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Everything posted by bb.king

  1. You spend millions of dollars and water down your market on the chance you might need be seats thirty years down the line? Why would the jets need three thousand extra seats? If demand grew even more they'd raise prices. Instead of IGF, they should have built a 65 000 seat domed stadium in case Winnipeg is granted an NFL team. Plan for the future!!
  2. 1. Randy Savage 2. The Undertaker - dead man version, not the biker. Ted Dibiase's million dollar man was also great. 3. Steve Austin 4. Rick Flair 5. Razor's Edge 6. The Road Warriors, pre-WWF/WWE. Once they came to WWF/WWE they seemed to be booked a lot weaker. 7. Randy Savage crushing Ricky Steamboat's larynx with the ring bell. Like most kids I cheered for the good guys, but that was the moment I realised the heel's were cool. Another great moment was Ted Dibiase kicking the basketball away from the little kid just before he bounced it enough times to win $100 (or was it $300). 8. The Rock was probably the best, but it's hard to argue against Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, or even Chris Jericho. 9. Mick Foley using a forklift to pin The Rock 10. And that's the bottom line son, 'cause Stone Cold said so.
  3. In Dave Hodge's latest Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down column on the TSN website he talks about Tampa Bay missing the playoffs two years ago, losing in the first round last year, and going to the final this year. He lists five teams that missed the playoffs last year and lost in the first round this year: Winnipeg, New York Islanders, Ottawa, Nashville, and Vancouver. Of those five he thinks Winnipeg stands the best chance of repeating what Tampa Bay has done. Probably a bit of a stretch, but interesting that someone who has been around the NHL as long as Dave Hodge thinks that Winnipeg could pull off something like that.
  4. I loved the Road Warriors when they first came on the scene. Completely unlike any team that came before them and came across as legitimate ass-kickers. Never got used to calling them the Legion of Doom.
  5. I've lived in New Zealand for the last 8 years and haven't noticed advertising on police cars - I need to look more closely!
  6. Stupid, nit-picky thing that still bugs me about the end of Episode III. When Padme is dying the medical droid says to Obi-Wan and Yoda that they must work quickly to save the babies. Obi-Wan and Yoda are surprised when the droid says "babies". 1. With all their advanced force powers they couldn't sense that Padme was having twins? 2. Even if they couldn't sense it with the force, with all the highly advanced medical technology they have didn't Padme ever have a freakin' prenatal exam??!! My wife and and I would have known months in advance if we were going to have twins with all the scans we had done. And that's with our comparatively stone-age medical technology.
  7. Blues in 6 Hawks in 5 Jets in 6 Flames in 7 Senators in 7 Lightning in 5 Rangers in 5 Capitals in 6 Blues vs Rangers in final, with Blues finally winning.
  8. IIRC Calgary was a bit of a big, nasty team at the time, and the Jets promoted themselves as the good guys with the slogan "good guys wear white". They encouraged everyone to wear white as a response to Flames fans wearing red. Jets fans just did 1000 times better than Flames fans and it became legendary.
  9. I remember going to a couple of the early whiteouts against Calgary in the mid-80's - they were insane! It has to be a whiteout.
  10. Dave Christian was on the 1980 U.S. Olympic team and played several solid seasons for the Jets 1.0 in the 80's. Went on to play for Washington after that. Played more than 1000 games and scored over 700 points. Assuming the David Christian in the lawsuit is the same Dave Christian.
  11. I remember Claude Lemieux as being a real agitator (and a dirty player) who really got under his opponents skin. The kind of player you love if he's on your team, but think he shouldn't be in the league if he's not. I remember when he played for the Avalanche and hit Kris Draper from behind, face-first into the boards causing serious injury. He became public enemy #1 in Detroit. He did have offensive talent though and always came through in the playoffs.
  12. I remember in the late-80's/90's when they had to pretty much force teams to host a Grey Cup. It was seen as a white elephant and everyone had to take a turn.
  13. The linebackers the Bombers had in the late 80's - early 90's were insane! And there were some greats that didn't make the list. Aaron Brown and Delbert Fowler of that era weren't slouches either. Did K.D. Williams play linebacker? It's a tough call - I remember Greg Battle's performance in the 1990 Grey Cup. One interception on the Bomber's goal line and one for a pick-six.
  14. I remember Eugene Goodlow (spelling?) as a standout receiver that Brock threw to in the early 80's. If I remember correctly he broke his neck in a game against Calgary, and it was the last game he played for Winnipeg as he went to the NFL in the off-season.
  15. That year Ottawa, with J.C. Watts, almost beat Edmonton in the Grey Cup. They were leading by 20 points or something like that at half time, but couldn't hold on and Edmonton beat them by a field goal. I remember that game - would have been one of the greatest upsets in sports history.
  16. I think an honorable mention should go to Hajrullahu for having the presence of mind to kick the ball through his own end zone for the safety after the high snap. If he simply falls on it or tries to make a play which would likely fail, then the Ti-Cats get the ball deep in Bomber territory and come away with at least a field goal, if not a touchdown. Giving up only a safety lead to the margin of victory.
  17. I've never understood the philosophy of paying a lot of money for a ticket to a concert or sporting event, and then getting so drunk on overpriced beer that you can't remember the event you bought a ticket for in the first place. At least go to a pub where they won't charge you $30 or $40 (or more) just to walk in the door. You could easily spend $100 or more and have not even have memories to show for it.
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