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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Esks have now scored 31 unanswered points in a half without Reilly against the team who beat us last week. It's official... they are for real.
  2. We only play the east twice in the second half of the season and all our wins except for 1 have been over eastern teams. 4 of our 6 wins are late comebacks that could have gone either way. Our best offense was the first week. It's no longer even competent. 3 first downs in 3 quarters last night against one of the worst teams in the league. I don't expect us to be 6-3 in the second half of the season.
  3. I wouldn't call 4 carries in the entire game the "whole 3rd quarter". You guys need to stop acting like Cotton was given the ball 10-20 times in the game. I'm not saying he's the guy, but you can't judge him on a few plays. And I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Our RB coach is Buck Pierce. Why is a QB teaching a RB how to play? It's no wonder our RB isn't getting better. Grigsby is pretty much getting lucky with his runs. What he excels at is his ability to receive. I'm not acting like Cotton got 10-20 chances. He did get the whole 3rd quarter. FYI: Quarters are 15 minute increments used in football games. I don't have a horse in this race. Both Grigsby and Cotton have had their moments.
  4. I didn't think there was a lot of pressure on Willy tonight. Certainly no where near as much as the last time they played the Als. A couple of drops by the receivers on low balls which can be hard to catch. We had about 3 first downs going into the 4th quarter. At least he protected the ball this week. Willy's a first year starter. Every game's not going to be a gem.
  5. The good: The Stoudermire return The blocked punt Winning ugly The bad: Our offense for most of the game PI or not PI? Should be called by the refs, not reviewed upstairs. Two weeks in a row marginal ones got called upstairs. Punting out of the endzone twice. Could have cost us big time. Ping off the uprights on short FG's. The ugly: Those pigeon poop uniforms.
  6. Give Montreal some props for playing good defense, but didn't like the play calling or the execution tonight. We need to play 4 full quarters next week if we want to win, not the last half of the 4th.
  7. Tonight's game is a should win. We are the better team in the standings and on the field. Montreal only scores about 8 points a game on the road. Even with Willy under siege, we should be able to put up more than 8 points. Still... Montreal has a very good defence that gets after the QB with the front 4. They should be able to shut down our run because everyone can and get lots of pressure. If they can force a few turnovers, they can keep the score close and maybe even pull off a win. Their offense isn't much to watch, but Whittaker could have a big night and they could own the TOP. If they can complete a few deep balls, they could steal a game. I'm expecting a close game without much scoring and the Bombers pulling out a win.
  8. Best helmets by a long shot so far IMHO.
  9. For me these will always be the PP uniforms (Pigeon Poop).
  10. After an afternoon to digest them... Nope. Won't buy one. Don't expect 100's of them at the game either. We don't have a strong military tie in.
  11. Wait a few months and get it for half price or less.
  12. I see where you're coming from but... you're basing everything on the assumption that the eastern teams will always be bad. The same number of teams will be without playoff revenue with or without a single division. With a single division, it will always be the worst teams. I don't think the East vs West is what makes the Grey Cup a national celebration. I'd rather have the two best teams play. I do believe that we need as many teams in the CFL as possible and that losing any would cause major concerns. Giving the east free spots on the Bingo card might allow more of them to be viable. Maybe it's one reason that the CFL has lasted so long.
  13. One of the issues is the lost opportunity. If they'd designed a uni as nice as BC's, (Example from a non-designer:Royal Blue background, gold piped numbers, and a helmet with the Bomber brand on it), they'd sell thousands of the things. The talk would be about using them as our standard unis instead of how ugly we're expecting them to be.
  14. My top is well secured..... Just not impressed with that look, even on a limited basis.....for the club I've supported for 47 years (ISO's comment above) Not even against "change", in the general concept....if it is done with some style and class. and yes, if people like this, and are willing to pay the freight.....more power to them. These jersies aren't for you, or Iso, or anyone else who's supported the club for years and years. It's an attempt to make the CFL relevant to younger people. How does a bowling ball helmet, or tartan, or Watermellon make the CFL relevant to younger people?
  15. Interesting statement. How would that work?
  16. 1 division please. The whole east vs west thing doesn't work anymore. Best teams should make the play offs. Worst teams shouldn't.
  17. Personally, I'd only buy the Royal Blue., but folks have a choice of which of the 4 uni's they will buy. I doubt the new ones will make up much of the total and most will be 'instead of', not 'in addition to' the other Jerseys.
  18. Horrible helmets. Smirking Hank instead of smiling. IMO so far: BC Toronto Ottawa Regina I expect the Riders to stay on the bottom as the rest of the jerseys come out, but you just never know.
  19. I am completely 100% sold on O'Shea and I like some of what Walters has done but he still has to show me a lot in terms of american scouting to get fully on board. That we have to use Romby Bryant and a hobbling Vega because the other options we have aren't good enough is a concern. I'll give him time but he's gotta do better next year in that area. Maybe it's just the transition to a new scouting staff who knows but I expect better. I'm guessing Romby is an O'Shea choice as he was on Toronto last year.
  20. ENOUGH!!! Stop hanging off of MB's ahem.... OC abilities. MB's an average OC. He looks good when you compare him to Crowton but using Crowton as a measuring stick is insane. He's one of the worst OC's we've ever had. Willy's the biggest difference between this year and last year. Hall & Goltz running MB's offense was a disaster last year and would be this year too. We're having to throw the ball 40 times a game to stay competitive. Willy's taking a beating and our OC's not changing anything to help him out. A run game is very important and will get more important the later it gets in the season. We don't have one right now. Our best offensive game was the first one. The last two games have been lots of 2 and outs with a few big plays and we've lost the TOP big time.
  21. I'm a bit disheartened right now... It will become full fledged if we lose to Montreal. We are way ahead of where I thought we'd be... That means I've upped my expectations. We could have beaten the Riders... We could have lost to Montreal, Hamilton and Ottawa. Every team gets a short week.... Riders won theirs on the road. We didn't even come close. We've had great luck on the penalty call front.... Except for the last game, but they were all actual penalties IMHO. Lots of big upgrades at QB, Receiver, DB and kicker... Lots of work to do on our O line, D line, Tackling, Running, Stopping the Run. I'm sold on Miller, Walters and the change of the whole management/Scouting structure and the number of coaches. I'm neutral on O'Shea and still not sold on our OC or DC.
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