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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. ???? Romby just wasn't getting open at all. It was painful.
  2. after watching Romby dog it all night in the BC game I'd take a fence post over him right now. Mcguffie couldn't be any worse any way. He's been in camp now three weeks? He should be almost up to speed by now on the offense, time to give him a try, or even better, Donavon Kemp. Romby should be given a road map and an apple, and Grigsby should be sitting on the P/R.
  3. this is going to be a hard game to watch with the horrible camera angles. When they pan around being zoomed in that close it gives me vertigo, unless I am drunk. I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet.
  4. Looks like Butler is in a boot. That could be good news. Thursday we'll get to watch another game from Mcmaster. The cameras are so close to the action Drew Willy better pop all of his zits. LeFevour looked good against Ottawa, I hope we don't underestimate him. In fact, I'd almost rather face Collaros, given Hamilton doesn't know how to gameplan to his strengths.
  5. Yeah it was like a morgue in the building most of the game. My in-laws were bored and hated every minute, so naturally I was up and dancing along with the Felions at every possible opportunity just to rub it in. Payback for soooo many times I've had to watch the Bombers suckkkkkk against the Lions and get bugged non-stop.
  6. His INT was brilliant but never should have happened. Glenn had at least two guys open on that play but chose to chuck it into double coverage instead. Not sure what he was thinking there.
  7. there were over 25k there. Pretty pathetic.
  8. That Bryant Turner sack was a thing of beauty.
  9. The Lions picked the Bombers deliberately for Geroy night as last year it was a free spot on the Bingo card so a good night to honour Geroy and send the fans home with an easy win. Too bad they forgot about how Mike O'Shea isn't Tim Burke.
  10. Does it matter? Our guys seem to get hurt even if they are just practicing.
  11. I'd like to see what the percentage of football players with concussion issues is and how functional they are ten years after their careers are over. Something tells me that LB's and running backs would be the worst off, as they do most of the hitting or getting hit, in the head area. QB's to some extent too.
  12. To be fair, when Rod was blabbing it was semi-relevant as Jason had just broken the BC Lions all time ST tackle record, or something to that effect.
  13. If memory serves, EZerins began as a tight end but converted to decent linebacker. Yeah, he was converted to a middle linebacker by Ray Jauch but settled in at outside linebacker where he played the most of his career in Hamilton. And I still enjoy watching Poplawski torch him in the 1984 Grey Cup - just ran right by him on a crossing pattern and walked into the end zone.
  14. Hope that learns him to stop doing the cha-cha with Glenn January...
  15. OK well if there is something going on let me know, though I'll be towing a bunch of Lions fans with me...
  16. is there going to be a week 5 thread? I need to get my pick in before I head off to Vancouver.
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