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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. McCrae is dressed just for that handoff.
  2. McCrae's biggest play of the season.
  3. He didn't gain anything...where the ball is not his helmet. They moved him up to the 1.
  4. This one is 100% going off tackle or a pass.
  5. Field position on the botched fumble recovery call looms large.
  6. Two guys flat footed standing right beside Wieneke watching the underneath zone guys try to tip the ball. HIT THE GUY FFS.
  7. About 80% of their passing yards tonight between the hashes.
  8. Should be automatic with the turnover. No flag necessary maybe just a reminder.
  9. QB needs to read that though, and expect it when it's delayed. That's the scheme Thorpe runs. Not going to stand back there 5-6 seconds.
  10. Not sure how Hardrick was not on that down with contact.
  11. Collaros needs to get it out way faster. Gotta know those delayed blitzes are coming vs Thorpe.
  12. Montreal D getting frustrated. Penalty time.
  13. Proulx owes Wolitarsky one. We'll take a PI on a long one please.
  14. That second guy 34 way late hit.
  15. Rope a dope'd Montreal's DL. Ran so much in our backfield they ran out of legs.
  16. Liegghio with the Bede-esque hang time on that convert kick.
  17. Bailey so physical without the ball but just waiting to get hit when he does have the ball. Should talk to the RB's about how to get leverage to roll off contact.
  18. Prukop went down pretty fast there...push was good.
  19. They have too many guys in the box for that....need to check to something downfield when the safety up at the line.
  20. Yeah and Grant really didn't seem aware of it.
  21. Lose the tailback in the flat for a free 20 yards.
  22. Awe loves to hit guys that are already down for seconds. Rough game when Proulx in charge.
  23. Our guys in coverage are enjoying the show of the pass rush a little too much.
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