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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. I agree. It's your money, if you want to pay all that money to get the false feeling of better health, go for it. Just leave me alone and don't make me listen to your babbling about it. I was paired up last summer while golfing with some teacher who wanted to tell me how she was a vegetarian and how wrong I was to eat meat, I just wanted to golf and not listen to this crap. At the fifteenth hole the golf course had beer babes grilling and selling hot dogs, so I made a point of buying two and eating them right in front of her, while she complained the whole time and told me all I was eating were "chemicals". "You mean chemicalicious" I responded. Those were probably the best hot dogs I've ever eaten, because I knew it bothered this sanctimonious prude so much.
  2. LOL - you are ingesting the same "poisons" as me, if indeed there are any (which if you wash your food it shouldn't matter) but you are paying three times as much. That's the issue here. You are being totally screwed over and paying three times as much for the same food that I eat. All you really are paying for is the right to walk around preaching about how much better of a person you are for eating organic. I get it all the time. My business partner only eats "organic" eggs, which cost $2 an egg. I laugh at him every time for spending that much on eggs, and he gives me the spiel about the documentary he watched blah blah blah and I laugh some more at how naïve he is. I grew up eating "organic" eggs from our barn. We were dumb I guess and just called them "eggs". If we had only known city people were so gullible...we could have been raking in way more cash just by adding one word to the description, and selling the exact same product.
  3. I watched all the TSN Jets games this year but I had to get the Center Ice package to do it. You should have let me know you wanted to watch a few games, I'd have invited you to my office in the Landmark towers.
  4. LOL - my cousin has an organic orchard here in Kelowna. He says that the mantra of the organic grower here is "we spray at night". The whole organic thing is sooo stupid, but a clever way to get people to pay three times as much for the same food. And I say this having grown up on a farm. If you don't spray, you don't have a crop. And that's just how it is.
  5. I don't mind Safeway and Save-On. I hate bagging my own groceries, just a pet peeve. And it bugs me when they ask me how many bags do I want. How should I know? 20? 30? 3? I don't even know why they have check-out people at Superstore, they just run things over a scanner. They could train monkeys to do that.
  6. Isn't this some sort of small Australian bear? Koala's aren't bears, they're a marsupial.
  7. yes, you are pure as the driven snow... LOL
  8. http://www.tsn.ca/VideoHub/Default.aspx?collection=109&show=354655&section=Sports Just watched this video and I'm used a Commodore 64. Hoping to upgrade to a TRS-80 at some point.
  9. LOL - face it, you just come here to pick fights don't you?
  10. With all of the kerfuffle going on with TFW's these days maybe the CFL Should go 100% non-import. Just kidding...
  11. All the Bombers have to do is win some games and show some heart and fans will be rushing back in droves. Using myself as a gauge, there are a lot of us who desperately want to love this team again, and all we want to see is some fight in this dog and a will to win. Last year was really tough to stomach, and I don't think I made it through most of the games, other than that Boltus game due to the sheer comedic value. I think O'Shea is a big key to the puzzle, we won't see a glum emotionless thousand yard stare from him on the sidelines this year.
  12. Good grief you are actually serious with this crap. All right then, on the same idiotic principles you are espousing to stand against nuclear, I stand against hydro-electricity. "something bad happened due to old technology and bad planning" - therefore all future development must stop forever. Good night, this is why we end up getting suckered into stupid wind power projects and blowing billions wastefully and needlessly, we let our irrational fears over-ride any sort of good sense.
  13. Hybrid cars and electric cars are a giant scam - same with solar and wind power. Only idiots who don't understand basic math support these "alternatives", because of course they are subsidized up the yin-yang with government cash. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324128504578346913994914472
  14. well its probably because he's such a leader in the dressing...no...how about all of that untapped potential...no....well then there's....hmmmm....
  15. It's just amazing to me what people will believe if you just make a fake picture. We are supposed to be in an information age with the Internet, but it seems like society has taken a step backward and become even more ignorant and gullible rather than less. Even if Atomic did post that as a joke, there were millions including a lot of morons in Germany of all places who crapped their pants about Fukishima, for no reason whatsoever. Thanks to that one stupid incident, that killed no one, Germany dropped all nuclear powered initiatives and entered into horrible multi-billion dollar solar powered nonsense that has ended up causing them to use more coal fired power then less, and more emissions not less. Just sooooo stupid.
  16. But using your rationale of panic-driven irrational fear due to ignorance, we shouldn't use hydroelectricity at all. In 1975, the Banqiao hydro-electric dam burst in China, and killed 171,000 people. So therefore we should never ever build any hydro-electric power dams ever again, because one failed 40 years ago and killed a lot of people. What? They have made technological progress in this field since 1975 and so now they have way more fail-safes in place then they did in 1975? You don't say!! Hmmmm.....maybe just maybe the same could be said for another technology rhyming with buclear? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banqiao_Dam
  17. I didn't realize that the Lac Megantic disaster was due to nuclear power. Silly me. It's this kind of panic-driven fear mongering that is holding back nuclear power development. France gets 75% of its electricity from nuclear power and has been operating plants event-free since 1962. Why does that hold no value whatsoever to the panicky-idiot segment of our society that just sees Armageddon behind every nuclear power development? Is this anti-nuclear stuff all planted in your heads in school? I just don't get it, there's basically no basis for all of this fear.
  18. This guy is one of the biggest Greenies around and also one of the most radical leftists I have seen and he is huge on nuclear power: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/mar/21/pro-nuclear-japan-fukushima He addresses your theories about decentralization and he's not a big fan of it. As you say, huge costs involved.
  19. I know this is all theoretical at this point and may not happen in my lifetime, but all roads point to nuclear power as our future. All that has to happen is that people have to get over their panicky idiot fears of nuclear energy and stop pulling Three Mile Island and Fukishima out of their scared butts. The potential of nuclear power, if harnessed properly, is virtually limitless. This may be a hoax, but even if it has any potential at all, we could eliminate gas powered cars: http://xposethereal.com/re-fuel-every-100-years-with-the-new-thorium-car.html I also like nuclear because Canada has some of the biggest uranium deposits in the free world, and the next Fort McMurray could be based in Northern Saskatchewan. Companies like Fisson and Hathor have made some monster finds there in the past few years. Go nuclear! Wind power, solar power, it all sucks, especially as far north as we are, and requires huge subsidization with extremely low returns thanks to the intermittency. That's never going to change, thanks to the laws of thermo-dynamics, which a lot of Greens seem to think can be bent to their purposes (why not - look at all the junk science that is going on to prove man-made global warming is occurring?) whereas nuclear power provides a steady power source at affordable rates.
  20. I'd think twice about geo-thermal. The powers that be here in Kelowna suckered a lot of higher-end home owners to switch to geo-thermal from natural gas heating, promoting it as "cheaper" and of course the thing that appeals to all those who want to feel like they are "making a difference", that geo-thermal was much more "environmentally friendly". All of those people that switched are now crying their eyes out, as gas is cheap while electricity costs here are going up substantially. My brother in law was one of the suckers and he now pays almost $500 a month in electricity while I am still paying $150 a month for my gas bill and our houses are roughly the same size. The problem is that the idiots here went to a "two-tier" system to encourage people to use less electricity (bullshit excuse, it's a revenue grab) and so if you don't use much electricity, your bill stays low, but if you go above the low tier you get screwed. All the people on geothermal HAVE to use electricity to heat their houses, and they are being bent over right now. And good luck trying to sell your house, not too many people want to get raped like that for their utilities. Gas is the way to go baby.
  21. shhhh....don't want to mention the Sun....it detracts from the hysteria and panic of CO2....
  22. Don't be too hard on yourself. Most AGW "believers" are phonies. Only they are doing it for the big bank involved. The best thing that ever happened to Al Gore was the man-made global warming scam, the guy has made gazillions riding off of it, not including all the bank he's made from being a director of Apple. Are sea levels actually rising though? What I've seen in terms of measurements on sea level rise have all been horribly biased and deliberately incorrect measurements designed purely to panic people. Back in the mid-2000's there was the whole scam about how the Maldives and other low-lying islands were going to be covered in water by now, and nothing has happened. Also - is there any credence to the theory that Venice might be sinking a bit as well? It's not always just about the sea rising, land also sinks too. I like Vice too, in fact I've enjoyed many of their reports as they get right into the places other journalists won't go like into Muslim Philippines and right in with the Taliban in Afghanistan, but their climate change stuff is complete crap. It's too bad that they've bowed to their political masters on this stuff and not gone into exposing all of the corruption in the "green" lobby. These are the prime guys to investigate Obama blowing $500 million of taxpayer cash on Solyndra, and yet none of those guys will touch it. You can bet if it had been Bush that had blown $500 million on a scam with his cronies it would be a Vice masterpiece of journalism. And here we go with the hockey stick again and graphs showing sea level rising. The hockey stick is complete and utter bunk. The world hasn't warmed in 17 years. Even the morally bankrupt IPCC and their UN masters agree on that one. http://a-sceptical-mind.com/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-hockey-stick http://junkscience.com/2011/12/02/the-sea-level-scam/
  23. It actually hasn't been getting sketchier. All that is happened is that the media has magnified the severity of any and every storm occurring now and presented each one as a "cause of climate change". It's just pandering to the unproven hypothesis. We're actually going through one of the slowest hurricane periods since 1900 right now. Tornado activity compared to the 1970's are way down. There are now even peer-reviewed papers supporting the hypothesis that more CO2 in the atmosphere leads to less severe weather on earth, but of course, those papers are ignored as they don't support the fear-mongering craziness that is necessary to keep the cash-eating machine of the AGW movement going.
  24. Not sure if this is actually true, but it does bring up a valid point about actual pollution vs fake politicized pollution. Particulate pollution as you describe is actual pollution, in that it is actually affecting the health and welfare of millions of people and causing deaths due to bronchial issues. I've traveled from Egypt to Cambodia to Burma and I've seen the air pollution in the third world, and it's not hard to see that it is causing deaths. The air in a lot of population centers just isn't breathable. They burn dung and wood, as well as garbage, and the air quality is terrible. Also, everyone drives two stroke engines that burn a lot of oil and of course a lot of unfiltered diesel as well. This is all stuff that could be cured with natural gas and cleaner burning engines. Fake pollution is CO2 - it's a joke that anyone would call a harmless gas required by all plant life to exist a pollutant. Stop actual pollution and save millions of lives, then worry about fake bullshit pollution like CO2. The man-made climate change movement is so misguided in this way, they hurt the poor with "solutions" like bio-fuel and wind power causing fuel poverty while not dealing with real issues and problems like particulate pollution in the third world. Fly into Cairo sometime, you'll see what I mean. It smells like someone poured a giant can of diesel on a massive pile of ****, and lit it on fire.
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