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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. to do what? Go work as a greeter at Walmart? Seriously, this sounds just plain silly. I don't know, I'm just passing along what I was told. Sorry. If true then uggghhhhhh.............
  2. Where's ****'s combine and toothless cousin-wife?
  3. which is STILL better than what we have right now. The guys we got now put up terrible stats against crappy defenses too. Marvin Gaye released an album named after you in 1962...
  4. to do what? Go work as a greeter at Walmart? Seriously, this sounds just plain silly.
  5. Elliott had more wins and more pow then anyone we have now. He also could throw more then 300 yards ints and not. Elliott had one more win last year than Goltz and the same number as Buck. Not sure why you guys love him so much. Especially when actual facts are introduced.
  6. They cut Porter at the start of the season. Maybe they bring him back?
  7. I think he'd be happy to have a job.
  8. http://www.bluebombers.com/roster/show/id/3653 If "He's not Buck Pierce" is the best reason you can give to signing a guy, that's pretty weak. No I gave my reason way further back, he's better than everything else we have on the roster. Elliott and Dinwiddie as our two QB's - with Stoddard in the slot. 17's dream team!!
  9. I think we already know. The question is will we or the Eskimos win more games this season? And by losing the most games, we win the race to see who gets to draft the first guy that ends up going to the NFL and getting injured/PR'd next year, aka the CFL draft.
  10. so where do we get the NI spot? On the DL? 3rd Canadian receiver? Swiston/Pencer tandem at tackle?
  11. how many points did he get us in the LDC last year?
  12. I want the guy who led the offense to improvements last season and won some games. In case you haven't noticed the offense has been abysmal this season and we haven't won games. Hee hee - what short memories we all have. The offense was abysmal last season too. By your logic we should be starting Buck right now, because he won as many games as Elliott and would have had similar offensive outputs if he had been able to play in that home game where we shredded the Ti-Cats D and Elliott won player of the week. We could have started Kenny Ploen in that game at QB with Dieter Brock backing him up and won that game.
  13. I looked back at 2012. Elliott won 2 games for us. 2 games. One over Hamilton and one over Montreal. Buck won 2 games (Hamilton/Toronto), Goltz won the last home game against Montreal and Brink won that fluky game over Edmonton. I honestly think the legend of Elliott as this "game winner" for us has been largely over-blown. And in terms of excitement, that excitement he provided in the LDC and the away game against Calgary last year had me bent over a toilet puking, and it wasn't because of how drunk I was (though that helped).
  14. yeah that was it. He cut himself.
  15. I think there is disputing it. But it's irrelevant, as it's not going to happen anyway.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWKK70Rbn28 Here's the Elliott I remember - hitting that bomb to Watson at the 2:20 mark. That team at the end of 2010 sure had a lot of potential, Garrett and TJH at the top of their games, and before Elliott was slowed down by the knee injury, he could still do roll-outs and hit long bombs.
  17. He's still shown more than any qb we have on the roster currently. shown more propensity to throw INT's in the red zone, and not listen to the coaches. In any event, these "what if" discussions just go in circles (see Reilly, Mike) so let's just agree to disagree here. I liked Elliott too, but realized that he was just another "flash in the pan" QB like so many we've had in the past, to be mentioned now only in the same breath as Troy Kopp or Jay Walker.
  18. and in two related stories, scientists have determined that oxygen is necessary to sustain life, and Germans have been discovered living in Germany.
  19. or option 2 - let's develop a QB who actually has talent and hope of being a starter in this league.
  20. Yes he is, he got hurt last week. Mitchell and Tate are both further long than Glenn is hurt now. Glenn gets hurt every game. Then he just comes right back.
  21. nope Glenn's not hurt. It was a joke tweet.
  22. It's the only way to get through this season. I have already wrecked my liver so now it's time to go for the lungs...
  23. we sign a guy who lost his 3rd string job? Yeah those coaches in Sask really musta loved the guy, cut him and everything. LOL. Now we know whose account Joe Mack is using to post on here....
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