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Everything posted by Jacquie

  1. A person collecting Provincial EIA is allowed to make a certain amount per month from a job. Anything over that amount is deducted from their EIA payment. And for a lot of people, the extra money from a job is not disposable income. Do you think you could find a safe, maintained place to live, buy groceries and pay for any necessities on $1,000 a month?
  2. That has to be the most offensive thing I have read here ever. Do you have any idea what a person with a disability receives from the government? For a single person, Provincial benefits are under $1,000 per month plus some additional coverage for meds, medical equipment, etc. while Federal CPP Disability is under $800 per month with no additional benefits. Disabled people make up a disproportionate percentage of those living in poverty.
  3. I think his mother was from Canada. I found an obit for Drew's maternal grandmother who died in Guelph.
  4. Despicable Me 3 opens on Friday. I've already got my tickets.
  5. I'll go with Harris. I guess I'm starting with one strike since I forgot to get my pick in last week.
  6. Here's a selling point for you:
  7. Congratulations to Terrence Edwards but no one is prettier than Milt.
  8. He started his new job on June 6. He's in Vegas now.
  9. Unfortunately he pilot was reported to be in serious condition with burns on his back. The story that people parachuted from the blimp turned out to be wrong.
  10. L.A.'s tribute to Adam West:
  11. RIP Don and condolences to his family and friends. There will never be another one like him. Love him or hate him, you couldn't help but respect him.
  12. If you want to read the article about it: https://www.bluebombers.com/2017/06/05/training-camp-day-9-whats-name/
  13. ? ? ? "The President is not a liar" - yeah right. ? ? ?
  14. Lots of people said that about AC before Trestman arrived too. The o-line under Popp was horrible but they completely turned it around in Trestman's first year. I'm not going to write the Argos off until I see them play in the regular season.
  15. I didn't want to start a new thread for this.
  16. It should be noted that 61 cities and 3 states (so far) have said they will stick to the Paris Accord regardless of what Trump has done. There are also a number of business leaders who have said the same thing.
  17. They wouldn't be returned to the US because the US won't take back someone who was there illegally. If a claim is rejected, the person would be sent back to the country he/she originally came from.
  18. Try tweeting Darren Cameron of the Bombers.
  19. The President of Mexico really doesn't like Trump.
  20. More on Moton Hopkins: There was a tweet that said he'll be assisting Leroy Blugh who is the DL coach.
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