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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. Don't mistake my comment about being light along the DL (tackle in particular) as a comment about weight .. it's more about physicality than anything else .. it's great these guys are athletic .. but far too often we see our interior guys being ineffective against bigger (more physical) offensive lineman .. outside of Turner, our tackles don't command respect .. they don't keep interior linemen from moving to the next level (ie. occupying space and keeping guards / center off our MLB - not that Muamba gets off blocks well to begin with .. but that's another story) Keep in mind that outside of Turner as well, we have a pretty junior DT mix in there that should hopefully get better at being more physical if they're given the opportunity to come back next season. Anderson is one of those guys that has got that "potential".
  2. I can certainly appreciate what Burke is trying to say, and that he's giving his opinion on what needs to be done for this team to be successful. I can't say that I agree with very much of it, and would argue a lot of his points. In the end, it's a very hard sell anyways. His speech was weak and unconvincing. Much like his tenure as a head coach.
  3. I can only imagine what things would be like if we didn't though.
  4. Saturday, November 2nd is the final game of the season. It will be interesting to see how long they wait to send out season ticket renewal letters.
  5. Really, why? Give us your take. Well ... the suggestion that Alex Hall is somehow worth Darian Durant is laughable, just for starters. I don't think it's a trade for Durant but a trade for Willy. I don't find this trade talk comedic at all but scary. My fear is if we make that trade Walters & Miller will go, "There we got our qb. We're done!" And that'll be it as as far as the team is concerned & they won't go after a guy like Collaros if available. With so little playing time, we have no idea just how good or bad Willy is. yet I'm willing to say that the morons who run this team would be willing to hand him the keys to the team. That's why I don't want anything done about our qbs until after the expansion draft when the dust settles. Willy should be one of our options. Not the only one. And if we trade for him, then knowing how the Bombers work, it will be. So, is this thread funny? Not one ******* bit. Well your fear won't be realized because Willy is not going anywhere yet, so you have nothing to worry about. Plus you're not giving Walters very much credit. It's pretty early to call him a moron. I mean, it took Joe Mack at least a season to be called one.
  6. Really, why? Give us your take. Well ... the suggestion that Alex Hall is somehow worth Darian Durant is laughable, just for starters. Not to mention Willy + a second rounder. I'm laughing because of how much value that is right now to the Riders. It is the exact same situation as Calgary. These teams are not giving up their QBs right now. It's occurred to me that we hallucinating at thinking a QB trade is happening before the end of the season, when it will not in fact happen. The fact that if Saskatchewan is asking (if they really are) about Hall, means that they want him, and we could potentially get good value for him if we play the hand properly. But it's not going to be for a first or second string QB.
  7. anymore? It's been a looooong time since they've given the impression of actually giving a ****. I'll agree with that.
  8. 90% of this thread has been purely comedic.
  9. That sound you hear is them not giving a **** anymore.
  10. It would be foolish of Hall to sign an extension now anyways. I am not putting any stock, at this point, in the fact that he has turned down two offers from us meaning that he would go and sign with another CFL team.
  11. A pre-selected pool of candidates chosen by whom? Someone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about (ie - not fans) -- Whether it's the government, or whatever. Fans are morons and can't be left in charge... I wouldn't let any government agents near these selections. You may as well keep the board the way it is if that's the case. The city and province both appoint board members currently. Some strong arguments for communist dictatorship here from some of the most conservative posters. Therein lies the problem.
  12. A pre-selected pool of candidates chosen by whom? Someone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about (ie - not fans) -- Whether it's the government, or whatever. Fans are morons and can't be left in charge... I wouldn't let any government agents near these selections. You may as well keep the board the way it is if that's the case.
  13. His approval rating is second worst in the country. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/pauline-marois-kathleen-wynne-down-latest-popular-premier-223830779.html
  14. A pre-selected pool of candidates chosen by whom?
  15. As far as I am concerned, the board has always had its own secret agenda. They have already convinced the Premier to decrease their loan payments to $1 million even before a single dollar has been paid. What happens next if we continue down this road? There will be some other excuse, no doubt. However, saying one thing and actually implementing it are two different things. Having a fan elected board will do no good, if the fans don't elect the right people, which is scary too.
  16. Sounds like Williams got exactly what he wanted only a few months too late.
  17. Only saw some minor things with his game that he needs to work on. It's only one game, but he's fitting in nicely and made some great contributions to the win.
  18. Waiting for what?
  19. Really? Coaching doesn't matter? Reilly had two years in BC. Collaros has Milanovich, Maas, Brady and Ray who all played in the CFL at QB. You think that doesn't make a difference in terms of developing a QB? 2 of our offensive coaches are in their first CFL job as a coach or player, the other 2 are Howell and Bellefeuille, essentially a rookie and a coach with a so-so record as both an OC and head coach, and no track record of developing quarterbacks, other than failed ones. Mostly leaned on scrapped vets like Marcus Crandell and Kevin Glenn. Makes a really great case for Dickenson for HC, with a Jason Maas type at OC or at least QB coach, wouldn't it? If the Bombers are serious about finally developing a winning calibre QB... this line of thinking would be a really refreshing change of course for the WBB. Depends on how serious the WBB decide they want to be about developing both a winning culture, and one in which a QB prospect can thrive. Dickenson as head coach, Khari Jones as OC, please please please please please We'll have to throw big bucks at Dickenson to get him out of his comfy gig in Calgary. Hope we are prepared to do that because the dividends could pay off nicely.
  20. I've only been to two games but both times were were just across the street from the stadium, perhaps a 3 minute walk. You must have had a different colour pass. Was it a season pass? Curious, where were your seats?
  21. Well... Randle didn't last long. Are these guys even getting a legit chance? Has the coaching staff really come to the conclusion this fast that these guys haven't showed enough to sit on the PR? I'm thinking it's more the opposite. Randle is maybe getting a shot with another NFL team, I'm not sure. Some of these American guys probably also just fail to accept the reality of what the situation is all about and come in with high expectations to be plugged into the roster right away. The nuances of the CFL game, are just too much for some who don't want to learn.
  22. Have we seen this movie before? Sounds familiar...
  23. Parking on campus has been disappointing to say the least. Especially now that they have cut back on spots. There are very few options to park within a 10 minute walk, and if it's more than that, you might as well just find a place on Pembina to park anyways.
  24. No playoff team will be messing with any of their QBs this late in the season. Calgary has gotten where they are with the depth they have had at QB. There's no way they trade Tate before the end of the season. Even with his limited role right now. It just wouldn't make sense.
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