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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Where is Bo Bowling this year? Rod's favorite player on the Als!
  2. I would argue that keeping everyone at the same level is a worthy goal. Wealth and income inequality are not things a country should aspire to.Reading this makes me sick to my stomach. Why does it make you sick to your stomach - why does anyone deserve to be elevated over anyone else? Because people elevate themselves. We should help those who are unable to work and support themselves but we should also allow those who want to be great, to be great. Everyone gets what they earn. My question to you would be, why should we stifle the best and brightest in order to elevate those who aren't willing to work for their rewards? So by this logic then, Peluso should have been offered the same contract as Andrew Ladd or Tyler Myers, because otherwise if Ladd makes more money he is elevated above Peluso. Just unbelievable. I'd like to say that this guy is just trolling, but I have met too many like him to just assume that this is trolling. The brain-washing that goes on nowadays in our universities and high schools is unparalleled in this country's history. Communism lost, but it's making a come-back in our education systems.
  3. This morning when I came into work there was a homeless guy sleeping in front of the front door of our office building. When someone woke him up he pissed and **** himself simultaneously, then walked away. If he refuses to elevate himself by trying to use the myriad social programs available in this country to get help, are you saying that everyone should just sleep in front of buildings and piss and **** themselves, because no one deserves to be elevated above him? That's what you are saying?
  4. Who told you that the "hallmark" of an advanced society was to give everyone everything for free? Seriously. What idiot fed you this mass of bullshit? Nothing comes for free. Someone has to do the work, to pay the bills. That's what they don't teach you in school.
  5. I get the same feeling when I read the NDP's platform.
  6. I bet you got an "A" in your "cross-cultural" studies class. Just barf-inducing. Yet more and more automatons are turned out of our universities every day who are fed this same load of drivel.
  7. Their sick time rates are so high (if you get a sniffle you go home for two weeks) that even the national automaker had to leave Norway to find a country where people actually wanted to work.
  8. LOL. How did I know that Norway would creep back into the discussion. Every socialist wet dream begins and ends with Norway. Their high taxes suck. http://www.sovereignman.com/expat/why-norway-is-a-bs-argument-for-higher-taxes-8235/
  9. A few years ago I was at a game sitting on the west side behind the Bomber bench and I had a mother and small kid behind me, and the kid kept asking mundane questions and the mom kept answering them, right in my ear. I was able to ignore the banter for the most part but then there was some horrible call by the ref so I started yelling, using a few choice words, forgetting about the kid sitting behind me. Suddenly I hear this little voice say "Mommy why is that man so angry" and the mom says "Because the ref is a moron dear"....ha ha ha
  10. The Bombers should just announce this roster already. I don't know what they are waiting for.
  11. You don't have to go much further than Manitoba to see how badly the NDP sucks. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2015/04/30/manitoba-budget-live-coverage How can anyone in good conscience say that the NDP is good at balancing budgets? They are horrible! As for my mind being made up, not completely true. I am extremely made up in terms of who I am NOT voting for, and I think you can guess which party that is. Oh yeah, and the Greens. Not voting for those insane turd-balls.
  12. I don't know what you are talking about - if a "large company" ever told anyone how to vote and intimidated them, they'd be taken to a human rights commission or tribunal immediately. Unions on the other hand always tell their members how to vote. The stuff that the unions put out here in BC in the last election was just plain sickening. What was really disgusting was the millions of dollars that they blew of member cash, all taken from member dues. They had no say in it, their money was just blown trumpeting the horrible NDP, and they ended up getting nothing for it. I really hate seeing people taken advantage of like that, and told how to vote. That's not democracy. Anyway that's about it. I get that you want to portray that "it's bad everywhere, not just the NDP". I just will agree to disagree with you that the NDP isn't the worst.
  13. Most people can't see the intimidation that goes on behind the scenes if they aren't involved in politics. I should further clarify that I don't just think that the NDP shuts down dissent; I honestly think that there is an element of zealotry in the NDP that results in willful blindness, that is just not seen in other parties. This is the kind of willful blindness that doesn't even need to be enforced. Case in point - no one with even a tenuous hold on actual facts would ever argue that the NDP are better fiscal managers than anyone. A monkey with a dartboard would be better at managing economies and budgets then the NDP in most provinces (Gary Doer perhaps being the exception). Yet you see NDP zealots arguing passionately that their party is the best. This just isn't true, and is completely unsupportable, if one chooses to do even a minute amount of research. But you can't ever speak negatively of the NDP, if you are a zealot. No. Just can't. End of story.
  14. Why isn't Jake (the Snake) Thomas playing?
  15. Sigh...it sure would be nice...
  16. Well done. CLAP CLAP CLAP
  17. I didn't see my complaint about the NDP to be praise of any other party in this area, as what I meant (and obviously didn't really explain very well) is that one of my main issues with the NDP is their hypocrisy when it comes to dissent and free thought. They criticize everyone else for not being free on dissent, yet they are the worst offenders when it comes to this issue. Anyway, I wouldn't call my dislike of the NDP "blind hatred", I would call it well-informed disgust. I watched Howard the Coward run Manitoba into the ground in the 1980's while allowing the unions to just run the province (that's democracy?) and I watched the NDP in BC run our province into the ground. I watched Bob Rae run Ontario into the ground into the 1990's. I "debate" (it's tough to call it debate) NDP zealots on other forums and it's always the same mantra "We are great and can do no wrong". They don't want to admit that there are any issues with their ideology, and the only reason they feel they don't win elections is because the voter is either stupid, or swayed by "attack ads". They don't want to change, and anyone who proposes change is shouted down (this per several people I know who left the NDP). It's our ideology or nothing, and if you don't like it, get lost. As I said, I just find the NDP to be extremely hypocritical, on this and many other issues. They point fingers at JT and Harper and say that they don't allow dissent, but the NDP are the worst for this. The day I see an NDP actually finally question some of the garbage they are fed by their union masters, like that bogus article Raging just linked to, I will probably keel over in amazement.
  18. Glad to hear it's a WWC-related thing and not something to do with IGF, in general... another reason to strongly dislike soccer.
  19. One thing that bugs me about the NDP more than most things, and that is that they don't allow free thought or dissidents in their party. You MUST agree with the ideological mantras, and you cannot question the lies they spin. Thus you end up with people like RagingIce, who can't see the proof of how bad the NDP is, no matter what is shown.
  20. I would bet that guy is counting the 1996 BC budget as a "balanced" budget for the NDP, when in fact it was proven after the election that the NDP fudged it and then lied about it to get re-elected. Oh the pain we could have avoided if the NDP had lost that 1996 election.
  21. LOL - same posting pattern of brain-washed leftists at other political sites I visit - state a complete untruth, then link to a union-funded garbage leftist blog as "proof" that the lie they are stating must be true, see a bunch of union-funded bozos say its true. It's pure garbage. What we have in BC right now sucks for a government, but it's still better than the NDP, who was wiped out 77-2 in 2001 here in BC. If they were so great, why did they almost get completely obliterated? Because they sucked. Alberta has to find that out now the hard way.
  22. This is pure horse-****. We suffered through two long terms of horrible NDP economic stewardship in BC, including bending over for the BCTF and giving the lunatic union carte blanche on deciding class size and composition. Yes you heard that right. The NDP gave the union the power to decide how many teachers should be hired. How dumb is that. Just mind-boggling how dumb. 17 years later the current government is still fighting in the courts to get that reversed. Bob Rae was a freaking disaster in Ontario and the NDP just got booted out of New Brunswick after only one horrible term. Now the new government is trying to cut costs, but finding it impossible because the idiot NDP gave all government employees life-time job security. Boneheads. Whoever sold you this nonsensical bill of goods about the NDP having the best fiscal record is flat-out lying to you. If it was your university prof (more than likely) you should go get your money back.
  23. LOL. I just don't like the NDP, and see them as the worst option possible. I also see a lot of people use excuses like "stagnation" as to why they should take over power, and I don't get why we need to needlessly waste billions of dollars on absolutely no positive value, just so that we aren't "stagnant" in some peoples' minds.
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