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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. The Rifles and other iterations of CJFL teams have played in smaller venues like Rods Field and had the same or less support. There are a number of venues in the city that would be smaller than IGF, like East Side, Rods, Nomads, but I'm sure it's more attractive to players to play in the big stadium with better facilities. That's probably more important than getting a couple hundred more people out.
  2. Long-term disability would be ongoing payments, and tbh whatever the league/PA has in terms of insurance is probably better already than what they'd get. If WCB sees a claim as long-term they'll pass it along without even getting involved beyond an assessment.
  3. Personally I don't believe the players want anything to do with WCB. Most of them don't even live near where they play, plus they could end up seeing some money disappear too. This is a tactic to make the league address some issue around injuries and to make sure players are getting what is owed to them when they are cut while injured.
  4. The government names board members, but doesn't directly administer WCB.
  5. It's a little shocking that people have no clue how Workers Compensation works. The premiums are paid by employers and employees, not tax money. It also is not a long-term benefit. There are very severe limits on the length an individual can receive compensation. It is not long term disability. It's designed for people who are unable to work for a few months, not years. Long term disability and EIA are completely different from Workers Compensation.
  6. I'm not debating anything. You attacked Willy ridiculously and minimized his injury.
  7. I'd like to see it in a game. He's a decent returner, punts are a bit of an adventure, doesn't get the ball, lets it hit the turf too often.
  8. Willy had to relearn how to walk from the injury he suffered last year in Hamilton. Nichols injury was years ago.
  9. I've gained a new level of disrespect for Rod Pedersen after hearing him on H and L or the Warmup regularly. He doesn't understand that he's the punchline. Hustler literally makes fun of him and laughs at him the entire time he's on.
  10. Can only assume why he's not a Bison, by his own choice or not. Had a big year, thinks he can play NCAA, like big time NCAA, but the U of M was the only school he could get into, a school pretty much anyone with a high school diploma can get into. He was recruited by a ton of schools on both sides of the border but had to play midget as a 17-18 year old because of academics. Now he's back playing junior in BC and has been listed on at least two rosters to this point. Last I heard he wasn't actually playing anywhere yet.
  11. This guy is an absolute monster. Coached against him in football and rugby. I played with and against Harris growing up...Ritchott reminds me a lot of him cause he went to GP and putting up these performances on a not so great team...same when he was in high school. Harris played on juggernauts both in WHSFL and junior. Running style is more like Coombs though for a local comparison.
  12. Keep in mind that the genius Jones and his amazing staff inherited Mike Reilly who is probably the best QB in the league.
  13. Saskatchewan is like Reinebold bad. They look worse every week.
  14. Martin is actually very light. Just think he's done personally. He's not a kid and who knows, maybe he's not all that motivated.
  15. Kind of depends on what you expect from the defense...but you're either looking at throwing well downfield (50-50 ball for catch or PI) or getting the ball to a guy in space short of the marker with a chance to break a tackle and get upfield for a chance at the sticks.
  16. Doug Brown and to this point Westerman are kind of exceptions when it comes to guys with significant NFL careers being great CFLers in this era. For the most part the NFL chews guys up and spits them out, by the time a guy is looking north he's basically damaged goods. If I were a CFL GM I wouldn't trade a whole lot for either of our prospects.
  17. That's a huge assumption. Bikukidi has barely played in years and is carrying NFL weight. Look at how Vaughn Martin is doing, a guy who actually played in the NFL, for what can happen.
  18. Davis isn't going anywhere. He's a YAC monster and a guy who can play in traffic. K Adams has done absolutely nothing and looks like he's labouring hard to do anything on the field. He's had as many drops in 2 games as the rest of our receiving crew to go along with his seeming inability to make space for himself.
  19. What's happening to Coombs in Toronto? Falling out of favour? Seems like he was barely involved last night, checked his numbers this morning and he's getting 2 touches a game.
  20. I don't think so. They are all a big problem for defenses, and Denmark and Dressler can play a ton of roles. Smith is a little less savvy at this point in his career. The 4th import would ideally be a bigger guy that teams would have to worry about on the boundary, but Denmark can play there a lot too along with Kohlert. Kris Adams has been pretty disappointing. I don't think he moves well enough at game speed to be much of a player. But he's the kind of body type we're missing. I'd like to see Davis get a chance on the boundary.
  21. McDuffie is going to have to do something on offense to stay on the roster, not this week obviously. Guys like Denmark, Feoli-Gudino, Leggett,and Dressler can handle some returns, more guys can handle kickoffs if needed due to fatigue or injury.
  22. It's a dumb argument. Do the Yankees or Cowboys get to have larger rosters than anyone else?
  23. Gonna be hard to deny. All the Americans need work visas, there's a paper trail.
  24. The biggest punishment could be the alienation of the veteran players not just on the Riders but around the league. Those guys don't want to deal with season-long training camps, they want a chance to win. I guess Jones is confident enough in his ability to build a roster of inexperienced Americans.
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