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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. Here's the play-by-play I put together: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiLFGLZnbIP9dHhRT29DV3ZkbnJQZC1xVnVlUEJfaHc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Here's how I bucket the hits on Hall: 2x Argos pass rush outnumbered Bombers protection, a blitzer came untouched and Hall ate it. 3x Bomber protection outnumbered Argo pass rush, but a Bomber was beaten one-on-one. 2x Bomber protection and Argos pass rush were even, but a Bomber was beaten one-on-one. 2x Ford was in pass protection, guarding one side, but the Argos blitzed on the other side. 1x January got distracted by #6 Argos, who was not blitzing, and let #92 come unblocked to obliterate Hall. This one looked awful, it was at 2:53 of the 4Q. 1x Jones helped inside and let two rushers go by him, leaving Ford in a two-on-one. Yeah, I noticed that Hall didn't take any sacks at all. He doesn't like to eat the ball, looks like. If I could stand to watch this game again I'd take a closer look at Hall because my impression is he didn't move much laterally during the game, he just stood directly behind center and completed pass after pass while the Argos teed off on his ribs and jaw.
  2. Kohlert is a free agent. If he were signed for 2014, I'd definitely agree with you. There's probably no use in protecting Suber and Stewart. Since we can only lose one import, it's not going to be a free agent. Maybe substitute Ford and Mainor in for Suber and Stewart.
  3. Non-imports (1st group) H.Muamba* Watson Greaves Neufeld Swiston Pencer Non-imports (2nd group) Sorensen* Renaud* Kohlert* Etienne* Labbe* Morley* Imports Washington Wild January Suber* Turner Denmark Sims-Walker Stewart* Sears Dunn
  4. Maybe the BB know what they have in Etienne and want to evaluate Foster at game speed so they can make an Etienne vs. Foster expansion draft decision?
  5. He's sort of like the Tim Burke of quarterbacks. He'd be a great one if he could throw the ball. Not sure why Toronto went heavy blitz in the 2nd half. Sit on routes and you are pretty much guaranteed that Hall won't complete many passes for first downs because he can't place the ball on intermediate routes, and chances are pretty good you'll be returning INTs. That said, I guess you can't quibble too much with a gameplan that limited the opposition to 20 points. It didn't seem like Hall was having too much trouble completing passes before the half. He was 11/18 at halftime and he was a Cory Watson brainfart away from being 12/18 with a TD. His only pick came when he was hurried by the rush (and he got creamed as he made the throw) How deep is an intermediate pass? As far as I recall, Hall hit passes at all depths yesterday.
  6. Sometimes our protection was getting physically beat, sometimes the rushers stunted free inside (Mitchell did this a couple times) and sometimes extra passrush came from well outside the tackles and there was no Bomber blocker on that side to counter. At work now so I can't watch to provide more details, alas.
  7. Today I rewatched the Bombers / Argos game and took some notes on the pass protection, to see what was going on when Max Hall was getting belted. Didn't see anything that'll surprise anyone here, but here's how I counted it: * Hall dropped back 50 times and was hit 11 times. 6 of those hits came in the fourth quarter when Jones started rushing 6 and 7 regularly. Prior to the fourth quarter, the Bombers had kept Hall reasonably clean. * The really awful stat is this: only two hits came on plays where the Argos brought more rushers than the Bombers had in protection. * The other hits came on 6-on-6 (3x) 6-on-7 (2x) 5-on-5 (1x) 4-on-7 (1x) (!) (Lange beat Greaves) 4-on-6 (1x) (!) (Mitchell beat Sorensen) 3-on-6 (1x) (!) (Mitchell beat Morley) So, nothing different here than anyone was already saying, our protection really doesn't appear to be particularly good. * Wil Ford was held in to block 36/50 times and the Bombers also brought in a TE or a SB to block 7/50 times. The extra blocker didn't help much. Of those seven plays, three were hits and two were hurries. * Hall was better than 50% passing (6-11-1) on plays where he was knocked down. Solid work there.
  8. Prior to this year, I thought the post-Calvillo Als would simply implode. Very impressed to see that three other quarterbacks have won games for them this year. (assuming they hold onto their four score lead today)
  9. Yeah, Chris Jones likes to get tricksy with his goons ... but I want to see what the Bombers were doing to try to counter that in their protection schemes ... or if they were always just depending on Hall to get the ball away before the pass rush got home.
  10. I like Hall but it's horrifying to see how much punishment he's taking. Why is he taking so many shots? It seems like our schemes weld him into the pocket, he doesn't roll, he doesn't change the launch point and buy an extra second, he just stands there, delivers the ball and then gets smoked. I'm going to rewatch the game and count how many times he was facing extra heat, how many times our OL got beat one-on-one, etc.
  11. (just watching the game on tsn vod) Reilly still doesn't look right. I think Edmonton's being extremely foolish playing him. Sit him down before he ends his career!
  12. Yeah. Hall didn't look bad even though he was totally under siege out there. I wonder how good he could be if he had some time in the pocket to go through his reads?
  13. Agreeing with others that I want to see Hall back next season. Considering the gong show around him -- no consistent running game, horrendous protection, no QB coach, incompetent OC -- I think he's definitely done enough to earn a 2014 invite. Will Ford reminds me of the last year of Fred Reid's career -- once or twice a game he gets sprung for a big play but he's pretty much a 2 yard per carry back otherwise.
  14. IIRC Volny has fumbled at least once in every game where he's gotten significant carries.
  15. 1984 was actually kinda like 2007 -- in 2007 we got past the Als without Calvillo, in 1984 we got past the Lions without Dewalt. I hated Roy Dewalt as a kid. Him and Mervyn Fernandez ate us alive over and over.
  16. I'm fullback-shaped, 5'10" with super wide shoulders. An XL Bomber jersey fits like a speed skating jersey on me. An XXL looks like a dress. Can't complain, though, because women have it even worse .... all those curves that add up into a single 'size' and then different clothes companies size things differently. My wife is 5'9" and has a hell of a time finding clothing that fits.
  17. Reading Lionbackers the idea was that Akeem Foster wasn't going to be protected in the expansion draft -- he was their #4 NIMP receiver -- so he could be had for less than market value. It is a strange time right now in the CFL with teams positioning themselves for the Redblack draft, we might see more weird trades. Poblah, I think, is worth nothing even in these strange times. The Lionbackers are strangely positive about getting Pierce back. They have fond memories of him from back when he was good. Wouldn't it be something if Pierce went back to BC and lit it up? But with that screen door OL of theirs I'm guessing he'll just be turf pizza, if he even sees the field. Good luck to him anyway.
  18. The last rev of the Calgary road jersey had two slightly different styles that they'd wear in a single game. The black stripes on the back of the jerseys were different for certain players. See how #28 has a long-sleeved jersey with a black stripe going straight down the sleeve, where #90 has a short-sleeved jersey with a fat arc going from the armpit to under the nameplate. I'm guessing the Stamps used different style jerseys to accommodate different styles of shoulder pads.
  19. While I think the color is beautiful, I wish that they had gotten the number font right and I wish that the cool vintage W logo wasn't all squished onto the tiny sleeves of a modern football jersey.
  20. Seriously, who do you think we could get for Poblah or Edwards? I love reading the trade proposals here where we trade rowboats for battleships.
  21. Those tight red pants ... and tight red jerseys ... make it look like the Wildcats were wearing unitards.
  22. During the first half, TSN showed how one enters the Taylor Field press box; they showed Duane Forde walking up the stairs in the stands, same as the fans use, and then climbing in through the window.
  23. Also, lol at the Taylor Field pressbox. How does Terry Jones even get up there?
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