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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Plus the O has their D on their heels. Just need to play it a bit smarter.
  2. We need to start going for 2. Up 7 go for 2 to make it 9. Ignore the fact our kicker is unreliable.
  3. Try Collaros. They haven't stopped him yet.
  4. Neufeld just not willing to engage.
  5. Think I'd only run the rest of this one if we need a yard or less.
  6. Thought maybe he went out as snaps have been wild of late.
  7. Right across the chest. Interesting that he really didn't like that contact. Most times guys are diving helmet first and knees and heads, that was an actual tackle.
  8. Nah didn't pull him backward.
  9. Carey doesn't like being tackled.
  10. Maruo just punished Begelton. Might hit the turf faster next time.
  11. Rather have him passing downfield than handing the ball to Janarion Grant 6 yards behind the line running laterally.
  12. Just let Collaros win this one. Too goddamn cute.
  13. Hope that guy has a pulled groin otherwise no excuse.
  14. God how do you lose track of Ellingson?
  15. Rutledge rookie showing tonight.
  16. Begelton and Henry...bash brothers.
  17. Bighill was there, SAM vacated and was slow to read run.
  18. Rutledge still in back pedal to pass cover when Carey is 10 yards downfield.
  19. Makes up for the brutal bodyslam on Collaros they missed on the play that was reviewed for OPI. And the penalty wasn't Roughing the Kicker it was illegal interference.
  20. Straight up hold on Ford which gave him the edge when he reversed field.
  21. Hold our contain guy and get outside...where's the flag?
  22. And like 4% body fat. He's a ball of muscle.
  23. I don't know if we've ever had a receiver quite like Ellingson. He runs every route and you just put the ball kind of in the area and he gets it.
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