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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Time to generate some hyperbolized press clippings
  2. The spot on third down was an incorrect call So was the touchdown. The angle where you see Houston from behind, you can see the ball touch the ground, right before his jersey covers the sight angle.
  3. Yeah, there is no available body part, to keep the ball off the ground, Houston is lying on his side.
  4. A consistent deep threat forces a D to commit more players to downfield coverage. Net result is fewer guys applying pressure up front.
  5. Just not working for me this year... Nathan Rourke
  6. The ball is on the turf underneath Houston, before Banks takes it away.
  7. It was either a pick or an incomplete pass. It's impossible for that ball to be a TD. There is no argument.
  8. TOP was almost even. The D was on the sidelines for quite a while, before that last drive. MBT, for whatever reason, plays like that against the Bombers But even so, without that ridiculous TD call, the game is not even close.
  9. Oh I agree. But at the same time, he engineers some freakishly good drives, especially the TD at the end.
  10. MBT has always done well, moving ball against our D. He seems to zip it all over the place, then next he'll struggle again.
  11. The OL should still be very good, in spite of the losses. I don't know if it's the running backs, as they had some good games without Harris last year. I am almost inclined to think it might be the lack of big threats in the receiving corps - opposition is focussing more on the line of scrimmage.
  12. They have Stella Artois - all requirements met
  13. Can we do a horse **** honk? I still can't believe the command centre called that a TD.
  14. Pretty safe to say - we are not fine without Drew Desjarlais.
  15. Another outstanding call 🤪 It seems impossible that they are that clueless....
  16. This impact cannot be under estimated. The first mistake is to assume they are all stupid - they aren't.
  17. There are good night fishing spots on the Red too, but Chalet Beach is by far the best.
  18. Thanks for clarifying, we weren't sure. 😀
  19. Ellingson
  20. If it's cat bite you're after, come & try night fishing at Chalet Beach.
  21. This. Hopefully this time around will be different
  22. We're just not surprised or shocked by it
  23. It is not possible to economically separate ourselves from the United States. Good for me - I have now admitted this simple fact - I am honest
  24. What exactly are you right about? According to your logic, no one can boycott or criticize the United States, because we all buy products from China So, let's extend that logic further: no country should be sanctioning Russia right now, because we all buy products from China. And might I add, oil from Saudi Arabia We all just need to sit back and not criticize or sanction anyone
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