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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. He is the one that does immediately come to mind... but knowing who the coach is and what type of player bighill is they will keep him until the wheels completely fall off.
  2. Who would you move on from though? I think what happened last season with Harris does show they are willing to do it... but for the most likely candidates to move on from I think they view their other attributes as highly important (thinking guys like Bighill or Jefferson)
  3. he didn't look as good as he once did, big difference and it still makes him one of the better qbs in the league, which is a sad statement in itself. Honestly think he still would have been a better option for the Stamps than Maier but I guess we will see.
  4. He would be alright in a good situation but man you better have a top OL and group of receivers given he can't run. Almost want to see him sign in sask and get killed.
  5. At this point I am not sure if it even is projection... I think they really are lost and just assume that because they are this horrible the other side has to be doing all these same things as well and are just better at hiding it.
  6. Feel like we need this:
  7. America, **** YEAH!
  8. They have no idea how much of an advantage paying so little for a qb was for them. It's like what? 3, 4 other high level guys you couldn't otherwise get
  9. I ask (the public) to think critically Asking too much.
  10. Really he only needs to make more than 80k since the lions hands are tied...
  11. "We like you Cody, but we're holding out for someone else.. but if that doesn't work out we'll take you back" Christ doesn't anyone in that province know when to keep their mouth shut?
  12. With as coy as walters plays it not worried at all about those 3 not being back.
  13. He ain't wrong about the political class (conservatives) not even listening to anything regarding climate change.
  14. Party of fiscal responsibility!
  15. Donors seeing ROI immediately.
  16. If you don't have a functional air force you might as well not have a military at all.
  17. Interesting that the teams that went big on receiving contracts (Lawler, spitty mceyegouge) had poor seasons. Bc being an exception though that was unsustainable given their cheap option at qb.
  18. Nope speedflex has made up his mind. A young qb dared to make some poor throws therefore he sucks.
  19. There is no way Demski doesn't already know his market worth...
  20. Darby might be less likely to move on again too considering how poorly that worked out for him last season.
  21. That's the thing, it's not that I think Streveler is a super polished passer with no room for improvement.... but this idea that he can't make all the throws is just laughable. He's got enough arm to do everything on the field in addition to the ability to just flat out run over a defence too.
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