1. Other provinces: we are, on average $$ per annum, behind Alberta and ahead of BC and Sask. Overall, we fit right in the middle of the pack.
2. Private schools: they look at public sector collective agreements and pay the same wages or more, as well as giving similar benefits. I know this for a fact - I'm in a unique situation where I work for both public and private schools - the good ones pay the going rate or more.
3. Education grads who can't find teaching jobs: are you suggesting more of them would find work if wages were lower? Hardly the case - there are fewer teaching jobs because family size is shrinking. Also, I find it depends a great deal on the education program from which they graduated (eg. BU grads had a 94% hiring rate in 2016) and also the experience they acquire while they're in University. I advise teacher candidates to take more courses in summer, so they can spend a couple of terms working as an Educational Assistant, and work their tails off during their teaching placements. You have to do something to promote yourself - otherwise that degree is just a piece of paper. School Divisions have the luxury of hiring the cream of the crop. Oh and - be willing to work absolutely anywhere.