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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Apparently according to some sites I am reading this Chris Snowden guy has lost his job over that post. And he's being publicly flogged by social media. So there is some justice in the world. I will never understand why people post stuff like that on the internet. Do they not understand that there are consequences?
  2. I have seen a lot more like this, and you are right, re-posting just helps spread the message of hate so I won't post any more, but it does give an insight into the "minds" if you can call them that, of the loons and nuts out there that seem to have embraced fanaticism when it comes to environmental issues. Kind of scary actually.
  3. I don't know how these people could be this close to a firestorm and remain calm and orderly. This could have easily broken out into full panic bedlam and thousands of people dying, but everyone worked together and didn't panic. Just amazing. These people are my heroes.
  4. yeah and don't get me wrong either - I'm anti-All Things Leftist, but we can agree on this point.
  5. I remember when Calgary was flooding and all of the dimwits were saying the same thing. What a bunch of yahoos. That NDP dingbat may need to hire a bodyguard.
  6. http://www.metcam.navcanada.ca/hb/player.jsp?lang=e&id=29 Here's a camera at the Fort Mac airport (I think, given all of the planes in the foreground). The Northwest view is the one I am watching. In the past hour it's gone from almost no smoke to huge plumes starting up. The wind must be kicking up again, just like yesterday.
  7. one reason to live on the bald prairie I guess.
  8. if you are insured then you have no choice but to rebuild. We found that out here in Kelowna. The insurance companies don't just hand you a big cheque and say see ya later. The insurance payment is contingent on rebuilding. Another thing we found was that you didn't want your house to be saved by the fire department, because then you didn't get any insurance money. The only people who got paid were the ones whose houses were 100% destroyed. They ended up with brand new houses, while the slightly damaged houses had to be repaired at owner expense or limited insurance pay-out, to the point where you almost had to rebuild the whole house anyway due to smoke damage.
  9. yup it was 2003. The exact same conditions - no rain for like 40 days, 40C heat, no humidity, and high winds. Perfect cocktail for a firestorm. The one thing I know is that when these firestorms get going there is nothing on earth that can stop them, save for a giant downpour.
  10. ok but three? Doesn't Medlock also punt?
  11. I looked at the roster. With Medlock now on board, do we still need Pavadopolus and...
  12. I liked what I saw from Lowry in the last 10 - 15 games of the year. He seemed to have his confidence back, he was hitting guys and he was scoring goals. Same with Copp. The team really gelled, especially after Ladd was traded. I hope they can carry that gel factor into the next season, and Lowry and Copp really come to camp ready to give er this year. It helps giving them some skilled talent to play with too, instead of pluggers like Peluso and Thorburn. Copp seemed to have a whole new lease on life playing with Petan and Armia. http://www.thehockeynews.com/blog/watch-andrew-copp-split-wild-defense-deke-dubynk-for-beautiful-goal/ TSN rated this one of the top ten best goals of 2015-16.
  13. yeah I realized that as I was typing...
  14. should have blamed his hair, and the fact he showed up to the lottery looking like an unmade bed.
  15. Both Price and Campbell were imports, but yeah this really hurts them. And yeah, losing those picks hurts too.
  16. he should win just because of his cool last name.
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