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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Rose is the only guy they threw at there, even with triple coverage he didn't jump route.
  2. Would you rather start at the 8 yard line?
  3. Interior DL needs to provide some resistance. Only guy that made a play that whole drive was Jeffcoat.
  4. 3 guys on 1 side of field in zone with only one receiver. Need to read that.
  5. Bombers just getting ass kicked off the line here.
  6. Bombers into the wind in first quarter, took wind in the 2nd.
  7. Sask takes the ball to start.
  8. Lanier being out is good for us. By far their most impactful pass rusher and wreaks havoc that guys like Robertson clean up.
  9. Interesting the game is back to 5 PM. I remember the year they played one at about 6 PM local in the 00's and there were such problems with over consumption/violence by the time the game started in Regina that they didn't have one that wasn't a 1 or 2 PM start local for a decade.
  10. Not at all. Clements has been consistently isolated by all of our opponents and he's pretty consistently failed the test. Edmonton's not even worth celebrating. The three teams Clements has started against that have a reasonable offense have torched him. It's a pretty big weakness in our coverages. Glad to see the adjustment last week to put Bighill out there and let Gauthier fill gaps to slow up Calgary's run. I get the point of having a backup receiver, but I don't get why a guy wouldn't be integrated more even if he's covering every other kickoff. Like build a couple packages that have him in there for Bailey or whoever. He's that body type of receiver that usually has pretty good success with Collaros style too.
  11. I did. No 81. Our special teams units are basically the same guys, swap snapper/kicker for a couple backers on kickoffs. No 81. 00, 3, 24, 25, 27, 32, 34, 41, 44, 45, 47 was the main crew last week. Will have some changes with Kramdi and Thompson back this week.
  12. Watch all the games over and chart them. If you want to look they are on YouTube. No 81 on any special team. Parker and Ford gun on punt, the rest are backs and backers. Same guys plus Bighill and Clements on kickoff cover and return.
  13. Harrison doesn't play special teams at all, return or cover. He's got one snap between the lines in 4 games. Gotta think they can integrate him into the offense in some capacity soon.
  14. Have extra import on both sides of the ball. Lots of flexibility in packages for D. 8 DL plus Maruo who plays wide rush end a lot in our 30 fronts...no excuse to not get a ton of pressure. LB's need to finish run plays. Maybe Harrison's breakout game. He got one snap vs Calgary in the 4th quarter on the long second down conversion right after the 3 minute warning. Hope it's Ford or Demski catching punts and not Taylor. We don't need to give the Riders any hope with a shitty special teams turnover. Injured. I'd like to see Cole on D a bit to see if he's better able to read plays and manage those pass/run keys that the WIL backer up here needs to. As a WIL Clements is a nice special teams player...has been a total fail on D.
  15. TSN production team in Montreal is just awful. They don't need to put their mics right by the noise. The whole point is to isolate the sound you want. It's 2022. It'll be 110 decibels in IGF and Mosaic but somehow the production teams there know how to adjust the levels so you can hear commentary.
  16. Montreal should be getting called for having their OL 10 yards downfield on a pass across the LOS.
  17. The last 3 drives every pass is double crosser with the tailback protecting. Uncanny.
  18. Montreal needs a new passing play.
  19. I think if Lapo goes 1-1 or 0-2 in these next two he gets canned during the bye the week after.
  20. Lapo just can't resist wasting his challenge in the first quarter.
  21. Looks like both USD and Monmouth used Cooper as what would basically be a rush end in Canadian football. Interesting that he's listed as a DB unless it's a typo.
  22. Yeah the guys who had to come in to solidify the D and win the game last week when Clements couldn't stop his head from spinning.
  23. UND. Sask had him neg listed.
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