Bucknor's been doin fine, you'll be surprised how many pass knockdowns he has... I can think of two right off the top of my head, and he's always right there in coverage
I'd argue we're a top three defence for sure, if they wrapped up against Edmonton, we'd be looking a hell of a lot better statistically... So far so good, let's see if it keeps up
He has a lot of good Natural attriutes to be a good RB... He has good vision, Runs low, nice build for the position, He's a surprisingly Powerful Runner... I bet if we gave him a chance he could be pretty good out of the back field
Yeah, he's just not getting anything going this year... Bad offensive line, wondering about Khari now to.
I don't think BC's receivers are bad... Arceneax, Taylor, Gore, Jackson, Ianuzzi are a pretty solid group, not to mention Logan and Harris out of the backfield are like super good at that
He has the tools so that can't be used as an excuse
2007 was a pretty good and balanced team as well. We were dominant in the trenches, Glenn was playing well, best receiving corps in the league by far, Charlie was still playing well, real good LBrs and a pretty good secondary.
To bad they all collectively fell off a cliff the following year
No, then we have to take woods off, who's proven to be very valuable to this team.
It's definitely time for Cotton IMO. If they don't give Cotton the start next week, I'm not sure what will open their eyes.
So if Korey Banks had just shut his pie-hole, he'd probably be playing on Friday. Interesting.
Boo, this team has had terrible luck with injuries for a few years in a row now
If I were to pick 2 tings that absolutely killed us last night, It's horrid Offensive line play, and piss poor tackling.... You gotta wrap up a QB like Reily... no excuses
We're certainly missing Greaves. Dan Knapp got beat pretty bad a bunch of times too. Definitely gotta do something about that O-Line (Billy Peach)
Turns out JBR is right again, We need Woods doing returns.
Grigsby doesn't run hard enough... I'd make that change as well. His speed wasn't impressing me, nor was his vision. he also had that terrible play right at the begining. To much stutter stepping into his blockers, He needs to make a decision and make the cut. I want to see Cotton at RB
I think we're really missing Leggett a lot more than people are letting on. Leggett and Sears are a great team in the middle of the field.
Im concerned about their Dline vs our OL. Washington better not *** it up this time
I like Grigsby... I'd like to see some pro sets with Grigsby and Cotton both in the backfield. They both have some serious speed.
Happy we're not taking Cotton off the roster, but lets use him this week
The only games I put up with rod black are bomber games... If I turn a game on and it's rod black I turn it off as soon as I hear his voice. As much as I love the cfl, it's just not worth it to put up with him for other teams
That's just Etch being Etch. Ottawa did the same things with Walker in the first quarter as well.
It kinda seems like teams have already been able to figure us out.