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Everything posted by GCJenks

  1. I’m calling a MTL re-sign of Harris , mostly because I want to see the Rider meltdown that will ensue.
  2. How / Why would someone offer Dom Davis anything? I am not sure if I like or am shocked that not once have I seen Dakota Prukop mentioned. I mean even with the GC brain fart he still gets more done that Dom Davis...
  3. Agreeing with Booch, after reviewing the roster the one name I'd like back is Bailey. Most of the others should be able to be replaced rather easily. The one other answer I am looking for is Shoen, does he return and sign longer term or does he have an NFL opportunity to pursue? Without Shoen I would like to see a free agent received (Lawler / Lewis) here but with Shoen I think we can pass on both those guys and save the $$ for other spots. Really hoping the scouts have the big run stopping, pile pushing DT already in their sights down south.
  4. Have you forgotten that Friesen is so “well” connected that the truth is almost always the opposite of what he writes?
  5. I will say, after being trained to binge whole seasons at a time this one episode a week thing is rough.
  6. I think everyone needs to wear some of that loss, not a single person lost that game. Did Lawler or Lewis do much that game? Oh wait... I want Demski, versatility, passport and local connection are worth more to me than can be replaced with either of the other receivers.
  7. Really shitty, that's how I would feel. We were the best team in the league last year without Lawler and Lewis. Why are we always focused on guys on other teams that we perceive as better. The guys we have won more games than anyone else last year and would have brought home a 3-peat if not for some poor coaching and back execution at critical moments, none which can be blamed Demski.
  8. Watched the first episode of Shrinking last night on Apple TV+. My wife and both really enjoyed it and had several moments if audible laughter or chuckles. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt15677150/
  9. Hill is dead. Was an incredible hockey player and a shitty human. No one can argue the first point, if you want to argue the second maybe the description of Hull can be used for you as well. His 15 minutes of fame ended 40 years ago, scan we move on now?
  10. Lost in all the Bobby Hull talk I think this was missed. We may not all know the name Barrett Strong but we all know some of the songs this Motown legend wrote. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/barrett-strong-dead-obit-1234670626/
  11. In the Streveler interview he did talk about heading to Chris’s place in Arizona. Not sure what week that I’d but I think that would be considered a vacation.
  12. @Noellerthanks for the heads upon Poker Face. Watched all 4 of the episodes that are out and it’s excellent.
  13. The saddest thing to me is that none of the opposition have an alternate plan that is reasonably palatable. Wab out proclaiming that they should meddle with Hydro or MPI to ensure lower monthly payments is not the right answer either. Hydro is in the mess it is from all the interference by previous NDP governments. It seems so simple to me, but no political party seems to talk about it (so I must be wrong?). Wouldn't the easiest most efficient way to affect this change be to raise the Provincial Personal Exemption? Allow us to keep more of our own money that we earn, instead of taking it and then trying to find ways to give it back?
  14. In addition to expressing outrage at the way Shared Health and WRHA spend there money there are things we can personally do to help. If I can suggest a great organization supporting the victims or sexual assault, especially during childhood, please support Heartwood Healing Centre. https://heartwoodcentre.ca/support-our-mission/
  15. Did you not see me whining that I couldn’t even get a table last time I tried? I see no harm in talking about a good locally owned restaurant. There just appears to be a few of us that live in or patronize the particular area.
  16. The 90’s show gets better. Leah starts to shine once away from her parents and there are a few very funny moments reminiscent of the original.
  17. Wife and I both saw this special and so it was hot dogs for supper tonight, along with air fryer poutine. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10160255075745491&set=a.77696030490&type=3
  18. We started it but haven’t gotten very far, got distracted by the lighter “That ‘90’s Show” which was fun mindless humour.
  19. I’m curious if those kettle chips will be a regular thing or just for the special. @Brandon have you tried Junction 59? The wife and I quite like that one too, the 10yr old not so much. The other out of town spot that you should try is Colin’s House in Beasuejour. Everything is made from scratch in house except the dessert and chicken fingers, might just be the best fries in the province. Just about anything on the menu can be Celiac friendly so I really enjoy my visits. Also struggle to decide between tacos and fish and chips, always start with a plate of beet chips.
  20. For all you hungry folks, today's special at Roxy's is a bacon cheese dog, kettle cut chips and coleslaw for $14.95... https://scontent-ord5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/327711429_700045758227877_6819244157542839126_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=qwI_5XoSgIIAX9nFkYd&tn=gK7pVsEXj-jF1JsZ&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-1.xx&oh=00_AfAIp5bZamzR1b6aQyA2xqbp8SNgnr0G8dLvSCCT6RSr3A&oe=63D5F485
  21. As a celiac, I hate you right now... I have actually heard the servers describe the Bistro fries to people as Costco fries. House fries are their home made option.
  22. They are by Cavendish, they sell them in store. They are as crispy as they are because of the coating applied to them (which makes many of us unable to eat them). I can’t remember all the ingredients but flour and egg are two of them. I’m a firm believer that fries should have one ingredient potato and then the oil they are cooked in.
  23. Can you explain your choice of Bistro over house fries? I can’t eat the Bistro but I’ve never understood why anyone would order Costco fries in a restaurant over fresh cut. For us it was part of the charm, between the sisters and a couple of the long term servers one of them was going to bust on us for something. Like going home and having mom give you crap about not finishing your dinner. Desserts were to die for but there was never room after those meals. Had to take it home for later. Used to drive out once a month after we had moved back to the city. Another testament that if you are running a family owned business you need to have a rock solid succession plan. Was never the same without them and squabbling between heirs seemed to sink them for all of us to suffer through withdrawal.
  24. Have to throw out an obligatory “Damn, I miss Barney Gargles’. You knew going in chances were 50/50 you’d get scolded for something but the food was always top notch.
  25. It’s now our go to for breakfast out.
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