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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Too bad. You should have hired a professional who knew what he/she was doing.
  2. Nope. What's stupid is continuing with someone who isn't doing their job. I didn't say it couldn't get worse, but I know it won't change unless we make a change. When things are as bad as our offense in Winnipeg, you make changes. You don't just keep doing the same thing over and over and hope for a different outcome. I understand that good coaches have jobs at this time of the year. I also understand that there are other coaches out there who could help us. Maybe it get's better. We won't know unless we try. Even if it gets worse, it won't change the number of wins we get.
  3. You're happy going forward with Crowton just because you don't know who to replace him with? A monkey throwing poop at a play chart on the wall couldn't do much worse IMHO. Keeping someone who isn't doing a good job is foolish.
  4. I hope we get an announcement today that we signed another QB with some CFL experience so we CAN cut Buck. It should have happened at this time last year or at least in the off season. I don't want an angry QB who thinks he should be the starter mentoring anyone. It's this kind of 'Vet Presence' that we need to get rid of, not keep around just in case the Goltz decision doesn't work out. It free's up some needed SMS room too. I'm happy that Gotlz is getting the starts, but the Bombers did paint themselves into a corner by announcing that Goltz is the starting QB for the rest of the season after his first CFL start. Lots of QB's look like world beaters in their first starts (Dinwiddie) then turn into 'what ever happened to?' guys. A better choice would have been to say that Goltz did enough in his first start to give him a second start even know Buck is 'probably' ready to go and could come off the bench if needed. The only downside, is we would have to keep Buck on the roster, but we are doing that anyway so no big deal IMHO. I am worried that changing out the QB will give Crowton a pass. It's a built in excuse to say 'we have to change the offense to match Gotlz's abilities' so we should give our OC more time. The bye week is the best/only time to change out OC's, but I doubt we do now so we will be stuck with Crowton for the rest of the year.
  5. Try the Shark Club before the game. I haven't seen any tailgating around the stadium. Leave your car at the hotel and take Skytrain.
  6. Montreal seems the most likely to work their way off of that list. The others will be fighting for the last playoff spot IMHO.
  7. Cauchy is what I thought he was... A young guy with a years starting experience who makes a bunch of mistakes. Some of them were hidden because of BC's great set of DB's, and they are more on display with our underachieving group. He is physically way better than Logan and can make up for some of his mistakes because of it. Younger, cheaper(hopefully), faster and Henoc's brother made him a good pick up, but he isn't a big upgrade over Logan yet.
  8. It's not just a football ops question. It's a question of which way are we going to go and it's completely valid to question the guy who is going to have to 'pull the pin' on the decision. I'd hope that Buchko would dance around the answer, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be asked. Getting his opinion on which way he is leaning is what the fans want to know. Young and Wetenhall are owners and I have seen Young asked questions about Hamilton's struggles. Buchko isn't. He is the president and CEO.
  9. Talking to the media, especially when your team is in the crapper is part of both Mack & Buchko's job. Mack to answer for the questionable coaching hires and talent issues. Buchko to answer the question "Are we actively looking for a new GM" (I sure hope we are). Good coaches and GM's have jobs right now, so we may have to wait until the offseason to actually make changes, but now is the time to start the process.
  10. I think we are going to see another full scale rebuild this off season anyway. We might as well start now.
  11. So you're suggesting that we make a trade for a top tier QB? Which one and what do you think we should give up? Hint: None are available and Mack wouldn't make a trade anyway.
  12. You mean like the difference in wins that Burris, a top notch QB brought to Hamilton last year?
  13. You're talking about the ONLY time in 20 years that we shouldn't have fired a coach. (Ritchie is a maybe IMHO) Of course the next guy could be worse. We hire worse all the time. It's about the folks we hire. Last 4 HC's had no HC experience. (Burke, PLAP, Kelly, Berry). The last 3 GM's didn't have GM experience (Mack, Kelly, Taman). When we hire experienced coaches like Burke as a DC, we end up with good to great units. Doing no harm? Hardly a reason to keep a guy around and I'd say your wrong. He is doing harm. As an example, keeping Buck and both Elliott and Brink. As another example, our record over the last 3+ years.
  14. I agree that a bottom rung QB makes our offense look worse than it could look, but that doesn't mean that a good QB would raise the level of our team past the middle of the league.
  15. I agree about both Berry and Glenn. In fact, I had long arguments with folks who wanted them fired at the time. We were making the playoffs every year and we had a chance in most games. Horrible decisions to get rid of both of them because we were heading in the right direction at the time. We aren't heading in the right direction anymore, so its time for another change IMHO. You managed to pick the one HC and the one QB that we shouldn't have fired in the last 20 years. Firing the Kelly's and Rein-dolts were good decisions as was getting rid of Bauer and most of the other HC's along the way. You have the egg in front of the chicken. It's not because we fired too many HC's and GM's. It's because we hired the wrong ones.
  16. I don't get the resistance to change. If we were winning, then the status quo is obviously the right choice, but we are losing and have been for a long time. We can and should fire and rehire until we find a winning combination. What we shouldn't do is hand out extensions until we know we are heading in the right direction. That's our bigger problem. Folks who like Mack think we should fire Burke or Crowton or all the coaches or pretty much anyone but Mack. Folks who like Burke think we should fire Mack or Crowton or pretty much anyone but Burke. Most bad decisions, like keeping Buck and getting rid of Elliott, are attributed to the guy who each poster doesn't like. For some it's Mack's decision. For others it's Burke's decision. In truth, it's both together. The common idea lately is 'We are just a QB short of being a good team'. It's a great theory if you're a Mack, Burke or Crowton fan, because it shifts blame to something that's not fixable in the short term. Good QB's take a few years to mature and throwing away the experienced backups puts us into 2014-2015 territory. Just be patient folks tell me because once we get that QB we will be a good team for years to come. I wish I could believe that it's true because it would be comforting to think that the rest of the decisions our team has made are right, but I just can't believe it. Our OC has produced a poor offense for more than a year and that's not just on our QB situation. Our O line is below average. Our receivers as a group, even when healthy and they aren't all healthy at the same time very often, are middle of the road. Our RB's are too. That's a lot more problems on offense than just our QB. I know a top notch QB would make our offense look better, but he would still be running the same lame offense with the same average players. Other than a spectacular 8 game stretch two years ago, we have been a lousy football team since Mack took over. That's not good enough IMHO to ask for more patience or protect the jobs of those who are responsible.
  17. Burke got a three year contract in November last year. (http://www.winnipegsun.com/2012/11/01/t ... right-path) Stupid link doesn't work unless you are a subscriber
  18. I'd have given him the last 10 minutes of play and I'd have thrown him the ball at least once during that time.
  19. No other CFL team would sign Pierce. Too old. Too often injured. Too expensive. No longer playing at an acceptable level. No upside.
  20. I'm guessing Morely getting replaced this week and moved back to 6th O lineman. Sears coming in for Parker probably means JJ is safe this week. BTW: The safety has to take the deepest guy on the field, not jump the short inside route, especially against a vet QB. That has a lot to do with the 61 yard TD.
  21. You bet I am. Not because he is a Canuck but because he excelled in his first game in a completely new position. Not sure most QB's could make the transition.
  22. Football isn't as black and white as folks make it out to be. I don't think Edwards gives us enough considering his salary. I don't think he has many good games left in him. Mack brings in lots of good receivers. So sure, I'd go younger and cheaper in this case.
  23. I've been surprised that Carr hasn't been effective since he left Winnipeg. I like the way he plays, especially the fade route in the endzone. Personally, I'd take Carr over Edwards at this point and he would be a lot cheaper. He might even be a decent replacement for Matthews next year. All that being said. I doubt the Bombers will make him any offers unless a couple of import receivers go down.
  24. My ex-house in Calgary is 3 houses off of the river. I'm betting it's under water now, considering the water levels in Elbow Park. Good luck to everyone out in Calgary.
  25. We chose not to take any of our starters. Burke said don't be surprised if we get spanked. We get spanked. We don't score. We allow 52 points against, and no it wasn't just Hammy's starters that took it to us. None of our QB's played well. We threw yet another spot pass in the endzone that got picked. Same thing that got Elliott canned. For the love of god, open up your blue coloured eyes and take notice of what is actually happening. WE LOST A GAME 52-NOTHING. Say it again slowly 52-Zip. Stop making excuses for how bad we played. There is no excuse for 52-bagel. Stop complaining about folks who don't like losing 52-Love. There is no need to wait for a regular season game to complain when we get spanked.
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