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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Way too much football to be played to be talking about the GC IMHO. Some teams will play better than I expect. Some will play worse. Injuries will take their toll and not in an even way across all teams. Who knows how Montreal will react to a new HC or if AC finally shows his age. As it stands right now, not having seen any teams play this year, I'd take a wild guess at a Tor - BC Cup.
  2. So if Etienne doesn't become a star, all those people who have had his back for 2+ years should have their noses rubbed in it? Nope! Folks who turn out to be wrong shouldn't have their noses rubbed in anything. All that does is create a lousy atmosphere. The Nah, nah, nah, and the 'I told you so's' should remain in grade school where they belong.
  3. Something that should have been hashed out before they offered him a new contract and a 35K (About half the salary of the guy who will replace him) bonus. Something like... Hefney, we are offering you this contract to compete for the SAM spot, not the halfback spot. If you want to try halfback, we will let you go to free agency.
  4. If I could, I'd be there tonight, but I expect there will be lots of empty seats, not just the unsold. When I had seasons in Wpg Stadium, it was hard to even give my second ticket away (The wife wasn't interested at all in going to see a glorified practice). Sometimes I went alone. Sometimes I didn't bother.
  5. East: Tor, Mtl, Wpg, Ham West: BC, Cal, Skn, Edm Most Outstanding: Player: Lulay Canuck: Cornish Defense: Sherritt Special Teams: Owens Lineman: Olafioye Rookie: No Idea!
  6. I assume that weed will be legalized, taxed and regulated like booze not tobacco. I doubt it will ever be sold at corner stores and I doubt it will be legal to grow your own.
  7. Best story of the Bombers pre-season so far. I hope the kid can at least make the PR.
  8. DiCroce was only available in the 4th round due to his injury history. We took a chance on him and it might still pay off down the road. That's way different than taking a chance on players with an injury history in the first round.
  9. I'd like to see an 'Unread Posts' button so I don't have to hover over each topic.
  10. I've already recommended the first two, but for the third idea do you mean buttons to move to the previous or next THREAD or previous/next pages of a single thread? Previous Thread --> Next Unread thread. Extra points for putting me at the last read post so I don't have to page up and down. Exactly like the Bombers site.
  11. 10 Wins isn't an unrealistic target as long as Buck stays relatively healthy.
  12. Camp needs to be about the QB's as that's our number one problem. I'm looking forward to the glowing reports from Rookie then training camp, but I'm keeping my expectations low until I see the team play for real.
  13. I'm @VanWestTerry if anyones interested
  14. Pretty nice job guys. My 2 cents: 1. Larger Avatar size (15K should do for 90x90) 2. Highlight the unread threads 3. Put Next and Back buttons at the end of the threads to navigate without going back to the main page like the Bombers site
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