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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. So then if the opposite happened and a woman was given the higher role after being trained by a man, then you would agree that there is a gender pay gap that discriminates against men? Really?
  2. And yet this is the party that knifed your boy Bernie in the back, and you say that they don't support dishonesty and mendacity? What was that you were saying about ****-posting and ignoring facts?
  3. So you were talking about Democrats....
  4. Which is why there are also people who vote Democrat...
  5. What is another way?
  6. I agree that your example has nothing to do with the gender pay gap, if it exists at all.
  7. So they have never experienced anything like this before ever? And there is no other explanation? It has to be "man-made" climate change (I assume that is what you meant)?
  8. Sounds a lot like the Dirty Thirties.
  9. It suddenly got really quiet in here....everyone is probably too cold to post right now!
  10. The union and the government feeling that there aren't enough women in admin is not evidence of a pay gap, it just means that less women are applying for admin jobs. Or there is sexism. Or something else. The only way a "pay gap" would exist is if women are working the same jobs as men in admin and being paid less for that job. Do you know if this is happening?
  11. about the gender pay gap? Where? When?? the only bull**** being exhibited here is you making excuses for why there is no evidence that the gender pay gap exists. I'm not teeing off on Hillary at all. Please post some links from her.
  12. who will we get for it though?
  13. Maybe he can join Burmi in the KHL. I see Postma is there now.
  14. I call BS on this. I say that no one can find any evidence and so grasp at straws instead rather than admit that they've potentially bought into a giant pile of hooey. I do love it though when its everyone else who has the "closed mind" on issues like this, by asking questions. That 9ne made me laugh. Not really. If one focuses on the actual arguments rather than making up excuses to hide or derail, it just shows that they really have nothing to back up their argument. If she had a relevant point to the discussion I would love it! Like you feel with Milo, I find Hillary to be a "vile person", but if she has a view and it isnt just unproven dogma I would want to hear it. For sure. For instance, when she was practicing law, did she get paid less than other lawyers who were defending rapists? That would be interesting to hear, though it was a long time ago.
  15. With Chase Deleo and Scott Kosmachuk
  16. I hope Laine gets some major cramps soon too.
  17. Hope he gets his chance with someone. Sounds like a good guy and has a lot of talent.
  18. All three of them. Nenshi will be like "Bo Levi who?" as he looks at the picture of him and BLM at the Grey Cup last year.
  19. Speaking of coming home, could lightning strike twice with the Blues and Alex Steen be plucked by Chevy? Or would he just be another older Bryan Little?
  20. Once again no examples given, just attacking the messenger not the message, with no real value added to the discussion whatsover. If "you knew this thing was completely *****" as you say, it would be nice if you could provide some backup to that statement. But you can't. And that's the problem. And it looks like you didnt bother to watch the video in the OP either. And that's shame on you. Political correctness is a funny thing. Some people are angered by its doctrines, some blindly believe everything they are told despite any proof (and this belief is reinforced when people they are told are "vile" disagree with said doctrines) and then there are people like me, who simply ask questions. And its actually amazed me how unwilling or unable those who have chosen to believe this doctrine re gender pay gaps have been able to answer my and others' questions. It makes me wonder why smart people are so willing to do this. To blindly accept something as truth without evidence, because they are told to. And reject anything shown to the contrary. It is actually fascinating.
  21. Not really. And who cares. Or what....????
  22. Just because you think someone is vile doesn't make it so.. it seems like the main criterion for being "vile" is that they disagree with whatever is "acceptable" according to the radical left. But he's not the only one in the video. And you know that. This smells like another derailment attempt.
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