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Everything posted by bluto

  1. Wild. That is for sure a Ticat ball.
  2. Evans was too slow. Had his man and didn't fire it.
  3. He likely thought the wind would push it and didn't want to pump it into the EZ
  4. Okay. Won't complain about Lego ads.
  5. I know that I ought to be more of a team player and support the League using the game to make bank... ...but damn son, these commercial islands are going to be painful.
  6. Wow this is dragging on...
  7. Bro... A Grey Cup win as a disaster??
  8. I'd ignore the O'Shea story. We have a new-ish coach that we haven't burnt through yet. Cats have Stein and seem happy with him. Can't see anywhere else tempting him.
  9. Seems like the role he was born for.
  10. Good luck BB's and to you, their loyal support. I'd rather a simultaneous root-canal/colonoscopy than a TiCat Grey Cup... But fortunately I just can't see a football-logic way that they can win without the Football Gods (or devils) playing a part in the outcome. Sucks to see 2 Argonaut Legends coaching other clubs in the big game. But Osh is bringing it back to 'Toba today.
  11. If that's the case, I apologize for the reaction. I took it to mean that he was referring to us Double-Blues.
  12. Sincerely, you might be the d-bag in this particular scenario.
  13. Congrats fellas. The Bombers passed their examination. Their next game won't be nearly as tough (unless they do it to themselves, again). Will be pulling for the W's.
  14. It's about 70/30. But fair play to the Hamilton fans, the noise is 50/50.
  15. We folded like a cheap lawn chair. Our offensive playcalling was shocking and the main factor in our loss. Cats are deserved winners.
  16. SweetbabyJesusitswhatiskillingmetoday.
  17. Missed opportunities coming back to haunt us.
  18. Our playcalling is utter ****.
  19. Curlynoise.mp3
  20. Fully admit that under current day rules, I have no freaking clue what constitutes pass interference. Nor do I believe that anyone else does.
  21. May actually be the best player relative to position in the CFL I will never not do that
  22. Is that 6 facking times now that we do a stupid little inside hand off on first down to gain 3 yards?? Bullcrap play calling.
  23. Best looking unis in pro sports and it isn't even close. All these empty seat which were sold. It's a pity... But the atmosphere is electric.
  24. https://fb.watch/9IyNUNsynG/
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