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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Good job by McCrae avoiding the illegal block there but running some interference.
  2. Good thing our team isn't as soft as its fans...can't complain about every block.
  3. More like 40 grand. And you make 3-4 of those decisions you can keep all the receivers. Augustine only plays in situations that don't matter, so that tells you something about how he's valued, along with how much you should value his stats.
  4. Karamoko is stiff as hell. Guy moves like a lineman in the secondary.
  5. Yeah if everyone is healthy Houston shouldn't be in the starting secondary.
  6. Real B unit out on D. Not handling physicality well.
  7. *blocked Needs to work off the block. Get the guys hands off his chest plate. Just got his ass kicked there.
  8. Not supposed to let guys bust into pocket or get driven into pocket, need to drive them wide and ride them out. That's my point he's getting beat with speed too much so far, against a team without a real significant edge rush.
  9. "Maintain containment" by running into strong A WTF are they talking about.
  10. Lots getting beat in his kick, Brown stepped up several times. I wouldn't stop scouting American OL.
  11. On the line. That's not a penalty. He turned and got blocked.
  12. His pass pro is not very good, but the D has a huge advantage in this footing.
  13. Brown is a better passer by far. He'll have a choice of where he wants to play in the league. A lot like Reilly except there are 7 teams this year who don't really have a surefire #1. If BC doesn't at least get to the Grey Cup they'll be looking.
  14. The only teams that shouldn't be kicking tires on QB's this off-season are the Bombers and Argos. Look at this game. Maier is down 12-3 to two drives of Brown and two drives of Prukop. Calgary can't be content at QB. BC is a great team being limited by a sucky baby numbskull at QB. They'd actually be scary if they had a guy who could pass. There's no way they wouldn't take Brown if that's where he wants to go and part with Adams. They'd have 3-4 teams willing to trade for Adams.
  15. The guys who ended the season on 7+ game losing streaks.
  16. I mean, isn't that pretty obvious? Brown will be gone for a starting job and Prukop is just squeezing every ounce out of his pro career possible, likely to play in XFL.
  17. This is the worst officiating crew in the league. Better be their last game.
  18. If they run that Quad formation and the D is just straight up man, 4 guys out to that bunch. Fire the ball out there to the guy at the tail. Leave the actual QB on the field.
  19. Gotta throw the screen out there to the Quad.
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