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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. Never have I seen so many people looking forward to a Monday.
  2. I thought Khari was coaching.
  3. It wouldn't matter anyways. Any projected deadline, unless insanely over-estimated would still be delayed. It's a fact of life that people procrastinate.
  4. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Mike O'Shea is perfectly happy where he is right now and isn't ready to move on just yet. Back in 2012 when he was interviewed by Hamilton and Saskatchewan he made these comments after being bypassed for those head coaching gigs. So he won his Grey Cup last season, and has 2 more seasons of experience since he said this. Has his mindset now changed? http://www.thespec.com/sports-story/2229535-mike-o-shea-returns-as-argos-special-teams-co-ordinator/
  5. Jones or O'Shea, it's a calculated risk either way but for different reasons. Each have their own set of characteristics which would be appealing. It wouldn't be fair to dismiss one and not the other with just what we know.
  6. The next Charles Roberts perhaps??? http://youtu.be/0X9WwxzZ8E4
  7. Credit to Danny McManus, I'd put complete trust in his abilities to find good US players. If we are looking for an improvement in our scouting south of the border, this would be it.
  8. O’Shea is a reasonable suggestion, but his actual desire to become a head coach at this point in his post-playing career in a little unclear to me. He may just be one of “those guys” teams interview now when they have an open head coaching gig, just to say they interviewed multiple people.
  9. The Flying Goose Inn. How could anyone NOT be jealous of that province with fine establishments like that?
  10. Both teams seem motivated enough, so I can’t fathom our second overall pick would be involved. If Barker plays hardball, my play, if I am Walters, is to convince him that a 2nd rounder in 2015 will be worth more than a 1st rounder this year.
  11. I’ll concede that Collaros has been given an ideal foundation to learn from in TO. He’s taken that opportunity to produce some success this season, and shown what he is capable of in a well-run offensive system. If you look at all the young QBs in this league that we potentially have a shot at, it’s hard to say that anyone would be 100% convinced with any of them having the same success outside of the organization they developed in. Try and imagine taking the players out of their systems, and try to see who has the best raw skill set.
  12. 3 at least. Micah Johnson, Demonte Bolden and Marquay McDaniel.
  13. Whaaaattt??? http://youtu.be/uAGRId7L3zM
  14. and that right there was a problem Burke had with many players. Elliott, Goltz, Denmark, probably a lot more that we aren't even thinking about too. Burke became ignorant about addressing the issues of the players rather than trying to coach them. He admitted to knowing little about the offense and had a subpar OC to rely upon to try and fix the problems. The fact is, a lot of the players we name who had deficiencies in their roles are on offense. This is not a coincidence.
  15. A wild theory: Maybe Miller asked Khari to chat it up with Drew Willy about making a run from Greensville. Honestly though, those cons are hard to ignore.
  16. Why is it perplexing? There could be a number of reasons why he wasn't there. Maybe he's out on a CIS scouting trip or something. Seems to me this is another instance where people are reading too much into something. An announcement like this is pretty important to be here for if you ask me. It's hard for me to think that some sort of scouting trip or anything would be conflicting with the timing of this.
  17. Perhaps people are a little bit confused as to the process of how these decisions are being made. The GM is typically the one to be the face of the decisions when facing the media. The CEO certainly has final approval or course, but usually gives his "yes" or "no" and then lets the GM handle the announcements and the questions, and the press conferences, etc. All people have seen today is Miller. When do we hear from Walters? Walters hasn't been named the permanent GM so that is why we haven't seen him. I don't think that has anything to do with it, honestly. Okay.... and... And we've seen Walters conduct his business, answers questions and give interviews up until now. He's an acting GM but the duties are still the same as they would be anyways. His absence is just a little perplexing. I don't think it has anything to do with him not being named to the permanent position, and more to do with the kind of presence that Miller wants to make with these types of personnel moves to the media. Something I think contradicts his proposals of who is doing what.
  18. Perhaps people are a little bit confused as to the process of how these decisions are being made. The GM is typically the one to be the face of the decisions when facing the media. The CEO certainly has final approval or course, but usually gives his "yes" or "no" and then lets the GM handle the announcements and the questions, and the press conferences, etc. All people have seen today is Miller. When do we hear from Walters? Walters hasn't been named the permanent GM so that is why we haven't seen him. I don't think that has anything to do with it, honestly.
  19. Perhaps people are a little bit confused as to the process of how these decisions are being made. The GM is typically the one to be the face of the decisions when facing the media. The CEO certainly has final approval or course, but usually gives his "yes" or "no" and then lets the GM handle the announcements and the questions, and the press conferences, etc. All people have seen today is Miller. When do we hear from Walters?
  20. May the "new GM" did.
  21. It's hard to measure this really. You could argue a few players. You could say Ian Wild and Desia Dunn were coached well enough to land starting jobs right away and did pretty good. Terrell Parker, I 'd say got a bit better as well although he missed most of the season.
  22. Hiring Khari Jones will sell tickets next year, don't you think???
  23. This idea is one I would not be in favour of. Too many question marks and nothing for me to suggest that he would revert to his triumphant DC form just like that. Has this even happened before?
  24. Who is your choice for head coach? You gave a good example of what you want the coach to be, you just didn't say who. Also just curious if you have an idea of what kind of contract, dollarwise, you would offer Collaros.
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