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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. Or how they were owned by the BC Lions owner for several years. I know people **** on him here but David Braley is on my good guy list. Imagine loving the CFL enough that you would own not one, but two teams. Still, super sketchy and a very weird look for the league.
  2. The equalization draft of the 1980s would have made heads explode around here. The equalization draft was basically an expansion draft but for the poor sisters of the league. I remember Ottawa received equalization players -- they had been very very bad for several years at that point. Maybe Regina did too.
  3. Dude, Chad Kelly winning MOP does not even crack the top 100 list of sketchy things that have happened in the CFL. There is only one trophy that matters and this year Chad Kelly ain't getting his name on it.
  4. It would suck to lose him, but if anyone deserves a shot at a bigger payday, that guy does.
  5. I can't remember the exact play but there was an occasion during a recent playoff game where Collaros made an extremely key tackle after a pick and prevented a TD.
  6. I think I've got one of those! Is it made of some horrible offgassing plastic material with silkscreened numbers? I think the brand is Raven? And there's no nameplate? Trigger warning:
  7. MBB needs an 🤘 reaction emoji. I've got a sweet vintage royal blue Marinovich jersey that I'll let go for cheap. Or if you want something a little more modern, how about a mid-2000s navy Whizzinator?
  8. you are a true fan and I salute you. there's pretty much nothing I won't do for homemade pastrami. so what are people wearing for the big game? I've had a DB97 jersey for years that I stopped wearing after the heartbreaking 2016 west semi that we lost. This year my girlfriend got me a brand new beautiful uncustomized white road jersey and that's what won the West final, so that one is coming out on game day. That jersey is undefeated!
  9. There was one throw like that to BOLO where Suitor pointed out how Collaros paused to reset his body before throwing back into the middle, which he said made the throw a lot crisper and less risky. The throw that I do not want to see again is the wide out throw to the field side wide receiver standing flatfooted at the LOS. As soon as ZC threw that I was like "oh **** pick 6". It really hung up there for awhile and the DB had hours to make a play on it. BOLO made the catch for like a yard and then got buried. Damn that is a low-reward high-risk pass to throw and it happened fast enough so that it looked like ZC's first read. That needs to go in the bin with the blind handoffs and the Prukop shotgun. remember those blind handoffs in the first Hamilton game? Buck was into the lapo mad scientist juice there. (standard disclaimer: I know nothing about coaching a passing attack) all the best for speedy recoveries to those guys. I can't imagine how much that sucks.
  10. that one play where Willie was clearly playing to contain and then wound up getting the sack anyway when VAJ got flushed -- that play started with #69 getting pancaked on what looked like a patty-cake shove from WJ5. Good thing for him there won't be film study of that game! (of course what looks like a patty-cake shove from WJ would probably put me through the wall, but 69 did not look as steady on his feet as an offensive tackle should, is what I'm sayin)
  11. it wasn't just our passing game that suffered -- BC had zero respect for any sweep motion from Demski. We ran that a few times with Demski going horizontal and Brady between the tackles and Brady got swamped by bodies each time, BC was really keying on him and ignoring any other run looks from us. We're so lucky that Lawler is a freak who can solo an entire passing attack.
  12. interesting play at 11:40 of the third -- a run by Oliveira against a 7-man front. Faked a direct snap sweep to Demski that didn't fool the Lions one bit. No respect for the fake, I think they weren't super concerned about Demski last night.
  13. Seattle has a hockey bar owned by guy from Winnipeg named Tim Pipes so I'm gonna be eating something off this menu: https://www.angrybeaverseattle.com/menu#menu=food they sell Coffee Crisp there too!
  14. BC was stacking the box and our passing game was jacked up with all the injuries and Woli playing out of position. I dunno if Buck was play calling to feed Lawler or if Collaros was ignoring everyone else but our passing game just didn't look right. Was watching Woli waggle and he wasn't hitting the line like a regular CFL slotback would. Last regular season game when BC stacked the box we killed them with Brady in the flats .... wonder why that wasn't available last night. I kinda wonder if Brady got nicked up ... was weird to see Augustine getting carries in a game that wasn't decided yet ... totally not the Bombers style to sub out the top talent unless it's Prukop coming in....
  15. 1. Richie Hall. Masterful game plan, completely neutralized the vaj. putting the right talent in the right spots and BC had no answer.
  16. love Lawler's ball security, always hold my breath when a receiver is fighting three guys but no problem for Kenny L.
  17. that was a weird offside, BC34 just kind of strolled into the neutral zone.
  18. oh man what a play by Willie. pancakes the OL, shrugs off Mizzell Sr like a little boy and then the sack.
  19. oh man I do not like that long long long throw out to the wide side like that. high risk, low reward.
  20. -25 yard drive for the Lions to start the half. D is beasting.
  21. 39 yard punt, no return .. 39 yards is a pretty good net, isn't it?
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