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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. It's definitely misleading if/when applied to those in the political spectrum that are labeling themselves "progressives". They are actually the furthest thing from it! That's the point.
  2. At least we can agree on this. What a monster indeed.
  3. LOL - yes, of course. Just as usual, ignore the content. So you think that banks should be held accountable if someone they lend money to has an environmental issue? Really? That to you is a "nothing burger"?
  4. But that's my point - calling these terms "synonymous" is extremely misleading. In certain peoples' opinion they are synonyms, but not really. In fact, as demonstrated by a lot of self-identifying "progressives", like Bernie or Elizabeth Warren for instance, they have a lot of extremely non-forward looking views, in terms of taxation and spending. To say that Bernie Sanders is both "progressive" and "forward looking" may be the opinion of some, but it's just an opinion, not a truth.
  5. interesting take on it. I agree that both sides, left and right, need to adapt their positions to fit into the future, for sure.
  6. Nice article on AOC: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/ocasio-cortez-again-proves-shes-clueless-on-economics man is she clueless, about just about everything. Her policy ideas are silly and unsupportable, and would really cause a lot of economic and societal damage.
  7. why does it explain a lot? It just seems like people are assigning themselves a high moral ground here that is completely undeserved, just because they identify with a specific political group. Anything that disagrees with this political group's ideology is immediately labeled "regressive" (whatever that even means) no matter what the points of disagreement may be. Case in point - if you question the 12 year death sentence certain politicians have put on the planet due to the man-made climate change hypothesis, you are suddenly "regressive", which is just plain silly. Being "progressive" seems to be to actually be pretty regressive in a lot of ways, and extremely damaging to the environment and the economy. So to sum up, the moral preening of those labeling themselves "progressive" is pretty hard to stomach, and also pretty hypocritical.
  8. define "progressive and forward thinking", because to me that phrase is actually an oxymoron in a lot of ways.
  9. Liberals almost caught with their pants down, but able to lie their way out of it. Seems to be a steady pattern with this bunch of corrupt losers...
  10. Petan is perfect for Europe. I think HC Davos is his future.
  11. we can't keep trading our first round pick year in year out just for rentals, I don't see that being sustainable.
  12. I want Notley to lose in Alberta, and move to BC. If the NDP here in BC would have her as leader, we'd be so much better off. Notley is a freaking dream compared to the dumb-dumbs we have here.
  13. No, I didn't get this memo. And I'm not "gunning" to lock any threads down, I leave that to those who can't seem to tolerate any opposing opinions.
  14. Yes it was Trump who told her to lie about her ethnicity. It's Dem tricks that seem to work on the weak-minded.
  15. and 2015 was all about getting rid of Harper, and look how badly that turned out. It may be about "getting rid of Trump" for a lot of people but it shouldn't just be about putting someone else in who's just as corrupt or worse to get rid of the current guy. That never works.
  16. Beto would be the VP on that ticket.
  17. probably feels that he is under paid. It must be hard though to play for a team that is going downhill. I hope we never see Scheifele or Laine have that hopeless expression on their faces knowing that they are doomed to miss the playoffs for years to come.
  18. Just wait until Hendricks goes in for Wheeler to give Wheels a break....
  19. how many 12 year old Simonises and Petermans are coming up, ready to replace those two when they retire in 2029?
  20. I can see hydro-electricity being the main driver of this move, but wind and solar make no sense economically, and so therefore are just not sustainable.
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