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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. We'll see he true John Murphy now that he's out from under the control of John Hufnagel. Hufnagel signed off on all new signings so it's unknown how much input Murphy had. Remember when we signed Ted Goveia and he was supposed to be a top talent scout. Well based on our recruiting. It must have been Barker who found the talent and Goveia's job was to seal the deal with a signed contract. I don't wish ill will on John Murphy but lets see how well he does now that he's more involved in the scouting and PP. How do you think Jones is going to work in Saskatchewan? Are you confusing Murphy with someone else? Petrie maybe?
  2. Completely agree. Ottawa feasted on poor competition, which was basically the whole league outside of Alberta and Hamilton. 9 of their wins vs WPG, BC, MTL, SSK. 3-6 vs everyone else, 2 of those wins vs Hamilton without Collaros. 0-3 vs the Argos who had a terrible defense.
  3. Ken Miller. At times he called plays confidently with Buck, for the most part they had to get behind 2-3 TD's to see anything aggressive.
  4. Will be interesting to see if a guy like Murphy can stand being there with all the other cooks in the kitchen or if he chafes. Jones fancies himself a personnel guy too, Hufnagel trusted Murphy and gave him a lot of responsibility. Jones seems to be a bit more of a hands-on control freak (plays a lot better as a coach) than a manager. You also have O'Day with a longer history there, been the guy in charge and involved in decision-making before.
  5. Im guessing the coaches want the multi year deals. It isnt often a coaching spot goes to open market for a team thats in a great situation. Usually those teams have a dickenson in the system or a specific target. Coaches have the worst job security in the world, im ok with them getting a golden parachute. It's not that bad if they get paid the entirety of their contract regardless and can pretty much pack up and leave for another job at anytime.
  6. And yet he had the second highest scoring offence in the CFL while in Saskatchewan .. also helped Durant to a Western all star nod in his rookie year.Not endorsing the hire, just refuting a point. Also had Ken Miller involved in his decision-making, one of the more aggressive offensive coaches of the era. Lapolice is a genius. I don't think his decision-making is ever aggressive enough to make him a great play caller.
  7. Why sign a coach to a multi-year contract now? You want to fire him, you have to pay him. He wants to leave, he's free to with no compensation. Are teams going to start putting buyouts into coaches contracts like NCAA?
  8. They did interview Doug Brown and Chris Walby. I know, but for the most part they are not feeling significant effects. Would be interesting to put together a set of questions and cold call 50 or 100 Bombers from the last couple decades and see how they are doing, both in terms of health, finances and otherwise adjusting to real life.
  9. Maybe they can offer Mike Reilly QB/OC and he can get out of his contract to join the Riders.
  10. Back in 2009, the offense we see now were just getting started. The zone read was something fairly new. It was used in college & people thought it wwould never work in pro football but it was made for the wider field. Now it's just boring football, Seldom do qbs run with the football so linebackers or DE's don't have to worry about that threat anyway. Zone read was not new to the CFL in 2009. You watched Burris and Reynolds do it for years prior to that.
  11. Kind of loses some effect when all the guys really exhibiting symptoms are into their 70s. Dementia at that age is a scourge for all, not just athletes in contact sports. Would be interesting for some reporter here to follow up with guys who played for us in the 90s-2000s.
  12. Does Ottawa have money to go after big free agents? They have some big names of their own on that free agent list and presumably they're going to be getting some raises after this season... Everyone has money to spend. Just have to make corresponding moves. They have guys like Mo Price, Jovon, Shologan, Gott who are getting paid a lot more than they are worth and could easily be moved on from. Shologan and Gott are coming off the best seasons of their career. Why would Ottawa get rid of two starting Canadians, lol, that's a Bomber move. Because they have NI DL who can play coming out the wazoo and Alex Mateas. They don't have any quarterbacks who look like they can play beyond a guy who's on borrowed time. Being complacent with an aging 2nd place team is also a Bomber move. Remember 2008?
  13. Does Ottawa have money to go after big free agents? They have some big names of their own on that free agent list and presumably they're going to be getting some raises after this season... Everyone has money to spend. Just have to make corresponding moves. They have guys like Mo Price, Jovon, Shologan, Gott who are getting paid a lot more than they are worth and could easily be moved on from.
  14. Almost wonder if Rodgers the receiver followed the plan on that play if it would have worked. Looked like he was the guy waiting for the ricochet, then just went for the ball.
  15. Toronto wouldn't be a bad place for Harris to re-sign. Ray's gonna miss half the season anyways. Will be interesting to see if Ottawa stands pat or goes after someone like Harris.
  16. The only "upgrade" that is sure to get permission is assistant to head coach.
  17. Calgary could have cared less though. One assumes Edmonton would care a lot more and go even beyond the CFL to uphold the contract if it came down to that.What are you talking about? If I had a chance to move up to a far better position and my company wouldn't even let me talk to the competitor, what do you think would happen to my job performance? It would tank. And then what would happen when my contract is up? I would leave. And what would happen when the company tried to hire a new coach who is in high demand? Either they wouldn't come or they would make sure it was in their contract that they could leave for a better position. The team isn't in any position of power in this situation and trying to flex your legal muscles on your most valuable employee is never a good idea.Head coach is a pinnacle position. There's no reason why a team shouldn't expect their head coach under contract to be focused on their franchise. This isn't really like two companies competing, more like playing two McDonalds franchises off each other. There should be a level of respect and bottom line decorum. They are the same company. All of the tanking performance stuff reflects far worse on the coach than anyone else. There's a huge difference between assistants moving up and head coaches shopping themselves while under contract. The only guy in CFL history who got away with that was Don Matthews. He also dated his players wives so not exactly a person of character.
  18. Calgary could have cared less though. One assumes Edmonton would care a lot more and go even beyond the CFL to uphold the contract if it came down to that.
  19. He could have a clause in his contract that states if he gets a higher position, i.e. GM, he can break the existing contract and accept the GM position. It wouldn't surprise me if he does have this clause. It would surprise me if a team agreed to that clause for a head coach. They don't want those guys shopping themselves all the time. Assistants for sure.
  20. Pretty crazy. Our 3 QB's in that Grey Cup, Dinwiddie (CFL Co-OC), Kingsbury (Texas Tech Head Coach), Taylor (NFL OC) all high level coaches already.
  21. Edmonton doesn't even have to allow him to talk to the Riders, and why would they?
  22. There's no argument beyond the absurd to justify sports nicknames that characterize a group of people based on their race or ethnicity. If a group of African Americans don't feel that n***** is derogatory and use the word, should a team in Calgary feel free to name themselves the n*****s? Your example for "Eskimos" is just as absurd. The only good thing about the Eskimos is that they've never really used a human mascot for as long as I can remember.
  23. Think of another word that might fit that description and the chances of a team being nicknamed that...
  24. It's as outdated and derogatory as "Indian" in Canada. Only surprise is that this hasn't been an issue in the last 20-30 years. Speaks to how much of an afterthought the Inuit people are more than anything.
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