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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Smith signed a pledge! Just like Jason Kenney did! They'd never lie about something like that!
  2. Meeting venue has been changed to Fort Hew.
  3. Probably would have had better results doing that.
  4. Answered your own question.
  5. You're safe so long as no one called zero shows up.
  6. Cons truly are the moody teenagers. "Screw you dad! I'm moving out and I never want to see you again! I don't need you!" "Daddddyyyyy!!!!! I need help and money!!!!"
  7. I mean I guess it's possible legs gets seriously hurt and cut as a result.... but not likely. Dude is going to be on the team because contrary to what some people think he doesn't suck.
  8. Trump occasionally tells the truth though... like when he said he loved the poorly educated... or when he said his personality stopped developing at 6 years old.
  9. Sorry but not blaming the kicker in a game where our highest paid qb in the league and run away MOP couldn't get anything going. Kickers miss, it happens. Don't let it come down to that and we needed a hell of a lot more from the offense in that game full stop.
  10. That's what I suspected, and it's a common thing in Alberta. However the NDP platform us really centrist. Like they'd pass for liberals really easily.
  11. Just come out and say you'd cut rose... because other than him it's only Alexander that is not young.
  12. What specifically is it you don't like?
  13. Cause I don't believe him. I believe that he is making that claim as a self defense mechanism after being called out on dubious claims repeatedly and I for one believe these people need to justify their claims.
  14. Ehhh I don't even believe it's trolling. Reads more to me like "it's just a joke bro!" True believers really don't like their world views criticized so the find all sorts of ways to avoid their feefees getting hurt.
  15. Ok so now do Biden... And none of this really makes Trudeau corrupt, just an idiot and poor leader.
  16. How in God's name is Biden corrupt? The gop are so desperate for any dirt on the guy they are trying to make hunter Biden an issue.... for a guy in politics as long as Biden for that to be the only straw they can grasp at he must be pretty ******* clean all things considered.
  17. Yep nothing says fiscal responsibility like throwing a billion (that's billion, with a B ) dollars at a pipeline that was never going to get built. Or giving a massive tax cut to corporations and watching some big ones skip town anyway. Good old fiscally responsible conservatives.
  18. Rachel Notley is a good choice. If theynhad got a 2nd term Alberta would be so much further ahead. Instead we elected regressives and might elect even more regressive this time which will create a hole almost impossible to climb out of.
  19. No follow up questions! Also herp derp Trudeau bad!
  20. Gotta take the polls in Alberta for what they are. There are a HUGE pool of undecided voters on all these polls and those are the people who will determine things. Not sure Danielle Smith has what it takes to not alienate them.
  21. Now remind me.... which two teams was it pushing hardest for an xfl merger....
  22. Honestly if walters can dig up a good special teams guy or two call it a win. That was an aspect of the team I felt needed some help.
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