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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Man, Augustine is useless in pass blocking. We should have a fullback in there too.
  2. Going on 4 seasons now...
  3. Broken play on 1st and 10 after the PI.
  4. Yeah we've had half as many special teams flags in this game as we've had over the first 10.
  5. Grant should have let that one sail into the endzone.
  6. And then a headshot on 2nd and 10. Come on O'Shea, challenge it.
  7. Challenge for RTP there...late hit by Edem.
  8. Get him and Wolitarsky inside with Lawler. Saw how poor Whitehead and Demski are as slot receivers on a few of the scrambles where they didn't get back to the ball.
  9. Pretty good result considering we had no O in first quarter. O'Shea all over the line judge going off the field.
  10. Gainey spear on Whitehead.
  11. Late shove by Bouka into the camera...
  12. Well...we know what to do...get Streveler out of the pocket.
  13. Bombers have a legit complaint with that. He's a CFL ref not PT Barnum.
  14. Man Bighill knows where to go he just can't get there.
  15. Bighill two steps behind the ball every play...looking a lot like Barrin Simpson when he was done.
  16. Nothing ever under those out routes...and easy toss for any QB, no accuracy required.
  17. How the hell do they not call that hold?
  18. Think we should get more going in the backfield...get Demski in there, get some routes originating out of there, get some motion going laterally.
  19. 2nd and 20...here comes a draw.
  20. Receivers sure didn't help out there...guy extends the play 7-8 seconds and no one can get open? That's just not working hard.
  21. Lapo saved the good plays for the 2 possession deficit.
  22. Fajardo starting to stare down Roosevelt.
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