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Mark H.

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  1. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Jimmy Pop in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    I gotta agree to disagree with you on that one - I think people are starved for a winning team and looking for a good excuse to party.
  2. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from JohnnyOnTheSpot in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    I gotta agree to disagree with you on that one - I think people are starved for a winning team and looking for a good excuse to party.
  3. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Rich in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    I gotta agree to disagree with you on that one - I think people are starved for a winning team and looking for a good excuse to party.
  4. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Logan007 in Fun Thread: Rank the QBs   
    And you need the number 4 in there somewhere - man, it's just an incomplete list.
  5. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Logan007 in Fun Thread: Rank the QBs   
    I don't even recognize all the names in the OP
  6. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from SPuDS in Bilukidi to Skins   
    At the risk of stating the obvious: it's the players who are right on the verge of making the NFL who make the most impact up here.  The Henoc Muamba's & Doug Brown's of the world.
  7. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in The Environment Thread   
    Sorry man, I couldn't resist. Cheerio.
  8. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in I'm the Least Popular Poster On This Site   
    Share if you love Atomic. Every share gets him a free pee at IGF
    Most of you will just scroll on by...
  9. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mr Dee in I'm the Least Popular Poster On This Site   
    Share if you love Atomic. Every share gets him a free pee at IGF
    Most of you will just scroll on by...
  10. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from johnzo in The Environment Thread   
    Maybe, just maybe, there are cycles to earth's climate, that we don't even understand or get just yet.  Like, why were the "dirty thirties" so dirty?  Now, if there is a drought, it must be "man made climate change" that is causing it.  But what caused the drought in the 30's?  It wasn't man-made climate change.  Perhaps, just perhaps, climates change naturally.  But there's no $4 billion funding grants, and no fancy Paris parties to attend, if that's the case.  So fear-mongering it is.
    I can answer this one:
    The Dirty 30's happened because of poor farming practices. When you're farming, dry/wet years are just part of the natural order of things. They busted up the prairie sod and then put very little back into it for decades. Whatever straw wasn't needed for livestock was burned, almost all stubble was burned. When a drier period (dirty thirties) came long, their top soil just disappeared. Moisture retention was almost zero, top soil retention was non-existent.
    Today we have practices such as zero tillage, crop rotation, shelter belts, crops that add more organic matter to the soil, and combines that chop the straw so it decomposes more readily.  
    Basically, the dirty thirties happened because people didn't quite understand how to farm the prairies yet.  When I see neighbours still burning stubble (unless it's because of disease) I wonder how much we've actually learned.
  11. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Canadian Politics   
    If the $$ will reduce carbon emissions and lead to a greater variety of energy sources, I for one will support that. Even if they had 0 impact on climate change, it's the simple fact that hydrocarbons are not renewable. The key will diversified energy resources in the future.
  12. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mr Dee in Canadian Politics   
    4.8 million down the drain? Or a sound investment?
  13. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from StevetheClub in Mass Shootings San Bernardino   
    Culture barrier, language barrier - new immigrants trying to find their way.  Try to picture yourself in Syria or Palestine right now...
    My aunt used to manage an immigrant shelter in Winnipeg - it closed a few years ago. She'd like to give you a good piece of her mind right now...
  14. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mark F in Mass Shootings San Bernardino   
    Culture barrier, language barrier - new immigrants trying to find their way.  Try to picture yourself in Syria or Palestine right now...
    My aunt used to manage an immigrant shelter in Winnipeg - it closed a few years ago. She'd like to give you a good piece of her mind right now...
  15. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from PCB in Mass Shootings San Bernardino   
    Culture barrier, language barrier - new immigrants trying to find their way.  Try to picture yourself in Syria or Palestine right now...
    My aunt used to manage an immigrant shelter in Winnipeg - it closed a few years ago. She'd like to give you a good piece of her mind right now...
  16. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mark F in Mass Shootings San Bernardino   
    I have a problem with who's fighting them - there's no real desire to fix the problems
  17. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Logan007 in Mass Shootings San Bernardino   
    You're still just scraping snow off the top of the mountain. The root of the problem are all the weapons and armoured vehicles being sold to wealthy countries in the Middle East. And North American support for governments who suppress minorities.
  18. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mark F in Mass Shootings San Bernardino   
    You're still just scraping snow off the top of the mountain. The root of the problem are all the weapons and armoured vehicles being sold to wealthy countries in the Middle East. And North American support for governments who suppress minorities.
  19. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mr Dee in Canadian Politics   
    $11 per hour with meals included is decent pay. It may also be full room and board - we don't have that info
  20. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mark F in Dolphins promote Zac Taylor (former Bomber)   
  21. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Paris Attacks   
    The process will take two months longer than originally stated - I'm feeling snug, secure, warm and fuzzy.
  22. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Noeller in Whiskey of the Year   
    Hmmm sounds like good pickup for Christmas
  23. Like
    Mark H. reacted to kelownabomberfan in Paris Attacks   
  24. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Wanna-B-Fanboy in Paris Attacks   
    If you really wanted to get someone into Canada why would you chose to do it through a long and haphazard refugee process when foreigners are entering Canada everyday through other channels?
    - we have tens of thousands of foreign students, many from the middle east. Ed Fast instituted a program last year to double that number (that's right, the Conservatives agreed that this was a worthwhile goal)
    - we invite thousands of foreign workers every year to fill temporary jobs in Canada
    - we have a regular immigrant program - the Conservative planned to bring in 285,000 this year.
    - last year 5212 tourist entered Canada from countries other than the US
    - 23,218 Iraqi refugees have already been settled in Canada (Yup - once again the conservatives did this and I didn't hear a single squawk from anyone while that was going on)
    - the Conservative government had agreed to take on 10,000 Syrian refugees - apparently no one thought that terrorists would arrive in the first 10,000
  25. Like
    Mark H. got a reaction from Mr Dee in Paris Attacks   
    If you really wanted to get someone into Canada why would you chose to do it through a long and haphazard refugee process when foreigners are entering Canada everyday through other channels?
    - we have tens of thousands of foreign students, many from the middle east. Ed Fast instituted a program last year to double that number (that's right, the Conservatives agreed that this was a worthwhile goal)
    - we invite thousands of foreign workers every year to fill temporary jobs in Canada
    - we have a regular immigrant program - the Conservative planned to bring in 285,000 this year.
    - last year 5212 tourist entered Canada from countries other than the US
    - 23,218 Iraqi refugees have already been settled in Canada (Yup - once again the conservatives did this and I didn't hear a single squawk from anyone while that was going on)
    - the Conservative government had agreed to take on 10,000 Syrian refugees - apparently no one thought that terrorists would arrive in the first 10,000
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