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Everything posted by bluto

  1. agree to disagree. the Era of Popp's (96-12) numbers speak for themself: 12-6, 13-5, 12-5-1, 12-6, 12-6, 9-9, 13-5-0-1, 13-5, 14-4, 10-8, 10-8, 8-10, 11-7, 15-3, 12-6, 10-8, 11-7 only ONE losing season in SEVENTEEN. 3 GC Wins, 5 GC appearances. us fans should all be so fortunate. (that being said... i hope they finally drop off this year... maybe the coaches have trouble adjusting to our game... and all of that veteran talent starts getting nicked up...) but again, Calvillo defying age helps that immensely. They're the only team in the east that hasn't had to find a new qb the entire length of time he's been there. Then you look at how god awful the ticats were for most of that time, how bad the renegades were for most of that time, how bad the argos were for long stretches of that time, the bombers had a quite good stretch but were in the west for a good portion of it, had a few decent stretches and a lot of bad ones... That record is inflated by weak competition to me. It'll go down in the record books no doubt, but I think the real telling thing there, is the grey cups appearaces and wins. You said yourself only 1 losing season, but in 17 seasons only 5 grey cup appearances and only 3 wins? Says to me they were the best of a bad lot in the east but not superior to the top teams in the west all that often. 8 appearances actually. 3 wins, 5 losses. my verbiage was unclear.
  2. agree to disagree. the Era of Popp's (96-12) numbers speak for themself: 12-6, 13-5, 12-5-1, 12-6, 12-6, 9-9, 13-5-0-1, 13-5, 14-4, 10-8, 10-8, 8-10, 11-7, 15-3, 12-6, 10-8, 11-7 only ONE losing season in SEVENTEEN. 3 GC Wins, 5 GC appearances. us fans should all be so fortunate. (that being said... i hope they finally drop off this year... maybe the coaches have trouble adjusting to our game... and all of that veteran talent starts getting nicked up...)
  3. To me they get the early nod just based on less uncertainties. They know who their qb is, they know that they have a quality head coach. I'd put Montreal ahead if they didn't have a total question mark at head coach but for now we need to see what the new guy does for them, and if this is the year Calvillo finally craps out. i want to think that this time, finally, Popp has made a big decision and gotten it wrong (Dan Hawkins)... but it just never seems to happen does it? based on Popp's track record, i'm going to presume that the Alouette's coaching will be at least solid (and likely better than that). Calvillo's play will be the same as it's been lo these many years of his MOP calibre play... presuming he stay's uninjured. he's hard to get to, and even harder to get a hard lick on, but it takes less and less to hurt him (and get him of his game viz: EDF). they could plummet... but their demise has been foretold so many times that it's just a cliche at this point for them to end up hosting playoff games when everyone thought they'd finally regress.
  4. "it's not the band i hate, it's their fans" -Sloan "Coax me"
  5. really glad to have you. not a slight on anyone else here, but during gameday, yours are some of the contributions I look forward to most. same here 8-)
  6. for any reason in particular? (i mean, besides the fact that it would be a huge middle finger to the Riders?) That's my reason.
  7. for any reason in particular? (i mean, besides the fact that it would be a huge middle finger to the Riders?)
  8. Seems pretty much inevitable that he goes to Saskatchewan... they need him bad and are the most likely to pay over the odds for him. Argos could use a DE, but i doubt we're in for him. Actually there's a couple teams in the East who could benefit from Chick's play... don't think it'll matter though. If his agent is talking to anyone else it's likely to try and drive his price up with a competing offer.
  9. hmmm... i suggest a video or youtube tab for when we post?
  10. that "controversy" was quite the tempest-in-a-teapot... looks to be plenty of room now that you see players standing in it and you can get a sense of scale.
  11. Well he has never been a head coach before.... but yeah, sometimes Burke is a little too honest and forthcoming with the media. It wasn't so much that he has it. But yeah, the idea that he'd admit to that is a little surprising. it was, at least, a very telling comment. you gotta wonder what's on that thing...
  12. Sorry Bluto but I'm really not a doer, I'm more of a sit back and tell people they're doing it wrong kind of person. that's kinda why i wanted you to do one. bummer. okay, 2 open slots: BC and Sask
  13. thanks Zontar. you're in! :mrgreen: i always like reading these preview things n the paper and online... and i figured that an entire site of knowledgeable CFL fans could do one at least as well as the media... and it's kinda fun too. we'll get to a consensus on the previews and then move on to seeing if we can get a consensus on the standings... then the records... none of us are as smart as all of us, so this ought to be good. still need a volunteer for BC
  14. you get the tough one: Blue Bombers thanks Doctor StrongSide!
  15. cool, thanks. can you take Edmonton?
  16. awesome! i came second in both OB games last year (TD game, winners pool) and i'm tired of being a bridesmaid!
  17. Alrighty, time to get to work... We have the best of the CFL online fan community's Bomber posters here and a few from other teams thrown into the mix. It's time for us to create a thread to use what we have here. What i have in mind: myself and 7 other posters will create Review/Preview posts, one for each team in the league. within each post we will cover: Starters on O: Starters on D: Key STers: New Additions: Subtractions: Draft: Players on the bubble: Last season summary: 2013 outlook and prediction: but it doesn't end there... when each are up, the forum will then post their own additions and amendments to each and by popular consensus the poster will edit their own post. please make use of team stats wherever possible. a picture or two would be nice too... maybe a star player or something. then a mod will clean the thread leaving only the 8 team previews as created by MorningBigBlue's posters. now to assign/volunteer for the 8 previews... (don't all raise your hand at once ) Montreal: Doctor Handsome Toronto: bluto Hamilton: Zontar Winnipeg: JPan85 Saskatchewan: Mark H Edmonton: Mike Calgary: iso_55 BC: DanoT Timeframe: i'd like the previews reviews to be done by Monday night please... then the edits and revisions to be done prior to Tuesday June 11th who wants in?
  18. Maximum currently set at 3. If it becomes too messy, we can lower it to 1 or 2. i'd rather you up'd it.
  19. if you're banned and you know it clap your hands! you have to admire the boldness of the strategy though: ban a group of posters who produced the best content on your site.
  20. hey look! big picture didn't break the website!
  21. i have no idea what your image is supposed to mean... but i find it oddly fascinating... :shock:
  22. http://www.torontosun.com/2013/05/28/ar ... -extension it's nominally an article about the talks to extend Ray's contract, but we finally got some info about Brink thrown in at the end:
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