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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. I was at the game and I am just wondering when the "BC sucks" chant stopped being a thing. I even tried to start a BC sucks chant in my section and everyone just looked at me puzzled and slightly offended.
  2. Me too. Also have a low opinion of Canadians who invent lies about racism to try and push a political agenda. Shame on all of them. Truly awful people.
  3. And the argument that the Conservative party is run by racists is getting weaker everyday. And dumber. Time to argue on actual policies and drop the fake boogeymen. Canadians aren't as dumb as the slime at Leadnow think.
  4. No this racist crap is total "feeling" unsupported by facts. The people spouting this nonsense should be ashamed of themselves. It's so disgusting.
  5. Back to the adults:
  6. No. They don't. Just ridiculous.
  7. https://globalnews.ca/news/5770048/conservatives-ethics-snc-lavalin/
  8. It would definitely put Milt in the hospital
  9. Always enjoy seeing BC get a beat down. I am hopeful for one tonight.
  10. Didnt have an outrageous burger at BC Place, don't think I will be having one of these tonight. Is Obby still serving up the shawarma?
  11. Not that nonsense again about the guys who drove across Canada. Scheer isn't "courting racists " and to even suggest such a thing is either desperate or ludicrous. To frame the argument with having to choose between a guy who is ACTUALLY guilty vs a completely false accusation is disingenuous. Anyone voting on that premise really is being suckered.
  12. didn't see the video but hearing that he's not really admitting to doing anything wrong. The Liberals just want everyone to forget this, but it's too big to forgive. Trudeau should do the right thing and resign.
  13. I respectfully disagree.
  14. I'd like to say that this is the nail in the coffin for the Dauphin, but of course, the people out east will just keep voting for this lemon.
  15. I hope that they have paramedics on standby...
  16. LOL In retrospect, given that burger can feed a family of four, it probably would be popular in Winnipeg...
  17. How much is it? The Outrageous burger goes for $35. No one in Winnipeg would pay that.
  18. Last time I checked Janarion Grant plays on special teams, not offence.
  19. He apparently has information on the Clintons and has been hiding in a safe house since May.
  20. Gotta go with Andrew Harris this week.
  21. Is that Brian Jack?
  22. Lack of diversity is our strength.
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