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Everything posted by bb.king

  1. Even crazier is Van Halen 1984 came out when I was in high school, and that was only 10 years ago!
  2. Good call - I think Dana Gould is the name I saw attached to post I read.
  3. As another layer to this and something I didn't know, I just read that Eugene Levy said that Joe Flaherty played his character as slightly drunk and never told anyone. He's a just a half step behind everyone, slightly sloppy, and a bit wobbly. No one realised it until later. If you watch it you can see it!
  4. Is anyone watching Three Body Problem? I heard good things about it, so started watching and was hooked immediately. Some fairly heavy sci-fi if you're into that. I've resisted the temptation to read a summary of the book so I don't know what's going to happen, but hopefully there is payoff in the end, unlike X-Files. If there isn't at least it's only 8 episodes instead of five years waiting for something big to happen
  5. I'll play Best sandwich: clubhouse (although Montreal smoked meat is good too) Scariest animal: Deer/Moose, because of the fear of hitting one while driving at 100 km/hr (been there, done that, don’t recommend) Dogs or cats: Dogs, never cats Window or aisle: Window for domestic; aisle for long-haul since I don’t sleep on planes and like to be able to stand up every couple hours to stretch my legs as much as I can. Clear or sparkling: Clear Apples or oranges: Apples Favourite action movie: To pick only one, The Terminator (original) Favourite smell: Campfire Least favourite smell: Cooked rhubarb One song to listen to: Tecumseh Valley – Townes van Zandt. I chose this because it’s the one song I never get tired of playing on guitar.
  6. I’ll go with what I think was the best gift I have ever given, and it also ended up giving back to me. A bit of a backstory first. My mom would tell me that when I was little, I would take my blocks over to where she did her sewing and sit on the floor by her. She said I told her I was building a castle for her and that someday I would buy her a castle (my mom always loved castles). Fast-forward to the mid-90’s and I was in Calgary for a conference just before Mother’s Day. I went into a store (I think it was called History Makers) and was looking around. They had some miniature castles on display, the kind of thing you would put on a display shelf in your living room. My mom had a shelf like that with a glass door because she liked to collect stuff like that. I saw the castles and thought it would make a great Mother’s Day gift because it would be kind of amusing since I could say that I kept my promise. I left the store and started walking down the street and then thought “yes, stupid, that would make a great gift”. Went back and bought Edinburgh Castle and my mom loved it. Fast-forward to 2014 and my mom was dying. I was able to make it back to Winnipeg a few days before she died and see her while she was still conscious and semi-lucid. After she died, we were at my parent’s house and my sister took the castle from the shelf and gave it to me saying “you should have this”. To this day it sits proudly on display in my home. I’ve told my daughter that she’s free to pick it up and look at it, but she won’t touch it because she knows how special it is to me and she’s afraid she’ll break it.
  7. My wife and I love this show and have been waiting for Season 3 to drop. Just starting watching season 3 a couple days ago. It's been fun seeing some of the old SCTV actors working again. Martin Short and Andrea Martin here, Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara in Schitt's Creek.
  8. I remember seeing a lot of great blues acts at the Windsor in the 1980's and 1990's. The Windsor and Times Changes Cafe a block away were the places to go for blues in Winnipeg.
  9. For a light read, I read “Ballad of the Whiskey Robber” a few years ago. Highly recommend and a true story. It was hilarious, full of quirky characters, and gave a nice insight into life in a former eastern bloc country just after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Here’s a description from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Ballad-Whiskey-Robber-Transylvanian-Moonlighting/dp/0316010731
  10. I succumbed this morning. I’m out.
  11. I haven’t had it yet either, although my wife tested positive a couple days ago so it could just be a matter of time.
  12. Former Winnipeger now living in New Zealand. We have a similar problem happening here. It’s local body elections happening right now (mayor, councillors, etc.) and a group of anti-vaxxers, alt-right, “freedom loving”, conspiracy driven idiots have made it their mission to run in the elections with the stated goal of making New Zealand un-governable. They organised convoys and parliament protests after being inspired by what happened in Canada. Fortunately, we’ve had a couple media outlets who have made it their mission to investigate these candidates and expose them for who they really are. We’ll know soon how it turns out. Unfortunately, I imagine at least a few will sneak in and get elected.
  13. Jackie "Ol' Spaghetti Legs/Crazy Legs" Parker
  14. The hero we all need in these times.
  15. At the stadium to see the destruction of Edmonton in the '84 western semi-final.
  16. I was always a fan of Tom Clements, even before he became a Bomber legend. When it was obvious Dieter Brock would never play for the Bombers again, I was really happy when we traded him for Clements.
  17. Some famous movies I have never watched: any of The Godfather movies, E.T., Citizen Kane, Titanic. Some well-known TV series I have never watched even a single episode of: Lost, How I Met Your Mother, Will and Grace, The Sopranos. If I have ever heard a song by the likes of Beyonce/Jay Z/Nickleback/Blink 182 (I chose these as famous acts that I’ve at least heard of) I wouldn’t know it. And I have no idea what the kids listen to these days… I have been to every province from B.C. to Quebec, the Yukon and Northwest Territories, but never the Maritimes. Moved to New Zealand before I made it to the Maritimes; however, my Kiwi wife loves Anne of Green Gables so there is still a chance for PEI! In New Zealand, feijoa is a popular fruit but I’ve never tried one in almost 15 years. Early on someone told me it tastes like the back of a stamp and someone else who tried one for the first time confirmed it.
  18. I still remember the first time I saw the Road Warriors when I was a kid, wrestling as heels. That was when I realised that the heels were way cooler than the faces.
  19. Best: 1984, second game of the season and first home game. They beat the Argos by two points after a disappointing season opening lose to Calgary at a time when the Bombers rarely lost at home. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t that significant of a game, but it was the first Bomber game I ever attended. I was a teenager and my Dad had no interest in going to football or hockey games, so I never went any Bomber or Jets games. But an uncle was going with one of my cousins and had a spare ticket, so he took me. It was a big thrill for me to finally get to attend a live game. 1988 Grey Cup. After the 1987 season where the Bombers were dominant but lost the East final this was an unexpected win as Tom Clements had retired. But somehow, they managed to win it. During the 1983 season when Dieter Brock was traded to Hamilton for Tom Clements. Brock had already said that he wanted out and wasn’t playing. In the pre-internet days, I remember watching TV when a ‘breaking news’ story scrolled across the bottom of the screen. It said something like ‘Winnipeg Blue Bomber quarterback, Dieter Brock, has been traded to Hamilton for…’, and when I saw that I immediately was thinking ‘Tom Clements, Tom Clements’! Worst: 1994 Eastern Final loss to Baltimore. When it finally seemed like it would be third-time’s-the -charm with Dunigan and the Bombers. 2002 Western final loss to Edmonton. After the 2001 Grey Cup loss and then this one, it just seemed like it was destined not to happen with this version of the team, despite everything they had going for them. Not an on-field disappointment, but in the mid-90’s when they dropped the royal blue uniforms and traditional ‘W’ logo for the scheme they wore for the next 20 years. I hated those uniforms and that logo! Bonus positive memory is when they finally switched back a few years ago.
  20. Magnitude 5.8 earthquake in New Zealand about 100 km from the capitol, Wellington. Here is Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in the middle of an interview when the earthquake happened. Similar shaking at our place.
  21. I think I was at that game too. I remember my brother and I going to a game against Calgary around that time where the Bombers were down big late in the game and we left early. Leaving the stadium we heard the crowd cheering and cannon go off. Then soon after, before we got to the car, cheering and the cannon again. So we raced to the car to put on the radio and find out what was going on!
  22. Ex-pat Winnipeger, lived seven years on Vancouver Island, and the last 13 years in New Zealand. Starting tomorrow we are moving to our highest alert level for the whole country which means people instructed to stay home, schools closed, all businesses except essential services (e.g. supermarkets, pharmacies, medical services), and major limits on travel. This is expected to last at least four weeks. I’m a research scientist (non-academic) and we are now all working from home indefinitely, aside from a few exceptions. Our prime minister gave a very encouraging and well-received press conference to the country yesterday outlining what the plan is. Seeing the s***-show that’s going on in certain other countries, it’s really nice being in a country that has a plan, even if it will be a difficult few weeks.
  23. I finally got a chance to see the movie and now scrolling through this thread. I won’t make any comments, but just something that went through my mind at the end. I was a kid when A New Hope came out, so I was part of the generation that grew up with it from the start. Back then I remember Lucas talking about how he had nine movies planned. Then, after ROTJ when Lucas said he was done with it, I always thought “OK, we got three movies out of it”, and didn’t think there would be anymore. Then in the late 90's he announced the prequel trilogy, and after those it seemed like that was it. And now we finally got nine movies. The whole series has its ups and downs, good and bad, would have been nice if it had been planned from start to finish to make it more coherent. But I sat there during the closing credits and thought “wow – I never thought I would actually see nine Star Wars movies". It took 42 years to get there. Regardless of the quality of the whole series, I’m so glad that I got to see the end one way or the other.
  24. I remember the cups in 1984, 1988, 1990, and how the team was always a serious contender in those days. I was at a Grey Cup party in 1990 and only half-paid attention to the game. When they won it was like "cool, they won again", just assuming it would continue to be a regular occurrence. Never thought it would be 29 years until it happened again. Since then I moved to the west coast, and then further west to New Zealand. Still follow the team though and ecstatic they finally won. Congratulations Bombers!!
  25. The 1984 Grey Cup was magical, but I think the most memorable win for me was the 1984 western semi-final. The Bombers lost in Vancouver the week before to finish second to the Lions. I was there for the semi-final and the Bombers slaughtered Edmonton. The last few minutes of the game the crowd was chanting “B.C. sucks” and “we want B.C.”, and even though the Bombers lost the week before it seemed like destiny that they would beat the Lions the next week and go on to the cup. 2001 Grey Cup - the less said, the better.
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