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About GCJenks

  • Birthday 1970-09-18

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  1. Love this, hate waiting a week for the next hour. Noah Wylie is outstanding. 1 episode to go, I am not sure there is a more intense hour of TV that one can watch.
  2. We didn't travel south this year but have decided never to book the full shot with a tour company, will book flghts, transfer and stay on my own so that I can control it. This, 100% this. We've been lucky and have always had reasonable experiences but vacations should be stress free and this is how to contribute to it.
  3. I am late to this discussion and much has been had already but I think that is an unfair assertion on PhysEd teachers. While I have never taught, I did take the required course load "back in the day". The Phys Ed (now Kinesiology) had some of the best training and highest course loads around. Here is something that might blow your mind, as a phys ed student, we had human cadavers in our Anatomy lab, the Bachelor of Nursing students that shared our building did not. All there anatomy training was on models. Many of my classmates at the time are now teaching phys ed but many other subjects or administration. @Mark H. and I have a mutual friend that is an award winning STEM middle school teacher that started her training as a phys ed teacher when I did mine. The assertion that Phys Ed teachers are just dumb jocks is almost on the level as saying the Riders are a well run football team.
  4. Speaking of music, if you watched the Grammys last night you missed something spectacular on Global. 50 Years of Music on SNL was excellent. Sometimes can be hard to find SNL related online but seek it out, it will be worth the effort and 3 hours. https://www.nbc.com/nbc-insider/snl-music-documentary-celebrity-stars-how-to-watch-stream
  5. I think Def Leopard did alright at Canada Life Centre on their last tour. To me the biggest problem is that it is a Wednesday night...
  6. If it matters, our seats are Section 125 and we quite like them. Higher seat numbers in the row is closer to the field side.
  7. Started watching Landman with Billy Bob Thornton this weekend. Was really hard to turn off and go to bed at a reasonable time. Best thing I have watched so far this year.
  8. Tried the new Stacked pancake place in Madison square yesterday. They are still getting their feet under them but service was reasonable and food portions enormous. I have high hopes for this one, ate atone in Vaughn a couple weeks back and their GF waffles was best I’ve had at a breakfast place.
  9. I knew Roger long before the Loveys days, hearing him called less than pleasant hurts. He always was an entrepreneur and worked for himself, I can see needing to lead and manage others being outside his safe zone. It just isn't something I ever experienced dealing with him in the late 80's early 90's.
  10. Save cash, lose listeners... Even as a Mid 50's white male, I just can't stand Mulroney, and I voted for his father.
  11. I kind of missed the point on Silo, watched the first episode but haven't been back. Please share what you think when you are done,
  12. Myself, I am thanking Corus management for putting Ben Mulroney on in the afternoons. Now, I turn off the radio and turn on podcasts, now instead of being entertained I get educated...
  13. I couldn't even get past the intro paragraphs... However, just like in years past, the league’s outdated voting system will have as large an effect on the results as straight statistical comparisons. With local voters only able to select one nominee from each team and regional voters limited to one choice per division, the best two candidates rarely end up on the final ballot. To rectify this, 3DownNation has taken the restrictions off and polled 10 of our contributors to see who the real award winners should be. The results include several victors who weren’t even made finalists by the media at large.
  14. I actually think the correct thing was done here. They told Mace that the command centre had already reviewed the play and confirmed no catch, The refs knew that but Mace had no way of knowing before he threw the flag. If you rewatch the game on TV you can hear Kroeker telling him.
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