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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. let's hope Edmonton picks him up and starts him on Thursday.
  2. http://scratchingpost.thespec.com/2009/07/mike-kelly-says-its-a-nonissue-and-will-be-handled-internally.html
  3. Hamilton 2014 = Blue Bombers 2012. At least Lapo was somewhat likeable as a coach. I still think he shouldn't have been fired.
  4. I spent the year 1997 in Perth Australia, and my boss had season tickets to the Fremantle Dockers, who were an expansion team that year. For reasons unknown, TSN showed the games unedited all last season, then cut out almost the entire third period of the Grand Final, in which the Dockers were playing. It made me incredibly angry. The rules are a bit tough to understand. Essentially if a guy kicks the ball to another guy, and the other guy catches it, it's called a "mark", and now you are awarded a free kick. The object is to kick the ball through the big goal posts. If it goes through, its six points. If it goes through one of the side markers its one point. The game is amazing to watch live, just loved it, especially while quaffing large amounts of Carleton cold and Crown Lager. One of the best things about Footy is every Thursday night one of the TV channels has a show called "The Footy Show" in which all kinds of craziness and non-politically correct stuff goes on. Totally hilarious. The hosts knock back beer the entire show and are pretty plastered by the end. The game started in Melbourne, which is why you have six teams from Melbourne, and only one or two from all of the other major cities. Go Dockers!!
  5. http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2014/07/15/comcast_rep_refuses_to_cancel_service_listen_to_the_customer_service_call.html Just painful. Yet I've had this same experience when I've tried to quit Shaw and Rogers.
  6. Can't seem to find too many details... http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/Bombers-trade-for-QB-Brohm-release-Goltz-248239301.html
  7. How many times has Marve been stopped? Other than once or twice at the goal line? I know he got stopped on the 30 yard line against Montreal but that was a bad decision to go for it in the first place. With the lack of push of the O-Line I don't think Refrigerator Perry would have gotten a first down on that play. I don't think it was a bad decision, just bad execution. I know it didn't work, so it's easy after the fact to say that it was a bad decision, but that's very micro oriented. From the macro point of view, players love playing for a coach who has confidence in them. A coach that never gambles on 3rd, or never tries a fake kick, or never goes creative does not instill the same confidence in his players. I recall one time I was coaching in an important game, and we went for it on third down early in the game and got stuffed. I called over the entire o-line and the o-line coach and said "that clearly wasn't acceptable, but I know you can do better, so I'm going to give you another chance later to prove that you are better than that". We gambled twice more in that game, both successfully, and scored a couple of touchdowns with our short yardage team as well, and won the game handily against a strong opponent. My point is that many people on this board have been critizing the Rider's coaches for playing musical RB's due to a couple of fumbles. I don't believe that you give up the run entirely due to a couple of fumbles, and you don't stop going for it because you get stuffed on occassion. It is true that you may need to make changes to the personnel or the execution, but the strategy remains solid. Teams that play to win, win more often than overly concervative teams. I just am from the old Bud Grant school where you don't go for it on 3rd down when you are on your own 30 yard line. But I do admire O'Shea's go for it attitude.
  8. I'm surprised that he didn't hug all of the cheerleaders as well. Not sure if anyone here caught the interview that Ocho did with Milt but it was really cool. Milt is a good interviewer - and even ate poutine! Ultimate sacrifice!
  9. The only problem for Morley this year is getting in the buffet line ahead of Wylie...that being said, anyone see Stubler sweating like he was sitting in a sauna on the sidelines in the Calgary - Toronto game? Yikes that's one guy that I am actually worried abut making it through this season alive.
  10. lose 29-28 on the last play and end up ranked 9th next week.
  11. How many times has Marve been stopped? Other than once or twice at the goal line? I know he got stopped on the 30 yard line against Montreal but that was a bad decision to go for it in the first place. With the lack of push of the O-Line I don't think Refrigerator Perry would have gotten a first down on that play.
  12. Bowman has not been the same since his injury. I'm not sure he could make the team now. You sound like a Rider fan describing Kromah.
  13. I am more excited about our RB situation then I've been in a long time. I sincerely hope they can find a way to use both Grigsby and Cotton out there. I really want to see Cotton worked into the rotation and getting reps at RB, he's got quite the motor on him.
  14. Yeah well that being said, there really isn't much out there to suggest. By the end of the year, Cohon may be okaying tackling dummies as National OL just so teams can make the ratio. Ottawa really has drained a lot of the extra NI talent out there this year. As I believe JBR stated in another thread, three imports on the OL may become the new normal this year, meaning a lot more National DB's and even National running backs becoming the new NI position of choice (as is already happening on several teams)to fill in for lack of NI OL available. I wish we could clone Anthony Coombs, he looks like a stud.
  15. Thank goodness, otherwise we'd have had to listen to Rod Black orgasm in his pants over "Sticky" Stala again...
  16. Given National OL are rare as hen's teeth this year, it really does go to show that we hung on to Pencer and Kowalchuk too long.
  17. I don't think Willis should have lead with his head on the play. Anyway if Willis does the same thing to Willy and injures him in the same way, he's going to have to tunnel out of IGF as there are going to be 30,000 people waiting for him in the parking lot.
  18. That one screen we did execute perfectly to Grigsby was a long gainer - 18 yards. It was too bad that we needed 24 thanks to a massive sack on the previous play. I wanted to see that play a few more times. There was a quick slant to Grigsby that could have gone for big yardage on the last game-winning drive, where the LB managed to deflect the ball at the last second. I'd like to see that slant to Grigsby more often too.
  19. Did he have Michael Bishop as his QB coach?
  20. Yup - we win two or three more games all year and the Bombers should at least have the Cross-over locked up.
  21. If we are really in need of a center, John Bonk must still be out there somewhere waiting for the phone to ring.
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