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Everything posted by kcin94

  1. Why would anyone be listening to Black?
  2. Except for the team we play Friday.
  3. When Nichols goes through his reads, if the first read isn't there, he goes through the rest until he has to check down or throw it away. When Streveler goes through his reads, if the first read isn't there, he panics and throws it anyway, panics and throws a pick, or panics and runs. You can call it "trying to make a play", but it's 1 TD to 2INT this year versus 10TD to 1 INT for Nichols.
  4. I've always noticed the announcers are typically more excited when the losing team scores and makes it closer. It's part of their job to make the game more exciting and closer game are more exciting The problem with biased fans is that blowouts are more exciting when your team is winning.
  5. If we also win, then all 3 team are at 11-7 and it finishes 2) Sask 3) BC 4) Winnipeg
  6. It would be bad for the Bombers Sask 2 Win 1 Sask 1 Edm 1 Sask 1 BC 1 Win 1 Edm 2 Win 1 BC 1 Edm 2 BC 1 Total games against tied teams Edm 5-3 Sask 4-3 BC 3-4 Win 3-5
  7. This still falls under the fact that teams can wipe their ass with the contract players sign, but the players are idiots/selfish if they want to get out the contract.
  8. If Enstrom requires missing more than a couple games, they will call up Poolman. They can't go on the road with no extra D. I can't see them calling up an inferior D to Poolman.
  9. A lot of people don't understand the difference between accidental and incidental and use incidental wrong. Accidental - Didn't mean to do it. Incidental - Didn't affect play. In this case, the trip was accidental as their feet got caught up, but was very non-incidental as it made the catch impossible.
  10. I little bit extra fun. Can't have that.
  11. Problem with that is that it encourages coaches to waste it on something stupid or ticky tacky late in the first half and waste time. Exactly what the change was meant to prevent.
  12. Government of Canada can't figure out how to pay their federal employees, but can figure out how to pay this guy. If this was a foreign country, look at the optics. Someone kills a US medic. Gets put in jail. The country faciliates his release and then gives him a big payday. We would be accusing them of state sponsered terrorism.
  13. Lemieux will not be anywhere near the Jets this year barring an incredible amount of injuries. He was quite poor on the Moose last year and will likely need at least another year.
  14. As someone who is directly affected by both, I am (begrudgingly) okay with the wage freeze and losing my recent graduate rebate, as long as everyone has to share the burden. However the premier/cabinet just voted themselves a 20% wage increase before heroically volunteering to pay back their future increases (which is not the same as a wage freeze) and increased tax credit for political contributions which of course benefits their friends the most. All this is doing is changing who gets the money. In the meantime, U of M will be cancelling some classes starting in the fall because the University will claim they can't give money to the departments to hire teachers to run them.
  15. The picket will only be up from 7-5 Monday to Friday. It will not affect any events at the stadium.
  16. If we win Friday, what does Edmonton have to play for?
  17. Yes. That guarantees at worst 2nd overall. The only we don't get first is if Toronto wins, and not both of Montreal and Saskatchewan win.
  18. Don't need Edmonton to lose, just BC. Our win puts us at 11 wins while Edmonton with a win would only have 10. That being said it still requires Sask beating BC in BC. (and us winning too of course)
  19. http://www.cfl.ca/game-rule-tiebreak/ - has won the greater number of games played against all member Clubs of the League, then, - has the higher winning percentage in all games played against all of the other tied Club(s), then, Analysing them 2 by 2 is not how the tiebreak is determined.
  20. The first tiebreaker in a 3 way tie is record amoungst games involving the three teams, not pairwise tiebreakers.
  21. But Montreal beat Saskatchewan twice, and thus Sask's record is worst amoungst the 3 teams.
  22. Same tiebreakers as playoffs amoungst 3 teams.
  23. In that case 1st pick - Saskatchewan 2nd pick - Us (Through Tor.) 3rd pick - BC (Through Montreal) For them to all finish with 5 wins, Montreal would beat Saskatchewan and thus amoungst those teams, Montreal would be 3-1, Toronto would be 2-2 and Saskatchewan would be 1-3
  24. Not really much spin. In the province the NDP number of seats didn't go down, but the conservatives did. What he is neglecting of course is the the cons went down because Manitobans wanted change and still do. That doesn't help the NDP nor hurt the provincial Cons. If anything it should bolster the provincial Liberals. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on who you ask) they are so disorganized that they likely won't be able to do anything about it.
  25. Even he is not that stupid, but nothing that guy does would surprise me.
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