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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Yeah I was wondering that too. I am assuming that we will get an update at some point this weekend on Greaves. It always causes havoc on the line when an O-Lineman goes down during the game. I was going "Oh no" when I saw Greaves go down. At least the Bombers struggled through the adversity and prevailed. I was impressed with Ottawa's O-Line play as well, pretty good for a bunch of cast-offs, and the rookie NI they have playing tackle did well too I thought.
  2. Well I have to admit I just about filled my pants when I saw the replay of Willy's hand bending backwards like that.
  3. Not only that, I think Walters and O'Shea have to go. That performance last night shows that Walters just can't find talent and O'Shea is clueless as a HC.
  4. Ottawa's running game may be worth watching too... [url=
  5. This is like that time that the Bombers sat Westwood and the camera kept panning to him during the game in his street clothes standing with Matt Sheridan, looking all hang-dog and morose.
  6. I underestimate them right now on purpose. We've seen only one game from this crew. When the defence goes out and dominates in the next 4-5 games, I'll give them more respect in terms of their talent. I want to see the kind of performance they had against Ricky Ray a few more times.
  7. Enough with this well-reasoned logic - this thread is exclusively for half-baked conspiracy theories. Take your nonsense somewhere else! Maybe he's here to secretly kidnap O'Shea right before the game starts, then Banks himself takes over as head coach with a goal of sabotaging the Bombers. Bryant Turner's new son shows up and kicks the crap out of Banks and coaches the team to victory. Just a rumor I heard on twitter... Well here's a picture of Bryant Turner's new addition, and I believe that it's a "she".... My fondest hope - one day she marries Chase Stegall and they have twin boys, one who becomes the CFL sack leader for 12 years straight, and the other one who ends up breaking all of Chase's receiving records, because of course he's going to break all of his dad's records when he is signed by the Bombers in 2025.
  8. I don't want to confuse talent with heart. Right now, I'd say thanks to O'Shea and co. on the coaching side, we've got brains and heart. That goes a long way in football. Talent-wise, I wouldn't say we're much better than Ottawa. Where we'll beat em is if we can out think them and out-work them. The key will be getting Hank to turn into Frank, which is all about getting through their O-Line and containing Hank so he can't beat us with his legs.
  9. I want to see how their rookie NI tackle handles the blitz, coming from 10 different directions.
  10. Which now will forever be known as "The Stonestreet Bump". (Colbert reference)
  11. Non-issue indeed. It was handled internally. At least until the baby came out, then it was handled externally.
  12. Too bad that the REDBARFS didn't sign Cauchy to be their safety. I'd just love to see us take on a secondary with JJ and Cauchy out there, whiffing tackles and misjudging patterns.
  13. This would have been me this year seeing Henry Burris in a Winnipeg uniform:
  14. I think Cam is funny and the eye-candy on the show is great, but Phil is my favorite character, if only in how he reminds me of my brother-in-law and how hard he tries to keep up with current trends to stay "hip" to his kids, only to look even more un-hip by doing it.
  15. what's with the two acronyms? Is this some lame bilingual thing? Why not just put out an English and French depth chart? Menkin is an International. Hopefully our pass rushers can burn their 2 rookie OT's They starting 8 Nationals though. 6 in O 2 in D. Just checked and yes Menkin is an "international". Perhaps the Ottawa guy drafting up this depth chart should have paid more attention to that than making it bilingual. That receiving corp. is really putting the fear into me all right. If they light us up it will be a tribute to the athleticism of Henry Burris. He's going to have to be on every night to make that corp shine. He can't afford to turn into "Frank" and start his cry-baby routine. Not for the fat cash that Ottawa is paying him. Even if he lights us up tonight, still so very glad that I don't have to swallow my bile this year watching him play for us. Also looks like they are starting a rookie NI, Macmillan, at tackle. I really hope we make them pay for that.
  16. http://www.vulture.com/2013/09/premiere-week-ratings-old-shows-rule-wednesday.html
  17. Modern Family isn't a hipster show. It's actually really hilarious! Just curious why Eric Stonestreet is in Winnipeg? Is he in a play or something?
  18. He was probably scared the Jets might make the playoffs this year.
  19. Speaking of replaying it - who the hell decided that the game of the week to replay should be that crap-fest Rider game? What a joke!
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