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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. With the amount of pass rush the Bombers are getting you could line up the 5 best DB's in the league and it wouldn't matter.
  2. Not to insult the blind, but are you blind?
  3. We need Roh or anyone who knows how to get into the pocket and affect a QB.
  4. Line judge literally telling Jefferson he's offside and he's arguing, doesn't step back and gets flagged. I would not re-sign Jefferson. I want to win.
  5. Looks like Lapo dusted off the 2018 West Final playbook.
  6. Run 6 plays, Harris has touched it once and run for 9 yards. How does Lapolice have a job in this league?
  7. Suitor trying to talk angles, Jefferson has two arms, he tries to make a tackle with one and stops moving his feet, at that point angle doesn't matter, Jefferson is there just needs to finish the play.
  8. Jefferson makes any effort there and play is dead. Just a brutal effort.
  9. Huff doesn't even go for the ball, quits his route and the ball is 5 yards behind him. That isn't a penalty.
  10. McCoil was offside on 2nd down.
  11. Returner runs sideways and bleeds an extra 5 seconds of the clock. Can't do that.
  12. That's a huge objectionable conduct non call, 10 yards. Makes a 36 yard FG into a 46 yarder.
  13. 25 EDM throws the ball at the face of an Alouette in front of 4 officials. No flag.
  14. For the amount of yards they have they should have almost 7 TD's, so they are under performing their production by about 15 points and keeping Montreal in this one.
  15. Panic challenge.
  16. Guy celebrates a first down when trailing by 2 TD's, drops the next pass....
  17. Brutal headshot on Ellingson on that potential fumble. Should be UR.
  18. VAJ looked like he was filling his huggies during the anthem.
  19. Based on how he’s game planned Streveler this season and how he’s failed at developing QBs for a lifetime I truly doubt any agent would advise Streveler to follow Lapo unless it is the only option.
  20. 30 fronts are garbage in this era and with the way teams use max protect with 2-3 man routes downfield. The Bombers blitz packages all season are a great example of that. I doubt a Bombers LB has touched a QB in the pocket more than 10 times this season.
  21. And if he’s not Maston is the guy. I’d like to see both on the roster but if they are both starting one at SAM and one at safety. Put Alexander back to the boundary. I’d get 7 DL on the roster for this one regardless of the cost. Easy way is to drop the 4th import LB.
  22. I think if he gets axed in BC he'll be heading south to coach DL in the NFL.
  23. He says almost exactly what I posted. He's walking through it there, but it's been done before with guys playing receiver and QB in the same season. When Danny Barrett first came into the league he played both receiver and QB for the Stamps. How the league manages a team trying to hide a QB in another roster designation is by the rule that someone designated a QB has to be on the field for each offensive play. So if you dressed Streveler as a DI, he'd have to both sub in for another import, and you'd have to have one of the 2-3 guys rostered as QB's on the field, and you can only have one QB on the field for offensive plays. So unless you have another QB who is a CFL-level receiver, you're playing at a pretty significant deficit. Often when the rosters were smaller, like when it was a 36 man roster, teams would dress their kickers as the 3rd QB as it has no effect on special teams.
  24. They could roster them as anything, but then you’re taking away another player. And every offensive snap needs someone rostered as a QB on the field. So even if you wanted to use that player as the QB in some sets the other QB would have to be out there, so you’re basically 11 on 12.
  25. Roh. Roh is our best pass rusher. We miss him dearly. We get Nevis and Richardson out together lots, they have lots of different sets with Hecht or D Jones in the secondary and all import DL.
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