a guy who basically plays the exact same role as Demski, just worse.

  5. 3 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    So here is the debate question... are they weaker or just more unknown since we've had 2 draft classes that no one has seen st all?

    I ain't gonna pretend to know what's what with the depth after not seeing a cfl game for damn near 2 years. **** gonna be different yo.

    This is a good point 

    5 hours ago, Noeller said:

    I honestly can't even tell anymore when you're being sarcastic, so I just assume.....

    I’m a changed man 

  6. Lol you laugh Noeller, but Tyrell/Cadwallader/2 spots on kicking/Benson is a far cry from Petermann/Miles/Rempel, etc

    The back end Canadians are a question mark, but we’ve still got a lot of great talent - especially where it matters. I’m just worried, since injuries could be more commonplace this season and our depth could be tested. If we get an injury on D, we’re gonna be facing some tough questions.

  7. I don’t understand why people are so confused about the Toronto roster and how they afford it. They’ve got their money allocated in strange ways, but it’s pretty easy to see how they afford things.

    Their OL is pretty underwhelming and they’re not paying 200k to a running back. They’re going to be an interesting team to watch, but they’ve got all kinds of question marks and their money is so poorly allocated. No protection whatsoever for Arbuckle, but sure have fun with your 38 different star linebackers. 

  8. I could see Nick Taylor as the odd man out, he’s 33 and really never been a full time player anywhere. Played great for us last year, but he also really only played what, 6 games? I expected Nichols to make the starting lineup, he’ll probably end up as our best DB before long. Alford is a bit of a surprise considering he’s so young and inexperienced, but I wouldn’t mind seeing him take a spot over Taylor if he’s earned it.

    I’m assuming based on what our roster still looks like that we’re waiting to see what the health of Darvin, Kyrie, Nelson and a few others looks like. See how quick Darby can get up to speed as well. I assumed all along that Josh Johnson would end up at SAM, so that’s still my guess. I have a feeling Kyrie might still be getting pushed by Rocquemore as well, so maybe a week in practice hashes that one out. 

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