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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. You see where the confusion lies...
  2. Think of the huge revenue source for the CFL! Officially licensed F Trudeau stickers and flags from the CFL.
  3. Starts with J and rhymes with Justin...
  4. Kolankowski never had a best before date, he's always been what he is. The point is, if they wanted a change at centre eli is right there... but kolankowski on a cheap contract is not the same situation as Dobson expecting to be paid like a top OL. Honestly if Wallace steps up like expected I'd be shocked if he isn't retained at whatever the cost to do it is. You're angry about Dobson, fine but you can't ver pay everyone just because.
  5. I'd they wanted to replace kolankowski they could have done it at any time.
  6. I feel like a lot of this stems from Dobson... walters was pretty clear about that, he flat out said despite Dobson being an Allstars they didn't feel he had that great a season. Sense i get is that the team is way way higher on Wallace. The guy to lament losing is desjarlais when he returned from the NFL. The rest of them it's nothing that can't be handled.
  7. yeah 300 posts is nothing, especially if someone pokes the bear and gets them fired up... Like for example, where do we rank Jake Thomas on the all time blue bombers list? At what point does he go into the team hall of fame? It's just such an inspiration to see guys with a body like that having immeasurable success in a professional league.
  8. yeah this team needs guys who can be at least depth as soon as possible not a far flung futures pick.
  9. He's gonna re-neg on Hamilton any day now...
  10. Alexander was such a key piece for this team's rise. Even when he was clearly past his prime last season it's so hard to say bad things about the guy.
  11. If i recall Elliott didn't like the lapo calls and did his own thing at times
  12. I thought the argo fan meet up was just bluto having alone time
  13. It's a long assed bus ride from winnipeg to washington
  14. **** sakes this place has become a humourless bunch.
  15. What a load of crap... Bomber fans have always been there and comparing to calgary is an awful idea. Calgary is wannabe Toronto. Want to be big time so badly. Winnipeg is not like that.
  16. Hey I don't think I'm a has been yet...
  17. Is this something Adams can do?
  18. Coaches are hired to be fired, just the nature of the business....however now ain't the time to be talking about firing oshea. Nothing is so far gone it can't be corrected.
  19. Pretty good company considering the mess oshea walked into.
  20. Honestly i think the gm has already started addressing things. Oshea still has plenty of rope.
  21. I believe SpeedFlex27 was referring to this past year, but what you're talking about I believe was Jefferson didn't make the play.
  22. As it is, as it was, as it ever shall be. Amen.
  23. Commercials... commercials everywhere!
  24. Those that can do, those that can't teach. Those that can't teach teach gym.
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