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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. This is well done.
  2. I'd kick the tires with Watman.
  3. I'm mildy surprised Sherritt hasn't signed with the Riders yet.
  4. It was more a point to what to what has been mentioned already about filling holes at a 2:1 ratio.
  5. I'm simply torn about going for some of the big names and making the "splash" everyone wants to see or finding the good talent that is still out there and maybe not getting raked over the coals in the process.
  6. Would you go after Laurent, or spend about the same amount on say Euclid Cummings and Chris Rainey?
  7. Guys, Harris averaged 3 picks/game for one game. Average that out over a full season and that's 54. #winning
  8. He did wear #18 at UND...
  9. Stafford would be by preference.
  10. Walters today @ 1:00, Dressler tomorrow @ 1:30.
  11. Wasn't worried for a second.
  12. The issue is getting from the kitchen (west side) to the east side suite level which has more suites than the west side. They've got the system down pretty solid now, it's just not just very convenient for the staff who have to wheel the food storage boxes across the busy concourse during games.
  13. Chick's signing may make it less likely they retain Laurent, so this is good news.
  14. I think we should all agree that this can be a dangerous proclamation to make.
  15. North of that I think.
  16. I would be mighty surprised if Calgary puts a better offer forward. I'm near positive this is a done deal.
  17. He is for sure taking a cut from his old contract.
  18. It's a personal preference. I would probably say 65% of my groups last year booked in the endzones and loved it and there was never an issue with price with anyone. At least not that I heard. I tell everyone, that when the action is in their end, it's a great place to be, but you may be relying more on the video board when the plays are happening on the opposite side of the field. Lastly, you mention "ransom for a family outing to the stadium". Did you know that the south endzone is the Family Zone, where tickets for kids 15 and under are $19.50? Co-op also sells Family 4-Packs where for $125 you get 4 tickets and a parking pass.
  19. I'm thinking you're going to see those 4 & 5 spots being rotated more than you've seen before.
  20. I guess no one wants to put in the work to rank the rest. I mean for the most part, the QBs in the top 10-12 will be the same. Where it could get interesting is in how some people rank the backups.
  21. I thought the second post right after would have clarified this. I'll make the change good sir.
  22. My idea was that it wasn't just about stats. It's supposed to be about your opinion. Put them on your draft ranking list. Who would you pick first, second, etc...
  23. My thinking was that this is for who you'd want on your team, whether you're basing that just on last season or on their career.
  24. Give it a shot.
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