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Posts posted by Mike

  1. it’s good to see that even after I’ve been gone a year and then some, Iso and TB are still healthy and annoying as ever.

    you love to see it.

    it hit me when I went to the grey cup in 2019 ... it’s easier just to be a fan of the moments and enjoy the team than worry about “well we were fourth place and made a late season surge do you really think we’re a prominent force to be reckoned with or do you think my insufferable opinion about our backup qb being unprepared for battle should go unquestioned”

    I drank from the Grey Cup after Andrew Harris handed it to me at a bar in downtown Calgary, surrounded by my closest friends. They could come in last place this year I really don’t care. I enjoyed it. That’s what it’s all about.




  2. 26 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    A lot of db vs wr drills this year. Wish they had these streamed in part on line.

    No injuries is big. With Griffiths calling it quits I wonder if we are in the market for an ni dt. 

    I don’t think we’re gonna start a Canadian DT anyways, to be honest.

    I think they’ll rotate Kongbo/Hallett and maybe give Thomas some reps every now and then. 


  3. 27 minutes ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    You got me confused @Mike 

    at one post you said: "I don’t so much see it as a vet vs rookie issue, but as an age issue and a talent issue with all of the newcomers coming in." where you mentioned the names of our 3 starters in DL - "Jeffcoat, Willie, Jake"

    and at your last post: "Talk about age all you want, to be returning 8 of 9 starters on the OL/DL is huge and it’s unmatched league wide."


    What’s confusing about it, I’m fully prepared for a vet or two to show up in camp and have it end up as a situation where the year off has taken its toll on them. Will it be Jefferson or Jeffcoat? No, I don’t think so. Thomas? Realistically? Yeah, that’s a fair bet in my books. I also don’t even really consider Thomas as a starter, although I guess I should have. I was thinking of Jefferson, Jeffcoat and Richardson. 

    That being said, we still have the option and potential for a ton of continuity in the trenches, which is huge.

  4. There’s a few things being lost on the analysts that I feel like we should be paying more attention to. 

    Won’t come up as prominently against Hamilton, since they’ve also returned the majority of their roster but our continuity + ability to coach the quirky parts of the game could lead to us absolutely taking advantage of Toronto/Calgary in weeks 2-4 as they settle in with all their new players learning new systems. Unfamiliarity with the schemes, league, staffs, etc leaves them wide open for being dismantled in an area where we always excel - special teams. May take a while to coach up the receivers or the defensive backs that are new to our roster, but guys like the Halletts .. no doubt they’ll be ready to go on special teams week 1.

    Next is that we’re returning almost every single piece in the trenches. Talk about age all you want, to be returning 8 of 9 starters on the OL/DL is huge and it’s unmatched league wide. 

    Lastly, we still have a culture that lends itself well to being able to respond well to adversity. We already know the buy-in is there with our roster, these new guys should be able to take advantage of a locker room that is going to be solid enough that our new players should fit right in. No drama, no players like Banks talking about “will I play, won’t I play?”, that stands out as something that could be a big help in such a weird year.



  5. 18 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Interesting takes on the state of the Bombers for 2021 from Naylor and Lalji.......


    Lol stupid take. All over the place, to be honest. 

    “too old here, not experienced enough there”

    What did Naylor want us to do? It basically sounds like he thinks we should’ve signed the type of player that doesn’t exist - the young unknown with a proven track record. There’s a point to be made in regards to some of our key pieces aging, but we’ve gotta trust that two years to scout has allowed our front office to find the pieces that can replace guys whose wheels fall off. 

  6. 13 hours ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    there’s a lot of odds going against the CFL rookies/new comers:

    - no pre-season games
    - learning curve to adjust to pro/CFL game
    - coaches desire to field a vet-heavy roster because of a shortened season

    I understand that the vets havent played for 600 days but we can say the same for most of these rookies/new comers too. 

    And by all accounts, the coaches and the athletic staff are monitoring these vets for the past few months.

    I don’t so much see it as a vet vs rookie issue, but as an age issue and a talent issue with all of the newcomers coming in. 

    there is a TON of new talent on our roster, big talent too. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had 5-6 new starters.


  7. 16 hours ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    without the benefit of pre-season games, its a totally waste to bring in tcfs.

    barring any injuries, there’s only one starting position left to fill which is the field-side CB. the new guys need to be solid for them to at least be considered for a spot on the PR.

    I think it’s fairly unreasonable to say that after 600+ days off, there’s only one starting position to fill.

    Who knows what the time off will have done to mainstays.

  8. I’m still waiting for someone to answer the question

    If it’s the same base rules as the NFL, why would I watch it? I’m certainly not interested in watching the Moose (or if you’d like a comparable that doesn’t have a higher league in town, the Goldeyes) and I really won’t be interested in watching the Bombers either.

    I like the differences. I like what makes our game special. I don’t need to have all of it - the Canadian ratio especially is one thing that I could live with some adaptation to - but if it’s not 12 on 12, 3 down, 110 yard football ... it’s just going to be something entirely different to me and I’ll have very little interest.

    The CFL doesn’t feel like a minor league sport to me. It feels like the most prominent “Canadian Football” league in the world, the best of the best in their sport competing. That’s what I like. We go to a Canadian division in a 4 down, 11 on 11 league? No thanks, I’ll watch the NFL instead. No interest in minor league football.

  9. 9 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:


    Did you both quit the CFL during the last US expansion? Legit question, not being snarky. I don’t like the thought of it at all, but it won’t stop me from going to games. I wonder if you truly mean it when you say you will stop going? The league is betting on “no”, and may have the last go-round as proof that fans will still come.

    But let’s just see what the plan is before losing our minds.



    I won’t be a fan of it if we merge with the XFL, but I’ll give it a chance if we keep the rules that make our league what it is.

    People can talk about how “the CFL needs this to survive” all they want, we are literally talking about a potential merge with a league that hasn’t proven **** all to this point. If they want our help, we need something out of it too and that something should be our rules. Field size, three downs, 12 men and I’d give it a shot.

    Four down 11 man football? I don’t give a **** if the Bombers are playing in my backyard, I’ll watch the NFL instead. That’s not the CFL to me.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Single handedly is a bit of stretch. The CFLs model and lack of initiatives to address the declining fan base has been going on for much longer then ambrosie has been around. This (if anything comes of it) is bordering on inevitable at this point (Covid being a huge factor as well). I'm not saying Ambrosie doesn't have his share of ******* things up, but IF the CFL faulters, it won't be all on him.

    Ambrosie took a league that was uniquely Canadian and felt like something that was very own and instead of focusing his attention on enhancing all the things that made our league successful and looking for ways to grow the game within our borders, he’s taken it and tried to turn it into something that it’s not. I personally don’t give a **** if guys from Japan, Arkansas or Helsinki like the CFL. I like that it was something we as Canadians could be proud of. 

  11. 4 hours ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    im not trying to take any credit from it. in most of my posts i mentioned that im getting it from cfl.ca transactions page. im just posting it to get some discussion re the player.

    but if you think people are confused... sure no more posting about it.


    I think it’s awesome that you post it, you’re definitely more on the ball about looking than anyone else - just provide some context for the folks who aren’t sure. 

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